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I have a question!

Kat Von Jaxx

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okay so as we all know, Mika is going to perform on EXIT festival this july and there is a competition going on where you can be a host to your favorite music star on EXIT (meet them at the airport and hang out with them during their stay on EXIT, also help them out in preparations for the gig) and you need to put a photo or a video inspired by that artist and I have! it's this pic:




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my problem is I don't have billions of friends on facebook, and the way to win is to be one of the people with most "like"s on your photo. I am trying my best and people are helping me out but I'm not sure it will be enough. since it's Mika we're talking about I thought my best chance is to ask my dearest MFC to help me out!

a few more people have put their photos for Mika but in my opinion they didn't put too much effort into it (you can take a look and you'll see). it's a shame the photos with most likes shall win and not the best photos.


so if there is any way MFC could help me out, any way, I'd be more than thankful. I met some of the people from MFC and I can honestly say those are some of the nicest people I have ever met (I actually wrote it in a review , not saying this to kiss your ass), I would ask for this if it was likewise!


please let me know!


oh and here is the link to the competition:



and to my picture there:




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Cool competition! Haven't heard of it before.

I really like your photos, I can see that you put much effort into it. It's not fair that the one with the most "I like"'s wins.

I "voted" for you.:wink2:

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