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I love the band, I love Paul's English (indeed I do :cheerful_h4h:), I love their music and I fricking hate these fans. I HATE these girls. This type of girl. This... *insert very rude descriptions*. Ugh.


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I must say my pervy self likes seeing its name on this hot leg :das: :das:

Can I review in here? No idea if someone in the PW-thread can be arsed :naughty:.


:naughty: the red trousers give it the hot factor too :das:


I guess, I don't think anyone in here is going to mind if you review, here :fisch:





EDIT: NOOOOO I need to leave in 8 mins. :crybaby:

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Photobucket is screwing up but I hope I can still somehow manage to properly review the gig. If anyone cares. :dunno:


The gig was supposed to start at 8PM but it was rescheduled to 7PM and the location was changed to somewhere directly where it was originally supposed to be (next to the opera house in Cologne or so. whatever.).


So, I arrived in Cologne at 5.20PM and I took the tram and then directly found the site. The fesival site (if one should call it that way) was in the middle of Cologne's city centre on the place in front of the theatre (or the opera or WHATEVER. I have no idea about Cologne.).


It looked like this:




So I went in as the entire site was completely open :dunno:. There were lots of people standing around; apparently there was something in that theatre / opera thingy which started like NOW and... anyway, who cares. So I was inside and everything was fine and I went to ask THREE different people if I was in (at?) the correct location for Patrick's gig. The last guy I talked to seemed to one of those very responsible organistion-guys and I could SWEAR that I had seen him before. That was actually the case with quite a lot of people there. Actually everyone apart from me had a lanyard around their neck and seemed very familiar to me. The site was still open though and I didnt think of anything bad. So I phoned mariposa and she said she would be on her way :dunno: .


Then I saw Patrick standing in front of the stage, all alone, holding a glass of red wine & talking to his crew on stage. He was wearing his red trousers and a hoodie and, uhm, yes.


*walks in direction of Patrick*

Petra: "Patrick! Sorry - would you mind signing something for me?"

PW: *turns around* "Oh - hi! :original:"

Petra: "Hello :pinkbow: *goes one step closer* - :blink: wow, you are tall!! :blink:"

PW: "Haha! :dunno: Yeah :naughty:"

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(Patrick IS tall and this wasnt a stupid attempt to say something stupid. And I'm also aware that it is an idiotic thing to go to someone who is tall and say the 'You are tall!'-sentence. People are usually aware of the fact that they are tall & hearing it from everyone can be annoying I guess. STILL, .. for those who have never seen Patrick before - it's like seeing Mika. The first thing you think when you see Mika is in 90% of all cases not a ':das:!!!' but a ':shocked: Holy ****, he is soooooo SKINNY!!!'. So Patrick is HUGE. Not only tall but HUGE. He is a huge guy. I had not expected this.)


And while I was then getting my Magic Position booklet out of my bag, Patrick kept on talking to the guys on stage about having to change the strings on his ukulele because the strings would be sh*t. I then handed him my booklet and went on searching my bag for one of the two pens I brought. I handed it to him, he handed me his drink and his yellow plastic wristband which he had been holding and looked through the booklet.


PW: "So what's your name? :cheerful_h4h:"

Petra: *says own name* *then spells out name just in case*

PW: "Ah, Petra! Nice! :cheerful_h4h:"

Petra: *has :pinkbow:-feeling because Patrick's nice pronounciation lets 'Petra' sound a bit like 'Patrick'*

PW: "So Petra - where do you want me to sign it? :blink::naughty: Inside or outside?"

Petra: *somehow trying to get the point across that she doesnt really give a ***** :dunno:


I was a bit lost for words but not because I was dazzled or so - it was more because I suddenly had all these things on my mind - stuff reaching from 'your fricking booklets are all so dark and I couldnt find a good one, yes, I could have taken the Bachelor but you already signed this one via Bandstocks' to the '****, Petra, you SHOULD have bought that silver marker you've been planning to buy ever since you started getting autographs *slaps self*'.


I decided to go with an ":dunno:! Really, no idea, your booklets are all so dark and this was the most useful one I could find" (or so).


Then he started scribbling his name on it and I said "You know, I'm really looking forward to the gig tonight, I've been waiting to see you for two and a half years now! I'm sure it's going to be fantastic" :cheerful_h4h:" and he answered something like "Yeah, it's been quite a while! :blink:".

