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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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David and I stopped dancing and ran over to the big commotion. He looked at me as if to say 'what the hell?' and i shrugged my shoulders. I bent over to see JJL when I heard Nico's screech.

'Oh my god, she liked peed everywhere! ewww!' screamed Mika in a girly voice. I patted him on the back and made the infamous 'awkward face' then put my arm around nico.

'Uh..Uh...I'm going to get the limo driver to..drive us..to..uhm..hospital.' I said struggling to lift her.

'I think it's better we walk.' I said giving up and walking out.

'I'm...coming.' said Finn glaring at David and grabbing his coat.

' Well, if he's going, I am too!' said David to Sara.

Sara blinked and followed behind us, leaving the drama in their hands.

' As am I!' Mika said, almost gagging at the baby juice on the ground.

Jesse bit Artsy's restraining hand.

'Bitch!' muttered artsy.

JJL walked over to Reece her face covered in blood.

'How...how...c-c-could yoooou?' she said spitting in his face.

she stormed off to the bathroom.

reece looked at the ground a bit confused.

' The sad thing is, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever known. And...I feel nothing right now.'

Alek grunted at him.

' Oh don't look at me like that.' said Reece rolling his eyes.


We finally arrived at the hospital and schucked Nico into a wheel chair.

' she's all..ew.' said Mika looking away.

David whispered something in Mika's ear and he ran off to throw up. He looked back to me to see if I was impressed. But I just giggled and looked back to Nico as we wheeled her to the front desk.

'Uhm, yes, she's..pregnant..right word, M?' asked sara .I nodded.

'avec.. bebe.' she repeated.


I rolled my eyes.

' What do we do with preggo?' I said shifting my eyes to Nico.

The nurses nodded her head.

'Name, date of birth, place of residence-'

'Her water is broken!' I said getting annoyed.

'Eeeh!Oooh!Eeeh!Oooh!' Finn was making pregnant people breathing techniques I couldn't help but giggle and David shot him a look.

' Come with.' said the nurse wheeling Nico into her room.

We followed.


I wiped the blood from my face, and the tears and wondered, aloud "What the hell was I thinking, falling for a man that hits girls!" Once the blood was gone from my face, I checked my clothes and anywhere else for the blood and didn't find any, I looked up at my face and saw that the tears had stopped gladly. I kicked off my heels, they were killing me. And took down my hair. I felt better. I walked out of the bathroom as confident as I could, and went up to Reece and said in my calmest, most diplomic voice "I want you out of my life, I want to never see you again. We will not go to the place we have stayed for the past few weeks, we have found elsewhere. Now your girlfriend over there" I pointed to Jess "She's in with the Prime Minister, so is Andy, so you can go and suck up to them" I turned towards Jess being held hotage by Artsy "Your daughter been left with a baby sitter, you will pay for him, everyone else has left, all of us will be gone as soon has Nico has had the baby. I don't care what you tell your boss, you don't know nothing about us" I finished up and walked away, Phunks had just finished her own little convsation with Andy. I walked over to a big notepad with paper and wrote a small something on it. I folded it in half and wrote on the front "TO MR PM" I turned to see Jess, Reece and Andy all tied up together, and I walked over and put the message in Reece's lap. "Take good care of that" I whispered to him and we all left the hall. We reached the pathway and hailed a taxi.


Once we reached the hospital we ran from the elevator, and directally into Glow and the children. Kairi was poking an unconsious Mika.

"He went into the operating room didn't he?" I asked Glow

"Of course he did"

"Any news on how she is?"

"Not unless you count 'a head, a head... blood' in a girly faint voice" Sara said comming up behind us

"So you didn't go in. Who did?" I asked

"Finn of course, he was taken as the father, when he was doing the deep breathing thing with her"

"Then how the hell did he get in?" I asked pointing to Mika

"How should I know?" Various people said all at once

"Great" I muttered, and got a coffee and sat down with the latest gossip magazine. Of course one of us were on the cover. Wait I thought, That's me... holding hands with... I wasn't sure, their head was facing the otherway and it was all blury. The headline screamed at me "The new PPR finding new love!" I flicked to the article, curious to know when this picture had been taken and who by. The magazine was this months issue... the photographer was unnamed, a personal donation, but there was alot of pictures with this mystery person, and I knew that this person wasn't Reece. It seemed I had a stalker. I would have to hack this computer site later on tonight to have a look, and check for names... or well anything. Just then the nurse came in, saying we could all go in and see Nico and the baby. We went in to see a proud Nico nursing a little baby in blue blankets.

