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Everything posted by meimei88

  1. Yep - that's Yasmine - she is so pretty! (and so are Paloma and Allegra!) Zuleika may be Mika's cousin - mentioned in this thread
  2. Mika was asked in an Interview (can't remember which one), but he denied knowledge!.. so perhaps not?
  3. Does anyone have lyrics to Satellite? I love this song!!
  4. That is such a good tip!.. in fact useful for ALL shows!... I always end up stuck behind tall people
  5. I have an ok clip of Mika at HMV.... will have to post the link to it sometime. The file will be quite big.. so will pop it on my website when its ready...
  6. Sunny! I would happily donate a fee towards the running of this wonderful community!! A VIP club would be great!
  7. :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl: Thats so nice!!!!.. am blushing
  8. Brill! Thanks.. so was this definately 5:30pm Atlanta time? Reason I ask is cos of my other thread.. one London paper claimed that Mika was at a Brit after party!
  9. Aha.. just saw that they have order tracking at seetickets.com.... says that they are waiting for tickets to arrive and that they will be despacatched by recorded delivery when they do... I want them NOW!!! At least I have my KOKO tickets safely tucked away in my drawer!
  10. really? not got mine yet.. where did you order from babs? I should be bringing a small entourage of Mika fans.. I am slowly converting everyone!
  11. Just read this evenings copy of London Lite and they seem to think that Mika was at the Cuckoo Club last night partying? But we all know that he was in Atlanta right??! and due in NYC tomorrow? Maybe the journalists need their eyes checking.. I have a contact at the Cuckoo Club.. so I might double check tomorrow I can't find the snippet online so here it is London Lite 15th February At least Mika's on song New chart-topper Mika showed the Brits winners how to belt out a tune at an afterparty. The Grace Kelly singer, who has enjoyed a dramatic reach for fame, joined Noel Gallagher et al at The Cuckoo Club last night. Judging from our picture, left (which is clearly Jon Fratelli), he gave a damn good demo of why he is currently at No1. We reckon Noel and Liam might have a bout of green-eyed monster, probably because he can sing better then they can and he's nowhere near a hard.
  12. Anyone getting excited yet?? It only just dawned on me that its NEXT THURSDAY!!!!! OMG!!! Am wondering what time to get there.... never really been to proper gig before... should I get in, find a good spot and plant myself there??! I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself!! Any more people here going?!! See you at the front hopefully!!!
  13. Waaa... wish I was there!!! Enjoying his interview
  14. Thanks Gill!.... gonna watch it RIGHT NOW!!
  15. I'm only 5'2".. so will need some help!!..Would love to meet you all.. esp Freddiesdouble.. you sound ace! I currently have a choice of seated or standing seats.. but would love to be standing at the front! Jem.. what is the usual plan of action in securing a spot at the FRONT!... should we start talking tactics NOW?!! (awaiting instructions from Captain Jem)
  16. Anyone dare to put a 20/1 bet that he wins 3 or more?? It's still early 2007... there could be lots of talent out there lurking in the shadows!! I'm sure he will get at least 1!! If he is nominated for any public votes.. you know what to do!!....
  17. Snippet from this article UK Casino Times > Casino News 15 February 2007 Will Mika Take Brits 2008 By Storm? Bookies William Hill expect Mika to take the 2008 Brits by storm and offer 20/1 that he wins three or more Brits in 2008 and 7/1 that he wins two. "Mika is the man of the moment and he has a great chance of winning a Brit or two next year." said William Hill's spokesman Rupert Adams. ******************************************************* Go Mika!!!!! If he is nominated.. I am soooo there!
