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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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:shocked: Rosie....crazy/funny/creepy.


I like it.:biggrin2:


I'll try to think of something to follow it up with while I go to the store and get some nourishment for the rest of tonight. I'm pulling an old-fashioned all-nighter. Join me?


:wub2: Yes! I even have marmalade for potential late-night tea/toast necessities; I'm all set. :biggrin2:

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It's ok, you just revealed your true feelings for me...oh, and you told me where you buried the body.


Expect police at your door.:thumb_yello:


I would like it if Mika sang it because Mika doesn't sound like his testicles haven't dropped yet.:mf_rosetinted:



I don't think they would like it if Mika sang it - it's rather cheesy for Mika.


And brilliant post!! :original:

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It was quiet here, in the darkness. Silent, in fact. It was nice just to float. It felt for some reason that I hadn't stopped to rest in a long time, but I didn't know why. I didn't care. I was content just to float in the blackness.

But all of a sudden, it wasn't just blackness anymore. There was noise. Faint, at first, but growing quickly--until it became a painful screeching roar that filled my head and threatened to make it explode. With a jarring shudder, I opened my eyes.


Artsy giggled. 'It's me, Pretty Kevin. Your one and only. Unless you've forgotten what happened last night already?'

M stared at her.

'Why are you looking at me like that, Kev? It wasn't that bad, was it?' Said Artsy, pouting.

'Arts...I'm not Kevin. It's me, M. Remember?'

But it was no use. Artsy kept on giggling and making coy remarks as if it were her late lover brought back from the dead lying on the surgical table beside her.

She turned her head away from M, in the direction of a movement on the other side of the room. M couldn't help but to cry out in horror at the ghastly, badly-sewn-up incision on the back of her friend's skull.


'You did what?!'

'I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me, I...I didn't--'

'What if you got her pregnant? You fool! You stupid, ignorant fool! You were taught to control your sexual urges an age ago, and look what happens the second you see a woman!

'Please, sir, I--'

'Were it any other situation, I would not be so irate. But as it is, you have put this entire sect in extreme danger. All your training has been leading up to the day when we have them in our grasp. Are you even aware of the possible consequences of her bearing your child?'

'Yes, sir, but I--'

'Then why? Why? We cannot perform the experiment on her now. You know this. Now we shall have to keep her in our grasp either until we find out she is not pregnant, or until she bears the child. Time is of the essence. It will take at least a week until we find out, and we do not have a week. We have three days. You imbecile!'

'I'm sorry, sir! I swear, it will never happen again!'

The young man recoiled under the stone hard stare that fell upon him.

'No, it will not.' Said the icy voice. 'It will not happen again, because you will be joining them.'

His jaw dropped in horror. 'No. No. Please, no!' He clutched onto the older man's sleeve, falling to his knees to beg. 'Spare me! I will be your slave! Please, anything else!'

With a contemptuous flick of his wrist, the older man shook the young one off. 'My decision is made. Get out.'


I saw Becky clawing at her arm on a table on my other side and wondered if maybe she was trying to get a bug off of her. I was about to ask her about it when I remembered Kev and turned back to him. Kevin looked at me like I was nuts. I grinned at him, wanting to smooth away the little furrow of confusion away from his brow.

"Ummm....how are you feeling, Arts?" he asked, and it seemed as if an eternity had passed since I'd heard him say my name in that dear aussie accent that sounded almost musical.

"I'm wonderful, but I can't seem to get my hands to stay still, and my head feels funny," I replied blithely, just talking so I could hear him reply in that voice of his.


ER looked around, but everything was darkness. Then light burst into it, blinding her. She gasped, turning and twisting to escape the white glare, then went still when she realized that it wasn't air that was being inhaled and exhaled through her lungs, but liquid.


"No, sir please..." the young man pleaded, beginning to tremble. The older man made a gesture to the men standing at the door, and they grasped the young man at both sides.

"You have made an unforgivable mistake. You have cost us precious time and put our entire operation in danger. If she becomes pregnant, you will have cost us the valuable information we could have gained from her experiment. Since you like them so much, you can share their fate. Now," he said, looking to the other men, "Remove him from my sight."

The man's shrieking echoed in the sterile, white halls as he was dragged away.

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I saw Becky clawing at her arm on a table on my other side and wondered if maybe she was trying to get a bug off of her. I was about to ask her about it when I remembered Kev and turned back to him. Kevin looked at me like I was nuts. I grinned at him, wanting to smooth away the little furrow of confusion away from his brow.

"Ummm....how are you feeling, Arts?" he asked, and it seemed as if an eternity had passed since I'd heard him say my name in that dear aussie accent that sounded almost musical.

"I'm wonderful, but I can't seem to get my hands to stay still, and my head feels funny," I replied blithely, just talking so I could hear him reply in that voice of his.


ER looked around, but everything was darkness. Then light burst into it, blinding her. She gasped, turning and twisting to escape the white glare, then went still when she realized that it wasn't air that was being inhaled and exhaled through her lungs, but liquid.