"It's a boy. His name is Jacob" she said beaming...

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I wiped the blood from my face, and the tears and wondered, aloud "What the hell was I thinking, falling for a man that hits girls!" Once the blood was gone from my face, I checked my clothes and anywhere else for the blood and didn't find any, I looked up at my face and saw that the tears had stopped gladly. I kicked off my heels, they were killing me. And took down my hair. I felt better. I walked out of the bathroom as confident as I could, and went up to Reece and said in my calmest, most diplomic voice "I want you out of my life, I want to never see you again. We will not go to the place we have stayed for the past few weeks, we have found elsewhere. Now your girlfriend over there" I pointed to Jess "She's in with the Prime Minister, so is Andy, so you can go and suck up to them" I turned towards Jess being held hotage by Artsy "Your daughter been left with a baby sitter, you will pay for him, everyone else has left, all of us will be gone as soon has Nico has had the baby. I don't care what you tell your boss, you don't know nothing about us" I finished up and walked away, Phunks had just finished her own little convsation with Andy. I walked over to a big notepad with paper and wrote a small something on it. I folded it in half and wrote on the front "TO MR PM" I turned to see Jess, Reece and Andy all tied up together, and I walked over and put the message in Reece's lap. "Take good care of that" I whispered to him and we all left the hall. We reached the pathway and hailed a taxi.


Once we reached the hospital we ran from the elevator, and directally into Glow and the children. Kairi was poking an unconsious Mika.

"He went into the operating room didn't he?" I asked Glow

"Of course he did"

"Any news on how she is?"

"Not unless you count 'a head, a head... blood' in a girly faint voice" Sara said comming up behind us

"So you didn't go in. Who did?" I asked

"Finn of course, he was taken as the father, when he was doing the deep breathing thing with her"

"Then how the hell did he get in?" I asked pointing to Mika

"How should I know?" Various people said all at once

"Great" I muttered, and got a coffee and sat down with the latest gossip magazine. Of course one of us were on the cover. Wait I thought, That's me... holding hands with... I wasn't sure, their head was facing the otherway and it was all blury. The headline screamed at me "The new PPR finding new love!" I flicked to the article, curious to know when this picture had been taken and who by. The magazine was this months issue... the photographer was unnamed, a personal donation, but there was alot of pictures with this mystery person, and I knew that this person wasn't Reece. It seemed I had a stalker. I would have to hack this computer site later on tonight to have a look, and check for names... or well anything. Just then the nurse came in, saying we could all go in and see Nico and the baby. We went in to see a proud Nico nursing a little baby in blue blankets.

"It's a boy. His name is Jacob" she said beaming...


As everyone (excluding Mika, who was asleep in the waiting room) cooed over gorgeous little Jakob, they couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Especially Kelzy and JJL, who could feel her bond with the baby.

"I can't see her handing him over." Kelzy whispered to JJL. JJL shook her head.

"It would kill her inside. She adores him."

"She knows about Andrew though, I can see her fighting the thoughts off." The both stared at the pround mother, who's smile seemed to get wider everytime someone said something along the lines of 'he's got your eyes' or 'you can tell he'll be a charmer'. Artsy and Calvin were particualarly closer, especially after Calvin had come over and hugged her after her experience.

"I think Nico could do with some bonding time, and a bit of a rest." The nurse told everyone in the room. "Anyway, I think another of your group has arrived. He's talking to that friendof yours who's still drunk. He's thrown up all over the waiting room." She didn't look pleased, so, curious as to who was in the waiting room with Mika, they all headed to join him.

"Mika!" ER, the first person there, cried.

"I think I'd better go. See ya!" The man said quickly, shoving his notepad in his bag and running off.

"A journalist?! Of all people Mika, of all people!" Kelzy said angrily.

"He seemed like a very nice man, and he was very interested in Nico, so I told him. Afterall, he did get me some water after I threw up everywhere. The nurse told me that it was a boy named, er, Jack."

"Jakob. His name is Jakob." Becky sighed, realising this would not be good.

"Who was he a journalist for?" Lolly asked desparately, hoping it was just a crappy little newspaper.

