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Everything posted by JUlie

  1. Now now you have to share, it is only fair. There is plenty of Mika to go round
  2. You are so sweet, but I really would kill Mika's songs. I think in my head I can get the note but really it sounds like a cat being strangled with a megaphone at it's mouth. I love Mika too much to do that to his songs
  3. Donny is the original male singer heart-throb
  4. JUlie


    I second that, although it is rather funny
  5. My singing is terrible. I am not just saying that I sing Grace Kelly and I actually get told to shut up, except from my niece, who says my voice is good....I wouldn't record it as I would be too embarrassed.
  6. We could start a timeshare for Mika
  7. Jason was fab. That was the first time in my life I was tempted to jump on the stage. When he came up on the lift, I wept....Donny has aged well though
  8. If only there was another 'perfect' man out there... Can sing, has perfect features with a great sense of humour....
  9. Can he be perhaps a little too perfect?
  10. Does anyone remember Jason Donovan in Jason and the Technicolour Dreamcoat. He was my idol back in the day....
  11. JUlie

    Color Poll *

    Perhaps Red for a little bit naughty:mf_lustslow:
  12. I am more annoying, especially when I sing
  13. I am 153. Well I feel it somedays. On good days I feel 17
  14. Sisters who share everything, and what do you mean too old for that, you cannot be older than me. I am tons older than you, I imagine
  15. You are sooooooo kind, I am terribly old.
  16. The thing is they promoted him at the beginning but they have started a backlash on Mika. Press all over the world are the same.... You can tell if they make stuff up so it is just best to ignore them. Saying that a majority of reporters are nasty little waste of spacers
  17. You have just become my favourite niece.
  18. My head has just exploded.....you are very welcome..The thing is everyone has done so much more than myself, so I will promise if I find anything else you lot will be the first to know.
  19. You can be my adoptive niece. As long as you can stand me getting a bit tipsy on special occasions and singing like Mika....Well I say like Mika, my head says i do but reality says otherwise xx
  20. Bit of a thief, but you can forgive him for anything:bleh:
  21. I do come from your side of the family but you love me because I am your favourite auntie, even though I do slightly embarrass you....
  22. Police officer for me and then he could arrest me rather roughly cos I have been rather bad
  23. The wisely auntie who has one glass of wine and swears bliind she can sing like Mika and does so to the embarrassment of her Mika MySpace family:boxed:
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