  18. Another old review http://music.guardian.co.uk/live/story/0,,1965870,00.html Mika @ Christ Church Spitalfields, London Caroline Sullivan Thursday December 7, 2006 The Guardian Clearly feeling like dancing ... Mika If Leo Sayer and Scissor Sister Jake Shears were ever to reproduce, the result would be Mika, a Beirut-born Londoner whose falsetto pop-house will be either loved or loathed in 2007. Opening for soft-rock dweebs The Feeling - a less compatible double bill cannot be imagined - he wins over the crowd by remarking that his mother would be surprised to find him in this glorious East End church. So would the parishioners, no doubt, were they here to see him twanging his braces to discomania tunes like Big Girl (You Are Beautiful). Mika's set recalls an era when pop stars could polarise opinion in the schoolyard by erring on the side of campness. His flamboyance, given substance by an operatically-trained voice and solid musical smarts, is the stuff of 1973. But will it wash nowadays? Can music this catchy and hedonistic find an audience among today's "Go on, impress me" kids (and their elders)? It could go either way. Mika has the looks, and in first single Relax (Take it Easy), the killer song. As he twirls across Christ Church's altar, he looks like a man awaiting bigger things.
  19. Again apologies if this already exists.. (again did a search in the forum and didnt find anything!) Was anyone lucky enough to go to this gig?! http://music.guardian.co.uk/live/story/0,,1965870,00.html Stripped-down set from a rising star By André Paine, Evening Standard 13.12.06 One of life's outsiders: Beirut-born singer Mika Based above a car park near Brick Lane, The Reindeer is a temporary venue and restaurant with a furtive feel. There's a thrill in going up the stairs behind the metal shutters and discovering the festive surroundings, including fake antlers as light fittings, which will all be gone after 24 December. Flamboyant newcomer Mika seems certain to be a more permanent presence in pop. The 23-year-old Beirut-born singer moved to Britain as a child and found his place as one of life's outsiders. He was bullied at Westminster School and made music his escape, even training as an opera singer. When he bounded on stage wearing gold shoes and a big grin, the bullying stories rang very true. But burgeoning success has clearly compensated for the name-calling, while a deal to be one of the faces of Paul Smith suggests that he is becoming a style icon. As with Lily Allen, Mika's tunes have become MySpace hits ahead of the record company schedule. "I know I haven't released a single yet, so it's pretty amazing you're all here," he told the crowd. This was a stripped-down set with Mika - the surname's a mystery for now - pounding the piano alongside a friend on acoustic guitar and backing vocals. But even nearly naked, the new single Grace Kelly was an irresistible slice of sassy pop, with Mika name-checking one key influence in the lyrics: Freddie Mercury. Like the Queen singer, Mika was supremely confident on stage and his emergence as a fully formed frontman feels like a rare occurrence. There were shades of Robbie Williams on the mouthy My Interpretation, but he was at his best screaming falsetto on Love Today. It was a piano version, but the song's Seventies disco pulse was intact and Scissor Sisters fans will surely embrace it. Sometimes he got a bit overexcited, slapping his thighs with pleasure at his own performance. However, the mournful Over My Shoulder was a surprising departure and he encored with a comical Christmas song, Holy Johnny. So while 2007 already appears to belong to Mika, his versatility as a songwriter suggests he can achieve longevity, too.
  20. Morning everyone - not sure if this has already been posted.. have done a qiuck search of the forums and couldn't find it.. so here it is.. an article from back in December 06 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/newspapers/sunday_times/style/article648242.ece Sorry if it has already!! From The Sunday Times December 03, 2006 Oh, Mika, you're so fine If you haven’t heard of him yet, don’t worry - you will soon. Mika is Paul Smith’s global face of 2007, and pop superstardom is just around the corner. Johnny Davis meets him His public may not know it yet, but Mika, a 23-year-old Lebanese Londoner, is Britain’s brightest new pop star. “The response I’m getting is amazing,†he says, somewhat immodestly for a man who has yet to sell a CD. “But I’m not surprised. I’ve been planning this all my life.†Mika releases his first album of knowing agit-pop only in February, but on MySpace, there is a fever of expectation not witnessed since just before Lily Allen made it big. His on-stage charisma is such that comparisons are being made to Freddie Mercury. Last year, he scooped record deals on both sides of the Atlantic, and he has just been chosen as the extremely pretty face of Paul Smith’s 2007 global ad campaign. In America, he has been picked up by Tommy Mottola, former mentor to Mariah Carey and one of the music industry’s most respected players. “In greatness, he could achieve what Bowie or Robbie or Elton has achieved,†Mottola says. “He’s in the league of those gentlemen.