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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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Becky was sitting in a white room, which she’d been drifting into every now and then. If she wasn’t there, she was in a room which only made her scared, with all the doctors mumbling things she didn’t understand above her. Her wrists and ankles hurt when she was there, and she didn’t like it. Becky kept trying to look around, but was somewhat disorientated, so she couldn’t see much.

This time when she drifted into the white room, it felt more permanent. Not completely, but permanent enough. Enough for her to think. She was dreaming, she realised. She could use my power now she was there, and they’d never know. They could communicate, without them picking up signals. Now she just had to pull everyone else into her dream.


It had taken him a long time to get here. He knew it had been coming for weeks. In fact, he had known it had been coming since before he’d met them, but in the more recent weeks he had known. He knew what he had to do, and why he had to do it. Before he left, he had sent a letter to the unknown PPR, the one they had all forgotten about. So to make sure they didn’t remember, he didn’t use her name.


You may not have met me, but I know you know who I am. You may not be directly involved with them, but in your ’book’ research, you dug into their past, and you’ve been expecting this letter.

You know who this is for. You know why I am writing to you. You’ve seen them in the papers, and feel helpless. You know as well as I do you cannot help them at this moment in time, so don’t do anything drastic. The worst is yet to come, but you will not know for a few years. Just know they are going to be helped and in the future you will be needed. Your group’s job has not finished, even if some of the player’s parts have. You knew you had to leave when you did. You will be hearing from me soon. Remember everything you did, for the next step will be difficult, so be prepared.




He just had to pick up the kids. He knew where they were being held, and he knew the guards weaknesses. If the PPRs got out alive, which was doubtful, excluding a few, he would give them back without any questions. However, if they did not, as suspected, he would bring up the children to a certain age, without telling them about their parents, but training them for the future, since the future was going to be difficult for the entire race.

What he wasn’t expecting, however, was to find documents in the room. The room itself was child friendly - a box of toys, bright colours to keep the young children happy and a small ‘squishy’ area where they could play. On the edge of each wall was a cot - not a normal cot, however. It had a rail across the top, so the children couldn’t get out, and Edwin’s seemed to be metal, rather than wooden. As he searched for keys, he came across the documents.


As he read through the introduction, he got the gist of it - any of the PPR’s without children would have a child, naturally or unnaturally, depending on the current experiments’ results, before their death.

It seemed Noko would be making more than on trip to the underground lab.

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You remember wayyyyyyyyy back, when we first got our owers? Noko was the guy from Japan who trained us. The idea is he's taking the kids, because he doesn't think we'll make it out alive. But while there he found a document revealing they plan on making children from us (maybe they want to see if there is a gene there?) whether it's naturally, if we survive plan A or whatever, or unnaturally, like surrogate mothers.

And, obviously, the letter is to Soangel.

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I can't believe I have to write a new conclusion for my history essay simply because my stupid teacher doesn't agree with my views. I don't know how I'm supposed to write a decent concusion if what I write will be wrong, as far as I'm concerned. But nooooo you can't disagree with a teacher. He said it was a B, but I could bring it to an A if I changed my conclusion. He claimed he wouldn't downgrade me because I disagreed with him, but isn't that what he's doing? It's not like it's a right or wrong thing - you have to give your own view in a conclusion. Clearly so long as it agrees with what the teacher believes. I hate going against people who are closed minded.

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What happened to you then, M? You know you want to rant :naughty:


So far I have, as my conclusion (and I typed this hesitantly):

Overall, I believe Sources D to J, though they are mainly based upon points of view, they do explain why the ‘Troubles’ broke out.


I still have part of my point of view in there. But it isn't right!!

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Is the curling tong picture to do with Mika's.... Interesting new hair style? Becuase, honestly, when I first saw the picture on the front page and realised it wasn't a photoshopped picture... :boxed:


If he disagree's with my new conclusion, we're going to end up in a full blown argument. He didn't like me having a mini-argument in the first place. If I didn't want to leave to go home, it would have lasted longer.

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I have. But she can do zilch, really, because it'll just get me hated on by him. So I have written eight crappy lines, and if I still get a B, I shall hit the roof.


I did get an A for my original wiritng piece for English though! It was about my sister and her clumsy ways =D

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