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Posts posted by Max

  1. Yes Ive enjoyed all your 43 posts ?? ... have you just joined? :naughty:


    I think you'll find it's 49 now :wink2:


    I know you've enjoyed all my posts, cos you've answered nearly every one of them:wink2: . That's what I love about you Freddie :wub2: - you take the time to talk to everyone!

  2. The tickets from SEE tickets, I think you'll find should reach you about 5 weeks before the gig, which to my calculations should be about around the middle of April, so no panic yet.


    Thank you! Really useful to know - I usually use ticketweb and they are a bit quicker at despatching them.


    I'll stick a note on my calendar for 12th April ... 'if tickets not arrived ... start panicking' :naughty:

  3. Sorry Chloe can't help you this tme. My tickets haven't arrived yet:thumbdown: . I ordered mine on the pre sale which was through SEE. I'm getting worried that my tickets haven't arrived yet ... has anyone else that used SEE got there tickets for Birmngham yet?

  4. Yeh it is very difficult to keep up , I find it impossible to read all the posts :shocked:


    Think yourself lucky you don't have to keep up with reading your own posts. It's doubly difficult for the rest of us to keep up :wink2:

  5. Just got back home from Brum - spent the weekend at my sister's! Loved the gig. Have some piccies to post - will sort them out and let you see them later.


    Chloe - I can see myself in your picture of the crowd :blush-anim-cl: ... will add a big arrow and post later! You have some fab pics.


    Strudel - is that Mika I can hear singing ... or is it you? :wink2: Great vid though. I have a few video clips but my stupid camera will only take 20 second clips :crash:


    More later ...

  6. Me :D hope he's ok with his flu tho :blink: this is what I look like so if you spot me come and say hi, I'll have that top on to I think :mf_rosetinted:




    Chloe thanks for the pic. I will look out for you. (your dog is a real cutie!)


    I'm going with my sister and our other halves. Don't have any good photos I can post. Will be good to be back in Brum to see Mika.


    I'm off to get ready now, then heading off to my sister's shortly.


    See you later.


    Max x

  7. If it is a straight choice between more songs or extra dancers and balloons, then I'm with you Stephane ... give me the songs anyday!


    See ... we do agree :roftl:


    I bet we don't get so much of the 'mess' in Birmingham tomorrow. My guess was that this was done, like you say, for publicity. And the national press will have been at Koko tonight.


    However, I am willing to bet that tomorrow night we get exactly the same length of concert, without the extras. I don't think the extra showy stuff was at the expense of more songs. I think Mika's standard set at the moment is those 10 songs. (Isn't the setlist exactly the same as the Berkley Square and Radio 2 gigs?)

  8. From what I can gather there was only one song cut from the set. I don't think this was a shortened concert due to illness. I think that this gig was only ever intended to be approx 45 mins.


    Like I said in my earlier post, gigs of this size are generally shorter in length. Mika's situation is unusual in that he has become more well-known since the tickets for these gigs went on sale. Had he still been a relatively unknown artist, I think your opinion on the length of concert would be different.


    Anyway that is my opinion. I certainly will not be disappointed to see Mika perform 10 songs in an intimate venue tomorrow evening. It will probably be the one and only time I get to see him perform in such a small venue, and I shall savour every one of the 40 minutes.


    Actually, if you work it out - my ticket was £8.00 - if he plays 10 songs, that's 80p per song. Only 1p more than i-tunes for live music ... fantastic value!


    I feel for the people who spent Megabucks on eBay for Koko tix.






    If people choose to pay touts more than £50 for a ticket that originally cost less than a tenner they can't suddenly expect that they should get more for their money.


    I've been to gigs at the Barfly where the main act only plays 5 songs. I really think people's expectations were too high, if they thought they would get more than the album. He's a new artist, he doesn't have the material yet to play longer sets than this.

  10. No he only sang ten songs



    Love Today

    My Interpretation

    Big Girl

    Billy Brown

    Over My Shoulder

    Ring Ring

    Stuck In The Middle

    Grace Kelly





    I can't believe you don't complain that it only lasted for 40 minutes!!! My impression was that it was a bit more for "appearance/universe" than for the music itself...


    Ten songs is not bad for an artist playing this sort of venue. Although Mika has number 1 album and single, you should remember that this has happened very quickly. When I bought my ticket for the Barfly Mika was still relatively unknown. This was certainly a longer setlist than I expected. I would expect the gigs in May to be bigger and better and have a few more songs.


    That is all, imho, of course!

  11. :mf_rosetinted: I know you wetre all waiting - in fact to be honest had got so excited about it plus hols tomorrow and mother in law in hosp etc that I cried when I found out it was off:mf_rosetinted:


    How sad is that - am nearly 40!@!!!:blink:


    That's not sad ... it's a perfectly understandable reaction. I know I would cry if Friday's gig is cancelled:no:

  12. I had a really bad dream last night ...


    I dreamt I went to see Mika perform live. We got there really early, but were surprised that only a couple of dozen people had turned up. As it got nearer to the time for Mika to come on, not many more people had turned up. This seemed strange - but I had a great spot right at the front.


    Then they announced Mika and he came on ...


    ... but it wasn't Mika!


    It was some middle aged balding bloke, who couldn't even sing!


    No one else seemed to notice and they were all going wild as though it was Mika. It seemed like I was the only one who could tell it wasn't Mika. I tried to tell everyone ... but they didn't want to listen.


    Oh no ... what does it mean? I am supposed to be seeing Mika in Birmingham on Friday!

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