†Indeed, there is something almost surreal about the certainty of Mika’s fame. Today, wearing flared jeans and pointy tan shoes, he is the lunchtime guest on BBC London’s light-entertainment programme. He thunders his way through Billy Brown, about a man who abandons his family to embark on a gay affair. “Well, a song about a man abandoning his family for another man. I don’t think that’s been done too many times on national radio before,†he says. Mika is all about doing things that haven’t been done too many times before. He’s a trained opera singer, and gave his first public performance at the Royal Opera House aged 11. And he’s got the sort of beauty  the sculpted face and tumbling locks of a Michelangelo figure  that will have middle-aged women queuing up to mother him, and their daughters wanting to, well, go shopping with him. But it’s there that the similarities with the pop-opera band Il Divo end. When fame finally hits, it will be because there is only one Mika. His style of stage artistry arrives with immaculate timing, as the British public is buying Scissor Sisters albums by the barrel-load and finding room for flamboyant acts such as Rufus Wainwright. “I’m far more anarchic than any band in Camden right now,†he says. “And people are gagging for it. It’s a reaction to overcorporate 1990s pop and the snobbery of the indie scene.†He’s right. Not since the 1980s, when Pet Shop Boys, Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Kate Bush were in the charts, has pop had such creative potential. Now, with acts such as the harp-playing singer-songwriter Patrick Wolf, the Sao Paulo art/design/ dance band CSS and the Gossip (the Arkansas three-piece whose lead singer, Beth Ditto, is a large lesbian with an inclination towards slipping off her clothes on stage and holding forth on gay marriage), a new wave of young musicians is reinventing the genre. The young songwriters and performers who make up this countercultural pop movement are a far more grass-roots bunch than the Identikit, manufactured bands that have defined the industry over the past decade. Styled up to the max  think pop socks and wife-beaters for CSS, hot pants for the 15-stone Ditto, who has just topped the NME’s cool list, and an extraordinary confection of silver lamé and fluoro sportswear by the avant-garde east-London fashion designer Cassette Playa for Wolf  they see as anathema the notion of doing anything anyone’s way but their own. Full to the brim with ironic knowingness, they are here to remind us that the sort of vapid pop by numbers offered up by television talent contests and cynical music impresarios isn’t the only kind there is. And they are nothing if not sure of their own minds. One record-company suit, misguided enough to attempt to mould Mika into “the new Craig Davidâ€Â, even inspired a song on his album. “Should I bend over?†he asks on Grace Kelly, in protest at the idea of being in any way moulded. Another track, Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), is a broadside against size-zero foolishness. There is a awareness to his songs that earlier generations of pop rebels didn’t have. They are savvy about the marketing machine, wily about the mechanics and pitfalls of celebrity. “I’m delighted if people take that idea from what I do,†Mika says. “But I detach myself from politics or any kind of particular angle. Who I am isn’t important.†Mostly, however what he and his peers really, really are is ambitious. Mika began bagging commercial work, packaging up demo cassettes and hitting the phones, from the age of 11. “Important people would take my calls simply because I was a kid. My mum had no idea.†Thus, the young Mika ended up singing on adverts for Wrigley chewing gum and the Kuwaiti Danish Dairy Co, and providing British Airways with in-flight music. Mika’s still got it covered. His name is a single-word, global-fame-friendly brand that will be easy to say in 15 languages. “Well, there’s no need to tell you my surname,†he says. “My name is unisex. One size fits all. I’m the Yohji Yamamoto of names. “Actually,†he adds, “my favourite boy’s name is Alice. If I have a son, I’ll call him Alice.†And why not?
  21. Watering hole is sometimes a reference to a bar or pub...where people gather for drinks.....!
  22. Boo hoo.. was all set to go... and now can't hear anything.. anyone else have any luck?!
  23. my favs are the ones from the last link - mediaeater.. with the green light in the background.. cracking photography...
  24. I found lots of photos of Mika from various people (some pro photographers) on Flickr.. but because of copyright etc... I have restrained from 'right click' and 'save picture as' in case I get into trouble Here are the links however - there are some great pics! http://www.flickr.com/photos/kirstenmavric/with/306066499/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/kinkyfantastic/sets/72157594366520307/detail/ http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=mika&w=81658939%40N00 Enjoy!
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