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Help? A little confused here....

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Hey there...

I don't know where else to post this so I'm posting this here...

Well...as the title says, I'm a bit confused....

ok, how shall I put it?

well I've just graduated-about an year ago-from school and I got straight As for my A levels (it's the final exams)...and because my results were good, my parents expect me to study engineering, you know or study medicine to be a doctor...the only thing is...i really don't want to be an engineer, or a doctor....I want to study art(fine art)...I'm pretty good at art...and well it's a subject I like...but the problem is that it's kinda hard for art graduates to find good jobs easily...and also they don't get paid as much as engineers, in fact much less,...but I love art...

so...I really don't know what to do...

if nothing mattered I'd definitely study art...but it'd be hard to survive

and i don't want to regret any choices in the future

any advice?

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I personally went with the career (teaching) I really wanted to do and loved, I graduated 4 years ago and didn't get a job for a few years... I ended up doing training in something I'm good at (computers/IT) and have managed to land a job fairly quickly after finishing one course and are halfway through another...


Anyway, the point is I'm not sure what you should do, it's really something you need to decide for yourself... I would personally go with engineering and have the chance to go back and study art later..

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I personally went with the career (teaching) I really wanted to do and loved, I graduated 4 years ago and didn't get a job for a few years... I ended up doing training in something I'm good at (computers/IT) and have managed to land a job fairly quickly after finishing one course and are halfway through another...


Anyway, the point is I'm not sure what you should do, it's really something you need to decide for yourself... I would personally go with engineering and have the chance to go back and study art later..


ok.... thx for the advice....i can be very indecisive at times....

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