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Patrick seems to be a really shy person. Or something like that. He is utterly utterly cute and shy when you talk to him and he was ****ing lovely and VERY nice :cheerful_h4h:. And he is smirking (?) so lovely when he is talking to you. :wub2:


He then handed me the booklet and the pen back, I gave him his drink and he said "Petra - thank you! :wub2:" and I said "No Patrick - thank YOU. :thumb_yello: That's really great. Thanks!" (I've got such awesome conversation skills. Yes, go me!)

In that momemt I saw a pair of other girls slowly approaching, holding their tickets in front of them. I wished Patrick good luck for later and stepped aside to let the girls to him. While packing away my booklet, I saw them holding their tickets in front of Patrick's nose, pointing at them and saying something like "Uhm.. can you... ?" *points again at ticket*. I gave the girls my pen and while Patric was writing I told him that he could just keep the pen because he might later need it anyway :dunno:. (That reminds me that Patrick Wolf now probably has the pen Paul Garred wrote with :doh:.)


Oh well.


So I went away and then Patrick later went away and then they started soundchecking a while later. In the meantime I texted Bianca and waited for the others to arrive. Then I noticed that they had obviously closed the site and that I was, apart from two other girls (no idea if these were the ones who went to get an autograph as well), the only one without a lanyard and a pass around my neck. Nobody bothered though. I went to the entrance and waved Christine and Marion and then went to a legitimate spot in the shadow which was close to the stage so that I could see Patrick soundchecking :wub2:.





Photos from the soundcheck:




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(it must have been so amazing for the twins to see The Kooks soundcheck!!! :shocked:!!!)


They opened the door at 7PM and I & the two ther girls went to take first row centre (:dunno:). Then Christine, Mariposa and their friends arrived.


It took a while and we were allowed to witness the, sorry, most ridiculous support I have ever seen. This guy was in the band "Visage" (??) or so in the 1980s (those with the "Fade to grey"-song). His new band (one guy on laptop, one girl for vocals (plus later two more for keyboard and laptop) is called "Cesar's Strangers" or so.


So he was wearing pink highheels and a blue satin-overall and a chicken on his head.






The main guy later stumbled out with his high heels (after shouting an anti-Bush-song with lots of rude words) and did not come back for what seemed like an eternity. Then even his laptop guy finally left the stage with a :blink:/:dunno:-mimic and we all hoped it would be over like that now.


We were wrong.


The guy came back later, now wearing a tuxedo:


(from left to right: laptop guy, vocal girl, strange guy)


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At least there was one thing we shared with Patrick - he was standing in the room upstairs (where the two guys are now), looking out of the window and laughing his arse off while watching the support :naughty: (the planned support (Micachu & the Shapes) had cancelled) .





But FINALLY it was over and we waited for Mr Wolf :boing:


Patrick is an AMAZING live act. I mostly fimled and just took pictures during the first two song (Vulture & Oblivion). My pictures are for the bin; I guess my camera is much better for filming and photographing immobile (?) objects like cliffs or British sights :dunno:.

















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Lounging on a PA:



Hitting it off on the other PA:







He later changed into something more comfortable :naughty: - he went out during a song and sang on while changing backstage. That's not my picture but mine don't show this noice Union Jack-overall that well :naughty:




During Tristan he tried to snap the mic from the mic holder but failed and it fell dow. When the security guy gave it back to him, he had already taken the mic from the piano and then sang with both:



Is there actually an instrument he does not play?



The legendary UK one-piece:


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He went into the crowd during battle and sang and jumped and danced with the fans. He kissed one guy (awww, this looked SO ****ING CUTE!!!) and a girl (haha, she almost fainted :lmfao:) and then he was hopping like 1.5m next to us all and it was FANTASTIC. Mika could not do that. Mika could not go into the crowd. Mika should not even get NEAR the crowd. Mika would be raped in the crowd and nobody would help him. Mika would be filmed and stroked by others WHILE being raped and then there would be a thread about it later on MFC :sneaky2:. Ricky from Kaiser Chiefs can go into the crowd and survive it, I've seen Johnny Borrell survive it, I'm not sure if tiny Luke wouldnt be crushed :naughty: but I am SURE that I've never seen a popular act like Patrick whose fans were so f*cking normal that they just danced around happily with their star. Nobody mobbed him and people were NICE. :cheerful_h4h:. Patrick was brilliant.


In the crowd and still alive:




What I REALLY liked about all this was that Patric was absolutely hitting it off during the songs and then he shyly said thank you in the end .wub2:. He said SO MANY Nice things about Cologne and thanked his German fans again & again and talked about recording his first album in Cologne with Tomlab and that he had been giving away his proper ukulele at the last show because there had been a curfew and thus he couldnt play any encores and gave them the ukulele instead (:doh::drool:) (which also explains the **** strings on the spare one). He talked about his songs and started playing The Libertine with the spare Uke but it failed and so he finally left it :naughty:.