"No, sir please..." the young man pleaded, beginning to tremble. The older man made a gesture to the men standing at the door, and they grasped the young man at both sides.

"You have made an unforgivable mistake. You have cost us precious time and put our entire operation in danger. If she becomes pregnant, you will have cost us the valuable information we could have gained from her experiment. Since you like them so much, you can share their fate. Now," he said, looking to the other men, "Remove him from my sight."

The man's shrieking echoed in the sterile, white halls as he was dragged away.

My lungs burned. I wanted to cough, to retch, anything, but I dared not. After a few seconds, the glare lessened, but was still unbearable. Through the murky panic in my mind, I realised that it was the stuff I was in that was distorting the light and reflecting it into my eyes. I narrowed them. All of a sudden, my sight changed. The light was gone, and I could see...colours...which after some scrutiny turned out to be surrounding the forms of people. That was interesting. I wondered whether it was normal.

I needed air. I tried to swim upwards, but the liquid I was in was thick, like custard, and sapped what little energy I had left. At least it was warm...

Before I slipped back into blissful oblivion, I saw a man being led across the big room by two other men. Through the colourful haze that surrounded him, he looked familiar. He met my eyes, and I suddenly felt a pang of intense longing. I wanted him to hold me, to kiss along my jawline like...he had done before? I didn't remember him doing that. I didn't remember him at all. He stared at me for a second, and then started shouting and writhing, trying to break free from his captors and get to me. Strange, he wanted me back. I wondered if that was normal, too.


'Your head feels...funny?' said M warily. 'Does it hurt at all?'

Artsy frowned for a second. 'No, not really. It just feels funny. But that doesn't matter, because you're with me, Pretty Kevin.' She smiled sweetly.

M smiled back weakly. She realised that there was no point in trying to tell Artsy who she was; there was obviously something wrong. Something very wrong. She twisted her head around. It was the only part of her body she could move; the rest of her was tied down to the table. There were three men in lab coats standing not far off, watching her and Artsy intently. Occasionally, one of them would murmur something to the other two. She strained to hear them...and realised that her superhuman hearing wasn't working.


'Any results yet, Eugene?'

Eugene sighed. 'No. Nothing. Their brains don't seem to function any differently from a normal human being's. But we're getting closer. I'm sure we'll have the data we need before our time is up.'

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My lungs burned. I wanted to cough, to retch, anything, but I dared not. After a few seconds, the glare lessened, but was still unbearable. Through the murky panic in my mind, I realised that it was the stuff I was in that was distorting the light and reflecting it into my eyes. I narrowed them. All of a sudden, my sight changed. The light was gone, and I could see...colours...which after some scrutiny turned out to be surrounding the forms of people. That was interesting. I wondered whether it was normal.

I needed air. I tried to swim upwards, but the liquid I was in was thick, like custard, and sapped what little energy I had left. At least it was warm...

Before I slipped back into blissful oblivion, I saw a man being led across the big room by two other men. Through the colourful haze that surrounded him, he looked familiar. He met my eyes, and I suddenly felt a pang of intense longing. I wanted him to hold me, to kiss along my jawline like...he had done before? I didn't remember him doing that. I didn't remember him at all. He stared at me for a second, and then started shouting and writhing, trying to break free from his captors and get to me. Strange, he wanted me back. I wondered if that was normal, too.


'Your head feels...funny?' said M warily. 'Does it hurt at all?'

Artsy frowned for a second. 'No, not really. It just feels funny. But that doesn't matter, because you're with me, Pretty Kevin.' She smiled sweetly.

M smiled back weakly. She realised that there was no point in trying to tell Artsy who she was; there was obviously something wrong. Something very wrong. She twisted her head around. It was the only part of her body she could move; the rest of her was tied down to the table. There were three men in lab coats standing not far off, watching her and Artsy intently. Occasionally, one of them would murmur something to the other two. She strained to hear them...and realised that her superhuman hearing wasn't working.


'Any results yet, Eugene?'

Eugene sighed. 'No. Nothing. Their brains don't seem to function any differently from a normal human being's. But we're getting closer. I'm sure we'll have the data we need before our time is up.'


The young man threw himself against the people holding him, trying to get to the tank where ER was floating gently, her hair waving about her. He watched her eyes fall on him for a second, and like the first time he'd seen her, his heart stopped. Confusion and recognition lit her gaze for a moment, before her eyes slid closed and she went back into a semi-conscious state.

"You bastards! You put her in fluid suspension? She didn't need that, she's not diseased!"

"She was contaminated from contact with you, and her system needed to be contained and put on temporary hiatus until we decide what to do with her. If you're unhappy with it, blame yourself," one of the scientists told him.


A pleasant buzzing sound filled my ears as I looked around at the rest of the group and wondered where M, ER, Calvin, and Baby were.

"Pretty Kevin, why are we tied down?" I asked.


"Wait, I think that one is hallucinating," said Eugene, perking up a bit, "That's not normal. It must be from the surgery."

"Find out what she's hallucinating about, and see if there's any way we can use that to our advantage. Maybe we could use it to get her to divulge information."