"Um, I don't know, a red-top one I think." Mika said, staring at the ground.

"Oh my god Red Top ones are printed wprldwide! Oh Mika you idiot!" M hit his head.

"Ow!" He said, rubbing his head. However, he said no more. He knew that he'd regret it once he'd sobered up. M was right.


The next morning, after they'd all slept in the waiting room, they came into Nico's room to see her on the phone, tears in her eyes.

"B-but Andrew!" She was trying to shout. "I don't care, you can't have him!" As she shut the phone, she picked up a sleeing Jakob and held him close, crying.

"I won't ever let them get you sweetie, I promise." She whispered, as a tear fell onto his little pink cheek.

"They won't get him. We'll fight with you, Nick." Becky smiled. "Me and Glow know the bond you get to your own child and JJL will do soon too, and we know it is impossible to let them go. And you will not, not while you're with us."

"Did... Did you hear me on the phone?" Nico sniffed, while smiling in return.

"We heard the tail end of it." Lolly told her. "Now, I think we need to get out of this hospital, and country, before anyone finds us. Thanks to stupid over there," Lolly shot a hungover Mika a look, "everyone knows where we are."

"It was him?" Nico said, appalled.

"Yes, smartass over there told a journalist, last night, all about your new arrival." ER explained.

"According to Andrew, he gave an interview on how we've had fun running from the government. He said he'll use it against me in a custody battle if he has to." Nico told them tearfully.

"I get it! It's my fault! I'm sorry! I am sorry! Jeeesus!" Mika said, annoyed at how they all blamed him. It can't have totally been his fault, could it?

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David and I stopped dancing and ran over to the big commotion. He looked at me as if to say 'what the hell?' and i shrugged my shoulders. I bent over to see JJL when I heard Nico's screech.

'Oh my god, she liked peed everywhere! ewww!' screamed Mika in a girly voice. I patted him on the back and made the infamous 'awkward face' then put my arm around nico.

'Uh..Uh...I'm going to get the limo driver to..drive us..to..uhm..hospital.' I said struggling to lift her.

'I think it's better we walk.' I said giving up and walking out.

'I'm...coming.' said Finn glaring at David and grabbing his coat.

' Well, if he's going, I am too!' said David to Sara.

Sara blinked and followed behind us, leaving the drama in their hands.

' As am I!' Mika said, almost gagging at the baby juice on the ground.

Jesse bit Artsy's restraining hand.

'Bitch!' muttered artsy.

JJL walked over to Reece her face covered in blood.

'How...how...c-c-could yoooou?' she said spitting in his face.

she stormed off to the bathroom.

reece looked at the ground a bit confused.

' The sad thing is, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever known. And...I feel nothing right now.'

Alek grunted at him.

' Oh don't look at me like that.' said Reece rolling his eyes.


We finally arrived at the hospital and schucked Nico into a wheel chair.

' she's all..ew.' said Mika looking away.

David whispered something in Mika's ear and he ran off to throw up. He looked back to me to see if I was impressed. But I just giggled and looked back to Nico as we wheeled her to the front desk.

'Uhm, yes, she's..pregnant..right word, M?' asked sara .I nodded.

'avec.. bebe.' she repeated.

'pregnant!'I rolled my eyes.

' What do we do with preggo?' I said shifting my eyes to Nico.

The nurses nodded her head.

'Name, date of birth, place of residence-'

'Her water is broken!' I said getting annoyed.

'Eeeh!Oooh!Eeeh!Oooh!' Finn was making pregnant people breathing techniques I couldn't help but giggle and David shot him a look.

' Come with.' said the nurse wheeling Nico into her room.

We followed.




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As everyone (excluding Mika, who was asleep in the waiting room) cooed over gorgeous little Jakob, they couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Especially Kelzy and JJL, who could feel her bond with the baby.

"I can't see her handing him over." Kelzy whispered to JJL. JJL shook her head.

"It would kill her inside. She adores him."

"She knows about Andrew though, I can see her fighting the thoughts off." The both stared at the pround mother, who's smile seemed to get wider everytime someone said something along the lines of 'he's got your eyes' or 'you can tell he'll be a charmer'. Artsy and Calvin were particualarly closer, especially after Calvin had come over and hugged her after her experience.

