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Everything posted by meimei88

  1. nah.... I'm sure there are lots of people out there that have had far more and better encounters then me..! Apparently I was sat next to Steven Redgrave (Quintuple Olympic Gold Medallist Rower) once on the tube.. but was too engrossed in my newspaper to notice.. my colleague only told me when we got off the tube!!
  2. Met and took photo with Mika at Culture Show (and also saw Patrick Stewart at the same shoot - but no photo) Met and took photo with F1 driver Juan Pablo Montoya...also shook hands with Ralph Schumacher as he was at a staff awards ceremony and he presented me with an award (we sponsor BMW Williams ) Onced served cheese to Jonathan Ross when I worked on the deli in Safeways aaaages ago hehe.. Was stood a few feet away from HRH The Queen last year when she visited our office Saw the whole of the South African Rugby team in a hotel lobby in Kensington last year Was at a Chart Show shoot with Neil (Doctor) Fox Once got autographs from Sinitta, Yazz (The only way is up!) - not that cool
  3. This came up on the newswire.. I believe is is in Dutch.. from what I can translate (oh the power of Internet tools!).. its a good review http://www.demorgen.be/dm/nl/cultuur/dmmuziek/378506?wt.bron=Hotlist
  4. It seems to work for me!.. Listening to some country right now http://www.929dave.fm/pages/219079.php
  5. Mika is in Atlanta today... so prob not He should definately be up for a Brit next year!! If Mika gets nominated for anything... get voting !!
  6. It's a funny podcast...talking about random things.. good for Mika to clear up all the stories about his father being 'taken as hostage' or 'kidnapped'
  7. Me me!.... but am in London so no darn it!
  8. Just wondering if anyone on here has connections to Mika in any way....! Mine are quite rubbish..but hey makes me feel closer I have a friend....who's date has a friend... who apparently used to go to school with Mika.. Or... I have a colleague somewhere inthe building(who I don't know yet.. but am working on) that interviewed Mika
  9. Tickets still available for Sheperds Bush! check out http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user?query=search&region=xxx&category=misc&search=mika
  10. I can't believe that the touts are on eBay with the next tour tickets already!! and they haven't even sold out yet!! The price that people are bidding too.. they really haven't done their homework!!.... obviously not fan clubbers!! If I were to sell any spare tickets.. I would offer any profit to the running if this fab forum!!
  11. hehe.. sorry havingablast.. but we're quite quick in the ball with the press stories!! (especially Cautionary Wife ) I do a quick search on the forum to check if a stories already been posted Nice to have you with us and welcome!
  12. Cool! Mika Holbrook Penniman..did we know about his middle name before? Something new!!
  13. Check this thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=774 explains all
  14. You're right CW!! I would love to see more of that photo shoot! The photographers got quite a good portfolio...He's got a few of Lee Ryan on there... But Mika will always be in my No 1 spot! Right.. back to scouring the Internet for more!
  15. .. with a lovely picture I don't think we've seen before!! The reviewer is giving Natasha Bedingfield a rough time as well as Mika in this one....I'm starting to spot a trend with the Guardian..
  16. I thought Brian May was annoyed at the DiS review.... I must pay attention!
  17. Was having a dig around and found this - I don't think I've seen it posted here but please excuse me if it has... Not a very nice review, this Alexis Petridis sounds like a right old misery guts!! Read it here!
  18. But we already know!! Story published here Cat's out of the bag people.... hope you all got your tickets!!
  19. Some good snippets of Mika herehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/news/entertainment/podcast.shtml Its also available for free in iTunes There are a few snippets of Mika on this podcast.. so keep listening or skim through to find it
  20. Hi! I'm Mei, 29 from London! I love margheritas, salsa, snowboarding, indoor climbing, scuba diving, mountain biking and fitness (although am struggling to lose weight ) I generally like most music.. but have leaned towards rnb, hip hop in recent years, but am open to everything. Never really a Queen or Freddie fanatic (sorry!) but as Mika says.. we are a 'best of' generation where everything is available for us!! We have the ability to pick and choose our own crazy music mixes on our ipods!! I will surely be checking out Queen and Freddie discographies!! Mika's music is so refreshing!! Growing up, I had the usual crushes on artists and boy bands but everyone seemed so inaccessible then...these days with myspace and sites like this, its nice to have an impression that we're not that distant after all!! Thank goodness for the Internet! I was also at the Culture Show shoot and feel so privilidged to have been part of such an intimate morning with Mika.... I will forever treasure the photo I took with him!! Sooo glad I plucked up the courage to ask him!! I have never been so star struck!! I am an IT girl and work for Reuters (will be trying to infiltrate the editorial floor and stalk the entertainment journalists sometime this week ). I'm a real gadget girl though not at all a geek!! Thats a little bit about me Feel free to PM me anytime
  21. I kinda remember Mika mentioning a friend of the family with only one eye in an interview somewhere.. (no idea which interview though).. so could be her....I could be wrong though
  22. I can't believe I missed this.. and I work for Reuters I must keep a better eye on the newswire!! Here is the link Enjoy!
  23. ThereI think there is an another group out there called Mika - very electro pop.. also saw them in iTunes too..here is a site with samples... definately not our Mika.. doesn't seem like his style at all!
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