This was the first (but by far nor the last!) show of Patrick I went to and I cannot say whether or not he talks the same stuff every night. Still, this here seemed spontaneous, not planned and totally genuine. Mika talked about the very same stuff three gigs in a row in London. Do the Kooks talk a lot? Well, Luke usually says the same stuff, too, but then he does not talk as much as Mika. Mika talks a lot but then says the same things over and over and over again. I havent seen Mika for quite a while now and I know that Mika is a MASSIVELY FANTASTIC AND AWESOME live act, really, yes. But still, I must say that I prefered Patrick Wolf's performance to Mika's. Mika's songs were/are better though (not BETTER - I just mean Mika's music is easier to approach for me than Patrick's. Patrick does a lot of electropop and I'm not SO MUCH into that kind of music :dunno:. His songs are amazing, no doubt there though!!!) but Patrick's performance was MUCH closer to the fans than Mika's. Yes, of course you can't really compare 5,000-capacity Brixton Academy to 1,500+ (no idea) c/o pop site but... uhm, ah, it's difficult.).

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What was I saying?


Ah yes. Patrick. He is AMAZING. F*CKING AMAZING.


He finally announced that he had just got the 4-minutes-notice and that they had just 4 more minutes for songs until they would switch off the PA.


He said he'd play TWO more songs in these 4 minutes because 4 minutes would equal two songs although they were 8 minutes long together. Then someone again told him they had just FOUR minutes and he started using a lot of F-words and demanded to see that person who was telling him to stop his show. He said we should start a riot and demand our money back in case they switched off the PAs.


He played Accident & Emergency and after that he was told AGAIN that he had to stop now but he said he had just ONE MORE song and that he was going to play it now, for heaven's sake. Then his guitarist started playing the first few notes of The Magic Position and then they switched the PAs off :shocked:. Patrick TOTALLY freaked out and first threw his mic on the ground, then grabbed the next mic and threw it towards the sound people while screaming rude words and showing two of his fingers. Then he grabbed both microphone stands and threw them as well (good thing he did NOT hit his violinist!). Then he ran away and directly came back, grabbed the stool from the piano and threw it at the sound people, too. I have no idea what he destroyed and I think he overreacted a BIT with throwing that stuff because it WAS dangerous - BUT STILL: it was TEN TO (!!!) TEN. It wasnt even TEN PM. It was ONE more song. FOUR more minutes. Yes, it as the city centre and people need their sleep. Oh wait - NOBODY lives in the city centre! :sneaky2: And even in Germany you are 'allowed' to listen to loud music until TEN. It wasnt 10PM, it wasnt. They gave him one warning and then directly switched it off, You CANNOT do that to your main act on a festival. You CANNOT organise a festival and NOT have enough time as a buffer for the main act to play his normal setlist. This was incompetemce on the side of the promoter and ****ing unfair from the city of Cologne. It's SUCH a shame!!!! No idea if Patrick will ever come back :crybaby:. H was so nice & talked so nicely about Cologne and then they do THAT.


It was quite massive to see him freak out though. Oh my. But it was VERY understandable. Filthy fricking ****ers.


The gig was AWESOME!!!!!! But with an end like that you don't go home with a happy feeling. Ugh. :mad3::crybaby:


I photographed the setlist later - the version which was on stage said:

  1. Vulture
  2. Oblivion
  3. Teignmouth
  4. Count of Casualty
  5. Damaris
  6. Who Will?
  7. The Bachelor
  8. The Libertine
  9. Battle
  10. Hard Times
  11. The Magic Position


Still, my videos say:


  1. Vulture
  2. Oblivion
  3. Bluebells
  4. Teignmouth
  5. Shadowsea
  6. Damaris
  7. The Bachelor
  8. The Libertine
  9. Battle
  10. Tristan
  11. Blackdown
  12. Who Will?
  13. Hard Times
  14. Accident & Emergency

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The very first time I saw Luke crowdsurfing. Hell, I had NO idea that he would do that :lmfao: and I was SO ****ING amazed when he did because before that I had just been to Mika (and a 60,000 people Robbie Williams gg which doesnt count). I remember being in absolute awe :stretcher: (because of Luke, not Mika or Robbie)






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these are probably my favorite Luke pictures :teehee: those curls are so sweet :wub2:


that's why I need to talk to you!

They were in Portugal but my parents didn't let me go,so the only think I could get was listen to the concert by the phone :(

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