"I think Nico could do with some bonding time, and a bit of a rest." The nurse told everyone in the room. "Anyway, I think another of your group has arrived. He's talking to that friendof yours who's still drunk. He's thrown up all over the waiting room." She didn't look pleased, so, curious as to who was in the waiting room with Mika, they all headed to join him.

"Mika!" ER, the first person there, cried.

"I think I'd better go. See ya!" The man said quickly, shoving his notepad in his bag and running off.

"A journalist?! Of all people Mika, of all people!" Kelzy said angrily.

"He seemed like a very nice man, and he was very interested in Nico, so I told him. Afterall, he did get me some water after I threw up everywhere. The nurse told me that it was a boy named, er, Jack."

"Jakob. His name is Jakob." Becky sighed, realising this would not be good.

"Who was he a journalist for?" Lolly asked desparately, hoping it was just a crappy little newspaper.

"Um, I don't know, a red-top one I think." Mika said, staring at the ground.

"Oh my god Red Top ones are printed wprldwide! Oh Mika you idiot!" M hit his head.

"Ow!" He said, rubbing his head. However, he said no more. He knew that he'd regret it once he'd sobered up. M was right.


The next morning, after they'd all slept in the waiting room, they came into Nico's room to see her on the phone, tears in her eyes.

"B-but Andrew!" She was trying to shout. "I don't care, you can't have him!" As she shut the phone, she picked up a sleeing Jakob and held him close, crying.

"I won't ever let them get you sweetie, I promise." She whispered, as a tear fell onto his little pink cheek.

"They won't get him. We'll fight with you, Nick." Becky smiled. "Me and Glow know the bond you get to your own child and JJL will do soon too, and we know it is impossible to let them go. And you will not, not while you're with us."

"Did... Did you hear me on the phone?" Nico sniffed, while smiling in return.

"We heard the tail end of it." Lolly told her. "Now, I think we need to get out of this hospital, and country, before anyone finds us. Thanks to stupid over there," Lolly shot a hungover Mika a look, "everyone knows where we are."

"It was him?" Nico said, appalled.

"Yes, smartass over there told a journalist, last night, all about your new arrival." ER explained.

"According to Andrew, he gave an interview on how we've had fun running from the government. He said he'll use it against me in a custody battle if he has to." Nico told them tearfully.

"I get it! It's my fault! I'm sorry! I am sorry! Jeeesus!" Mika said, annoyed at how they all blamed him. It can't have totally been his fault, could it?

calvin picked up his cell and dialed.

I rested a hand on his shoulder, 'whatcha doing hun?'

I heard david and finn squeak. This was amusing.

'Wait.' Calvin held up a finger then began rambling russian terms off

'Thaaanks.' he hung up the phone

'Taken care of.' he added a smile then walked to the cafeteria.

We all simutaneously shared a look and artsy and mika stalked him into the cafeteria.

I clunked into a chair.

'what does he mean 'taken care of?'

' He knows russian:das:?' asked rosie then ran down the hall after him.

Niko ran after her (or is it alek? I FORGETEEE)

Kelz plunked on my lap.

' Where are we going to go?'

Glow's eyes lit up.


I squinched my face.


my eyes were blinded by a paparazzi's camera.

When I got my eyesight back I noticed dozens of pap's taking photos of kelz and I.

The PPRs ran off into the cafe to get the others and we all headed outside and haled our old limo.

'Ow.' I said rubbing my eyes and resting my head on Rosie.

' Where too, girl?' the driver asked Sara.

She looked at us confused.


I rolled my eyes.

'Uh huh.'

Finn eyed me. 'Romantic :das:'

David narrowed his eyes.

'Peru? Romantic?' asked Phunky who was in fetal postion.

'Oh yes...the hotels are lovely I hear...and llamas are quite...llamaly :das:' Finn wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

'Yes, M I was meaning to ask you- will you share a room with me?' asked david.

I opened my mouth.

'She's my wife!' stated finn disturbedly.

'Well, I would've never known from the way she likes me so much.' David said grinning.

'She shows her love for me more clearly!' finn said dismiively.

I looked out the window.

'We'll all share a room then.'

Mika wiggled his eyebrows and I waved him off.

'I can't really drive you to peru...' said the driver.

'Christ, take us to the airport dear man!' said JJL irritably.

The man took a right and Kelzy turned to calvin.

