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Where's the Brace Appeal thread?


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It looks like it disapeared. For some reason ive been seeing some recent pics of him and it doesnt look like he's got the "braces" on...Did he grow out of his braces? Did someone snatch him by the braces while he was performing? What is going on with this brace phenomenon? Mika, where are your braces? I tell my friends about "mika's braces" and they all laugh...they think he wears braces in his mouth LOL!!

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No, it can't be true...

it's just a case, I'm sure!

maybe Mika read so many things about his braces that he decided to stop with them coz he was afraid to see people fainting to his gigs!


anyway, I'm gonna post something on the Brace Appeal Thread because Mika's Braces RULE!

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Oh Thank Goodness!! I thought his braces were lost forever :) Like i said in the brace thread...its not very common for guys in the states to wear them and i think mika looks hot in them ;) You wear them well mika....you big string bean!! LOL :wink2:

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