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The young man threw himself against the people holding him, trying to get to the tank where ER was floating gently, her hair waving about her. He watched her eyes fall on him for a second, and like the first time he'd seen her, his heart stopped. Confusion and recognition lit her gaze for a moment, before her eyes slid closed and she went back into a semi-conscious state.

"You bastards! You put her in fluid suspension? She didn't need that, she's not diseased!"

"She was contaminated from contact with you, and her system needed to be contained and put on temporary hiatus until we decide what to do with her. If you're unhappy with it, blame yourself," one of the scientists told him.


A pleasant buzzing sound filled my ears as I looked around at the rest of the group and wondered where M, ER, Calvin, and Baby were.

"Pretty Kevin, why are we tied down?" I asked.


"Wait, I think that one is hallucinating," said Eugene, perking up a bit, "That's not normal. It must be from the surgery."

"Find out what she's hallucinating about, and see if there's any way we can use that to our advantage. Maybe we could use it to get her to divulge information."


Niko helplessly went limp as the scientists started to drag him away, staring all the while through tear-blurred eyes at the woman he loved. He couldn't help the fact that he'd fallen for her. And, after over two years of no contact from the brotherhood he'd joined as little more than a boy, he'd foolishly let himself believe that they'd forgotten about him. Stupid. They never forgot. And now...he'd ruined everything.


Before M had a chance to reply, the three scientists proceeded to start wheeling Artsy's table away.

'No!' She yelled.

'It's OK, Pretty Kevin. Everything's wonderful, you'll see!'

Her carefree giggles floated back down the hall, and she was gone.

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It's ok, you just revealed your true feelings for me...oh, and you told me where you buried the body.


Expect police at your door.:thumb_yello:


I would like it if Mika sang it because Mika doesn't sound like his testicles haven't dropped yet.:mf_rosetinted:

Oh god...


I woke up and came out to see an empty pudding cup and spoon and i got concerned.




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:shocked: Rosie....crazy/funny/creepy.


I like it.:biggrin2:


I'll try to think of something to follow it up with while I go to the store and get some nourishment for the rest of tonight. I'm pulling an old-fashioned all-nighter. Join me?

The one day I go out and you have an all-nighter without me :sneaky2:

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Hey Ames, do you guys have maltesers in the states?



Or would you prefer a loverly phone call instead ? :hihi:



Or .. both...:das:

We get Maltesers, but I've never tried them. They're really rare and you can only find them in import stores next to the german and japanese candy.


I like the idea of both.:naughty:

I read this 2 ways.


Room as in the PPR room which Im yet to catch up.


Or you are helpless without me and my crazy hellucinations.

Room as in the holding room where I thought you were Kevin, but now I'm gone away from you, so I have to think of what else to hallucinate about.:bleh:

Oh god...


I woke up and came out to see an empty pudding cup and spoon and i got concerned.




Yeah, the pudding saga was interesting...


And it's a harsh world.:mf_rosetinted:

The one day I go out and you have an all-nighter without me :sneaky2:


Actually, it fizzled into just a late-nighter. I eventually slept.

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Niko helplessly went limp as the scientists started to drag him away, staring all the while through tear-blurred eyes at the woman he loved. He couldn't help the fact that he'd fallen for her. And, after over two years of no contact from the brotherhood he'd joined as little more than a boy, he'd foolishly let himself believe that they'd forgotten about him. Stupid. They never forgot. And now...he'd ruined everything.


Before M had a chance to reply, the three scientists proceeded to start wheeling Artsy's table away.

'No!' She yelled.

'It's OK, Pretty Kevin. Everything's wonderful, you'll see!'

Her carefree giggles floated back down the hall, and she was gone.

I groaned. And looked around at the many pprs, some asleep some in a trance-like state. I saw Finn was beginning to wake up. I smiled warmly at him, he seemed kilometres away from me, I just wanted him to hold me and tell me everyone...everything would be Okay. I sighed as he smiled at me. I hummed any other world sadly.

"KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIN!" I heard a massive scream and Artsy got wheeled back into the room, the guys having bite marks all over there necks, and bits of their pant crotches missing. They looked a mixture of hurt/ pissed off/ scared and confused.

"Amy extended her arms to grab a hold of my head, and she puckered her lips. I stared at her concernedly (?).

"Is she Okay?" I asked.

Amy made a loud growling noise.

"Let's go to bed, bad kevin."


The men stared at her and then at me.

"She bit off our genitalia."

I began to laugh but she took it as a "Yes, let's go to bed, pretty artsy." and started feeling up my face.

"There's something wrong with her eyes." one of them told me.

"They look like they were dunked in a nuclear waste bucket." finished the other. The big strong, attractive men dully stared at me. And I blushed.

"She's my best friend, but she has....rage...issues. It runs in her family." I took a mental-deep breath.

They nodded and walked off grabbing clipboards.

"CARESS ME!" screamed artsy. I closed my eyes and blocked out her growls and random things she would shout out, that made even mika cringe.

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