'Who did you call ?'

ER piped up.


Calvin was bombarded with questions. This was going to be a lon car ride.

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calvin picked up his cell and dialed.

I rested a hand on his shoulder, 'whatcha doing hun?'

I heard david and finn squeak. This was amusing.

'Wait.' Calvin held up a finger then began rambling russian terms off

'Thaaanks.' he hung up the phone

'Taken care of.' he added a smile then walked to the cafeteria.

We all simutaneously shared a look and artsy and mika stalked him into the cafeteria.

I clunked into a chair.

'what does he mean 'taken care of?'

' He knows russian:das:?' asked rosie then ran down the hall after him.

Niko ran after her (or is it alek? I FORGETEEE)

Kelz plunked on my lap.

' Where are we going to go?'

Glow's eyes lit up.


I squinched my face.


my eyes were blinded by a paparazzi's camera.

When I got my eyesight back I noticed dozens of pap's taking photos of kelz and I.

The PPRs ran off into the cafe to get the others and we all headed outside and haled our old limo.

'Ow.' I said rubbing my eyes and resting my head on Rosie.

' Where too, girl?' the driver asked Sara.

She looked at us confused.


I rolled my eyes.

'Uh huh.'

Finn eyed me. 'Romantic :das:'

David narrowed his eyes.

'Peru? Romantic?' asked Phunky who was in fetal postion.

'Oh yes...the hotels are lovely I hear...and llamas are quite...llamaly :das:' Finn wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

'Yes, M I was meaning to ask you- will you share a room with me?' asked david.

I opened my mouth.

'She's my wife!' stated finn disturbedly.

'Well, I would've never known from the way she likes me so much.' David said grinning.

'She shows her love for me more clearly!' finn said dismiively.

I looked out the window.

'We'll all share a room then.'

Mika wiggled his eyebrows and I waved him off.

'I can't really drive you to peru...' said the driver.

'Christ, take us to the airport dear man!' said JJL irritably.

The man took a right and Kelzy turned to calvin.

'Who did you call ?'

ER piped up.


Calvin was bombarded with questions. This was going to be a lon car ride.


"Look," He told them sternly, "We shouldn't have troube with Andrew again, okay? Ask no questions, I tell you no lies." This, of course, was not satisfactory, and people continued to ask questions, but he blatently ignored them.

As they reached the airport, they realised that it wouldn't be long before the paps caught up with them.

"Stupid question..." ER mumbled, "but how are we going to get out o the country if we are wanted criminals?"

"Everyone has a price, my darling." Calvin said cunningly. "Artsy, join me and we'll get tickets. You lot get food and coffee. We should be on a flight within 2 hours."

Everyone was rather surprised by Calvin's sudden optimism. However, they decided now wasn't the time to question him; there would be more than enough time in Peru.


As Calvin promised, when he met them ten minutes later, he had all the tickets.

"He charmed the woman behind the desk and paid her double. She then said she'd sort it out with the staff on board as to put us in a private area and not pester us. He claims it was his charm, hence the reason he looks so pleased with himself." Artsy told them, rolling her eyes.

"We're on the next flight, we have to check in within the next 5 minutes." Calvin told them. "Chop chop!"


They checked in just in time, and were told they had to wait one hour for the flight.

"An hour?" Kelzy said, fretting. "The paps will be here any minute though!"

"This place is huge; just aviod anyone who looks like a journo." Calvin said brightly. "Let's go and wander around the shops..."

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"Look," He told them sternly, "We shouldn't have troube with Andrew again, okay? Ask no questions, I tell you no lies." This, of course, was not satisfactory, and people continued to ask questions, but he blatently ignored them.

As they reached the airport, they realised that it wouldn't be long before the paps caught up with them.

"Stupid question..." ER mumbled, "but how are we going to get out o the country if we are wanted criminals?"

"Everyone has a price, my darling." Calvin said cunningly. "Artsy, join me and we'll get tickets. You lot get food and coffee. We should be on a flight within 2 hours."

Everyone was rather surprised by Calvin's sudden optimism. However, they decided now wasn't the time to question him; there would be more than enough time in Peru.


As Calvin promised, when he met them ten minutes later, he had all the tickets.

"He charmed the woman behind the desk and paid her double. She then said she'd sort it out with the staff on board as to put us in a private area and not pester us. He claims it was his charm, hence the reason he looks so pleased with himself." Artsy told them, rolling her eyes.

