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Hollis and Sarie's Thread of Randomness - Part 2!


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Well, my house is 1 1/2 from their new job. They will be working at a very large retirement home... the opportunity is wonderful with a lot of benefits, so it isn't all bad. It just the fact that they are moving out that makes me sad. I come home every weekend to be peaceful and to get to be on our farm...but now I won't be doing it anymore.


Oh well, though....I will hopefully get to see my parents more often now. :D

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Aww, bittersweet moments. :tears:


I've moved twice, but never more than a half hour away from where I started out, so it wasn't super serious.


They're looking forward to it though, right?

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I see what you mean....I've lived here my whole life up until my college years and even then, I went home every weekend to see my mom and dad. It's just going to be a little difficult to get used to is all.


As for my parents...well, my mom is excited...but my dad is a little depressed. He's always loved farming and feels like he will be out of his element in doing anything else.

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I didn't know you lived on a farm!


Is it big, or tiny? Do you raise any animals or anything?


Selling the farm basically shattered my mom. It was in the family for 6 generations, and she felt so guilty.

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I live on a farm of sorts.


not with animals, (although we have horses), it's for grain and stuff.





I can't wait to move back to the city. XD


Mormons can eat grain and stuff?


Get the hell out!:shocked:

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We have a pecan farm....my grandfather basically began the pecan business here in the 1940's with my grandma. We have had our business ever since then and my mom and dad endeavored to take it over once my grandfather passed away. My dad has always put his everything into this farm....but the last couple of years were very hard and our crops weren't as good as they used to be.


We used to have chickens and we rent out our land to other farmers and let their cows roam in our pastures. :) I think we have 50,000 acres or something like that. I always wanted a horse, but my grandpa would never get me one! LOL


I have never liked the town I live on...in fact, I hated it for much of my life. Now, though...I love this farm and the memories that I have of it.

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Same with me. I miss the farm, even though the house was haunted and the entire neighborhood knew your business before you did.


Isn't it weird how much some good small things weigh out all the crappy bad things?

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Mormons can eat grain and stuff?


Get the hell out!:shocked:


*smacks you on the back of the head*


yes, fool!


the only thing we're not allowed to do is make conversation with the devil, so i'm technically breaking the rules by talking to you right now.

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Lmao. Well they always thought my family was sort of odd, and I honestly don't know why. I don't know if it's because I dressed differently or what, but as soon as we moved out, an Amish family moved into our old house.:naughty:

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LOL you're just too radical with your make-up and dyed hair, Sarie. ;)


Pssh! Amish buggies go past my house on a daily basis.


ZIPPERS are radical.

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Amish people are okay. I think the only thing is that people assume they're saints, just because they appear really devout. Lots of people around here have been cheated by them, though. So... they're just like everybody else.


One day I heard a knock on the door at my old house, and I thought it was on the tv, so I ignored it. Then I heard it again, so I muted it, and waited a minute. Then I didn't hear it again, so I went into the dining room that connected to the stairs, and was going to go take a bath when I saw this Amish guy with a huge beard peering through the window.


Scared the HELL out of me! I ran upstairs and screamed "DAD, THERE'S AN AMISH GUY WATCHING ME!" He sort of woke up a little bit and goes "...WHAT?" and ran downstairs.:naughty: It's kind of funny now, but it was so random at the time.

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LOL Oh my....Amish or not, seeing a creepy man peering in through the windows is scary!


One time I was going up to our shop to give my mom something and there were a bunch of Amish men and boys there buying stuff. I had decided to not change into "outdoor" clothing since I was just going to the shop and I thought no one would be there. I was wearing a tank top and shorty shorts that said MIZZOU on the butt. The young boys glared at me when I walked by...and when I say "glared," what I really mean is they didn't stop looking the entire time. I was so embarassed....I felt like I was going to give them bad thoughts or something with my skimpiness. :-S

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It's so hard, though. You've heard of the band Pixies right? Well I was wearing one of their shirts once when I was going to show the house to some Amish people. But I didn't KNOW they were Amish, or else I would have dressed more appropriately. I just figured all I basically had to do with unlock the door for the realtor and go home. But anyway, I was wearing this shirt:




And I caught hell for it when I got home that night.:naughty: My mom's like "OF ALL THE CLOTHES YOU BUY, YOU DON'T HAVE SOMETHING MORE APPROPRIATE?!"

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