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MIKA finds inspiration in eclectic life


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He's half Lebanese, half American, grew up in Paris, and now lives in London.


It's no wonder that pop star Mika feels displaced.


The 26-year-old eccentric musician, who is in Australia for a one-off show in Sydney this week, says he doesn't know quite where he fits in.


"I am a product of many places. I don't belong anywhere in particular," Mika told AAP in Sydney on Monday.


"That has its disadvantages - because I feel a little bit displaced and I really don't know where I belong. The only thing that gives me a sense of belonging is wherever my family is.


"And so I wonder in the future where I'll end up."


But, on the plus side, Mika says his cosmopolitanism helped his song writing.


"I write music that is subsequently not from a particular country, not from a particular scene or sound," Mika says.


"It's an inevitable thing for me to make eclectic music because that is my background.


"It's not a choice, it's just how I write, that kind of freedom, which other people are not allowed to have."


Mika - who released his hit debut album Life in Cartoon Motion in 2007 - has a strong fan base in Australia but has only performed here once.


However, at this stage in his career, he says he's firmly concentrated on making Australia his number one and will tour here next year.


"I feel like I haven't been touring enough here - and I'm trying to change that," Mika said.


"When I first came it was such a confusing place to me, because there were so many things about it that were so familiar yet so far away. The more I come the more I love it.


"I get why artists like being here so much. You have quite an eclectic music sound."


Mika released his second album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much, this year, spawning hits such as We Are Golden.


He's now working on new material, which will include electronic songs and "organic" tunes written more traditionally, sitting down in front of a piano.


He says much of his inspiration comes from his fascination about gender and sexuality.


"It's born out of trying to figure out who I am," Mika says, adding he's a very private person, and believes in channelling his thoughts into music.


"It's born out of this fascination with identity, in a geographic way, to the concept of sexuality, to the concept of gender to all these different things.


"It all forms what I do in my music.


"Which is ironic because I'm somebody who's famous for the rejection of labels, but I probably discuss sexuality and gender in my music more than any other artist."

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