"We're on the next flight, we have to check in within the next 5 minutes." Calvin told them. "Chop chop!"


They checked in just in time, and were told they had to wait one hour for the flight.

"An hour?" Kelzy said, fretting. "The paps will be here any minute though!"

"This place is huge; just aviod anyone who looks like a journo." Calvin said brightly. "Let's go and wander around the shops..."

I went into cinnabun and as i sat down at a table i noticed the gentlemen at a fast pace come up to me.Finn beat david to him with a 'we need to talk' he grabbed my arm and lead me to the woman's bathroom.

'PERVERT!' screamed a woman before running out.

We made digressing faces.

'M, what's going on with you and david?'

I gave him a stern face.

'what's going on with YOU and david?' he tugged at my shorts. And we shared a laugh.

'Do you still love me baby?' he asked with puppy dog eyes.

I made a face as if to say no kiddingly ' of course finny.' I said smiling.

'Do we HAVE to share rooms with that jackass?'

'I could share a bed with him, if you prefer.' I said kiddingly again and ran out of the bathroom with him chasing me. 5 more women screamed.

David ran up to me with coffee.

'Let's go see the gift shop.' He said linking arms with me and walking off.

Finn shook his head and made a sympathetic face as if to say he knew I loved him more than david and wandered off to find the gang.

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I went into cinnabun and as i sat down at a table i noticed the gentlemen at a fast pace come up to me.Finn beat david to him with a 'we need to talk' he grabbed my arm and lead me to the woman's bathroom.

'PERVERT!' screamed a woman before running out.

We made digressing faces.

'M, what's going on with you and david?'

I gave him a stern face.

'what's going on with YOU and david?' he tugged at my shorts. And we shared a laugh.

'Do you still love me baby?' he asked with puppy dog eyes.

I made a face as if to say no kiddingly ' of course finny.' I said smiling.

'Do we HAVE to share rooms with that jackass?'

'I could share a bed with him, if you prefer.' I said kiddingly again and ran out of the bathroom with him chasing me. 5 more women screamed.

David ran up to me with coffee.

'Let's go see the gift shop.' He said linking arms with me and walking off.

Finn shook his head and made a sympathetic face as if to say he knew I loved him more than david and wandered off to find the gang.


"Flight to Peru boarding." A voice came over the waiting room. The PPRs were now dressed tourist style, with sunnies and ugly t-shirts, 'to slightly disguise themselves'.

"'Bout time." Cosmo said, glad not to have to tell Kairi another one of their adventures, kiddiefied.

The separate room they had been given was rather cramped.

"There are... Lots of us, you know!" Kelzy said to the air hostess, after seeing the size of there little room.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but theres no other place to put you. Either take it or leave it." She sighed heavily. She realised it was a mistake to speak to the air hostess. The seats had gone. JJL had glared her way into one, Mika had originally had one, but gave it up for Nico and Jakob, Clavin had gotten one and, much to Artsy's dismay, refused to give it up. Sara was sitting on Micheal's lap and David had the last one. M was um-ing and ah-ing over whether or not to sit on his lap 'for the sake of a seat', however, Finn had a firm hold on her hand, and was trying to get her to sit on the floor with him.

Everyone else had accomodated themselves a little space (very little, mind you) on the floor someone, and found something to do.

The flight was slightly relaxing, if not boring.

"Jeez. I can't believe we've only been on here 2 hours. It feels like 2 days." Mika complained. "I wish we still had our private jet."

"Yeah, that wouldn't have cost us a fortune in petrol." Luke butted in, rolling his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, since Phunky had taken him back with open arm, they had regained their sparkle.

"We're taking things slowly." Phunky had told them. "I'm still a bit... Shaken after Andy." Of course, they were as loved up as ever. The group had made jokes between each other about how long it would last this time, yet it was nice to have them back together again.

Of course, it wasn't long before they hit the first snag...

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"Flight to Peru boarding." A voice came over the waiting room. The PPRs were now dressed tourist style, with sunnies and ugly t-shirts, 'to slightly disguise themselves'.

"'Bout time." Cosmo said, glad not to have to tell Kairi another one of their adventures, kiddiefied.

The separate room they had been given was rather cramped.

