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M. Shrooms

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I was looking for some opinions on Patrick Wolf new-ish album, The Bachelor, in comparison to his earlier works?

Personally, I can't take to it. I just find some of the lyric-ism pretty standoffish if that makes any sense, and I don't like all the high-profile collaborations... I think it takes away a lot of his essence, and makes him seem more like a celebrity than a self-sufficient artist.

I heard an interview with him in which he claimed it was a "more mature sound" or something to that effect, yet I actually find this a little deluded because despite the fact he is older, Lycanthropy possessed an incredibly mature voice considering his age at the time, and heartfelt lyrics - in comparison The Bachelor seems quite emotionally detached, and the way he rants on about homophobes is almost childish, as if he is becoming a parody of himself. I do adore Patrick and I so want to like it but listening to "Battle" made me think of some crazy hybrid between Bruno and Daffyd from Little Britain, it just seems so try-hard. Vulture and Who Will? are very S&M based, and it seems so clichéd, the fact that a gay/bisexual man is writhing around in leather - surely, if he wants people to take him seriously regardless of his sexuality, he shouldn't exploit it like this? It just plays up to people's stereotypes, in my opinion.

I also think his voice loses a lot of beauty in this album. It had a magical, pure quality in songs like Bluebells, but in The Bachelor it seems almost swamped by electronic devices, which seems like such a loss.

When the story came out about Patrick disliking Mika, I could see his perspective: Mika is extremely successful on only his first album, and although Patrick is the same age and has been playing the game for years he couldn't even envisage Mika's level of commercial success. Patrick's music is so artsy and alternative, while Mika strives to achieve this image in between various celebrity parties… so yes, I can understand Patrick's angst. And now it just seems that Patrick is almost embracing the traits he critisised in Mika, which is of course inevitable, but still saddens me.

I just wanted to get that out... feel free to strangle me if you disagree.

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Welcome to the MFC!


There already is a PW thread on here, your review on the album would have fit in there perfectly.

There's a lot of room to discuss Patrick's music and get in touch with other double Mika-Patrick fans (I suppose you are also a Mika fan considering this is a Mika board, right? :aah:)

http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6930&highlight=patrick+wolf :wink2:


Personally, I really like "The bachelor", maybe even a bit more than his older work. I can't give you specific reasons for that, but it's the one I listen to most often...I think it is because it fits musically more into the category I usually listen to.

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welcome to mfc!

like mariposa said, patrick wolf already has a thread, so i shall close this one :thumb_yello:


it would be great if you went to the introductions and goodbyes section of our forum & make a thread to introduce yourself, so we could welcome you a la MFC!



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