"There are... Lots of us, you know!" Kelzy said to the air hostess, after seeing the size of there little room.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but theres no other place to put you. Either take it or leave it." She sighed heavily. She realised it was a mistake to speak to the air hostess. The seats had gone. JJL had glared her way into one, Mika had originally had one, but gave it up for Nico and Jakob, Clavin had gotten one and, much to Artsy's dismay, refused to give it up. Sara was sitting on Micheal's lap and David had the last one. M was um-ing and ah-ing over whether or not to sit on his lap 'for the sake of a seat', however, Finn had a firm hold on her hand, and was trying to get her to sit on the floor with him.

Everyone else had accomodated themselves a little space (very little, mind you) on the floor someone, and found something to do.

The flight was slightly relaxing, if not boring.

"Jeez. I can't believe we've only been on here 2 hours. It feels like 2 days." Mika complained. "I wish we still had our private jet."

"Yeah, that wouldn't have cost us a fortune in petrol." Luke butted in, rolling his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, since Phunky had taken him back with open arm, they had regained their sparkle.

"We're taking things slowly." Phunky had told them. "I'm still a bit... Shaken after Andy." Of course, they were as loved up as ever. The group had made jokes between each other about how long it would last this time, yet it was nice to have them back together again.

Of course, it wasn't long before they hit the first snag...

'...you think becky has nicer legs than me?' snapped phunky.

Becky's face went beat red.

'not just becky..' said Luke idiotly thinking he could fix things.


Phunky's face went red with anger.

'But you have a niver bum then M!' said Luke trying hard.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

'I think M has a nice bum!' stated David quietly.

Everyone turned to look at him.

Phunky's attention went back to Luke.

'If you think all of these PPRs are so much more better looking than me...well, it won't be that hard to find someone hotter than you! Infact it might be hard NOT to find someone hotter thany you!' she said standing up and leaving our little compartnemt and into first class.

Everyone's eyes widened and then the flash photography started.

'It's phunky!!!!!!!!!!!' they all screamed.

Her face made a horrible formation and she ran back to where we sat in awkward silence.

'Oh my god.' she repeated over and over.


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'...you think becky has nicer legs than me?' snapped phunky.

Becky's face went beat red.

'not just becky..' said Luke idiotly thinking he could fix things.


Phunky's face went red with anger.

'But you have a niver bum then M!' said Luke trying hard.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

'I think M has a nice bum!' stated David quietly.

Everyone turned to look at him.

Phunky's attention went back to Luke.

'If you think all of these PPRs are so much more better looking than me...well, it won't be that hard to find someone hotter than you! Infact it might be hard NOT to find someone hotter thany you!' she said standing up and leaving our little compartnemt and into first class.

Everyone's eyes widened and then the flash photography started.

'It's phunky!!!!!!!!!!!' they all screamed.

Her face made a horrible formation and she ran back to where we sat in awkward silence.

'Oh my god.' she repeated over and over.



Phunky kept on repeating "Oh my god" it a slightly panicked voice. Until I spoke up and said

"I think somebody should slap her, she's having a panic attack"

"Why don't you do it?" asked somebody, M I think

"Have you not noticed I'm not the happiest person at moment, I don't want to hurt her" I said and sighed, I was under alot of emotional pressure, and I haven't had the chance to just sit and cry and break things, I wasn't sure if I would get to, I had no idea who I was going to live with now, ER and Alek, were getting close, and I didn't want to be around for when that finally happened, everyone else was pretty much paired up, Kelz was staying with Nico and Jakob, besides I wanted the sleep when I could still have it, knowing my luck the twins would have totally different sleeping patterns from eachother. I guess I could see whose by themselves. A loud crack was heard and I jumped out of my musing, I looked up to see that it had been Becky that had slapped Phunks, needless to say Phunky looked kinda dazed, the slap must have had alot of force behind it, I wondered what had happened while I was off in my own little world, I didn't worry about it, and I pulled out my laptop remembering the article in the magizine about me and "My secret lover", besides I wanted to see the article on Nico, I quickly got on the red top magizine, and saw the products of a drunk Mika, man if Nico saw some of this, she'd kill him. I quickly got out of it, and then went to the website of the magizine that had published that article on me, and I hacked in. It only took a couple passwords, and I found the photographer, His name was Thom Stumps... and I knew him...

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