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Posts posted by daisylou


    I'm sure there will be some nice news when you wake up... I'm not waiting up to see the news because it probably doesn't affect me anyway... it never does :naughty:...


    And take care of yourself, I would hate for you to be unwell on the 8th!


    Awww thanks for being concerned! :wub2:

    I feel dreadful but as usual can't sleep when need to. Am going to try and leave my computer on but it overheats and cuts out. Seems I can't win today....gonna be one of THOSE days I can feel it!


  2. DOES ANYONELSE FEEL LET DOWN?....or is it just me?


    Nobody seems to have said basically how rubbish MIKA's people are...they spent plenty of time posting about the date being May 25th for the codes....then NOTHING!....feels like Paris comp. all over again for me..get all excited...nothing..go and then find out later I had won.


    It always seems to get swept under the carpet and forgotten about, then he moves on and so do we. Nobody says how THEY feel about it.

    I know it is not MIKA'S fault but how disorganised his people are. I mean everyone has the ability of using a calendar...and can see that yesterday was a Bank Holiday but didn't think of telling us they weren't going to say anything but keep us on tender hooks instead.

    I am sure IF.../when today's gig post comes out all will be forgetten again but I am soooo tired and need sleep today so will probably miss out on any news anyway especially as no time scale was given. :sneaky2: My health HAS to come first or I won't be going anywhere on June 8th.

    So Goodnight again...set my alarm for 8am to check...NOTHING..AGAIN!!


  3. I got codes for the seats but the EP...?

    This is what I got on my EP..

    Item description Qty Each Total

    Song for Sorrow Limited Edition Book and EP (n/a) 1 £ 15.00 £ 15.00


    Total Goods Price £ 15.00

    Shipping £ 2.50

    Order Total £ 17.50

    This transaction will appear on your credit card bill as http://WWW.SANDBAG.UK.COM INTERNET or SAFEPAYZONE.COM depending on your currency.



    The product(‘s) you have purchased can be redeemed for a personal gift from MIKA. We will email you on May 25th with a unique code and full instructions.

    For more information keep checking back to http://www.mikasounds.com

    Seems everyonelse (most) has the same one sorry for posting all that! :blush-anim-cl:

  4. I wonder if the codes will be some sort of draw that sends you to the gigs for free, accommodation and travel included . Now that would be excellent ..quote Sariflor


    Ahem Remember Paris?.. I have been there done that...won....NOTHING!!!...NADA!! :mad3: Did anyone at MIKASOUNDS care did they Falafel xxx

  5. I got terrific seats if that seating plan is right, stalls CC 18 & 19 so that's 2nd row (I hope) practically central :biggrin2::biggrin2::fangurl::pbjt:


    I am soooo excited now :swoon: and I PROMISE not to wear a big hat or flashing boppers on my head or anything like that. xx


    You are gonna be right next to us! ours are CC12-15!!! Don't the seats start no.5-no.29? soooo dead centre!!!


    But have they said when they are actually going to send the tickets out?

    • Next Tuesday/Wednesday I heard from someone but they never actually said on my email.
  6. Just looked on R2s playlists and it's on the B list, but no sign of it on R1s playlists yet.

    So it'll get a fair bit of play on R2 this week I'd imagine.

    Disappointed in R1 though. Thought Jo, Scott or Sara would pick up on it (although Sara might this weekend for her record of the weekend, if it's her turn). fingers crossed.


    What does it say Rose? Blue Eyes or Mika EP Songs for Sorrow?..I could look but you are the woman of all Radio knowledge. :thumb_yello:


  7. Friend just texted me DJ Simon Mayo just played "Blue Eyes" saying it is MIKA's new single.

    Her rating...very tame not as good as normal....well it is my FAV!! I adore that tune!!!:thumb_yello:


  8. Kata and Suzie where/who did you speak to? Where are you sat?


    I just rang SW and they said basically that they are giving the stage to MIKA and that is it.

    They have no way of knowing the seat numbers through the codes we were given or the order number as it was a seperate company who dealt with everything eg. tickets, promotion etc. and reiterated SW is just the venue chosen and that was all. He was such a lovely guy and tried every which way of finding out but the result was nada!

    so for everyonelse thing of ringing them don't as they won't/can't tell you anything.


  9. Ok this maybe should go in the other artist and will probs get moved but thought get more of a wider view of what you think of the "new"band on here...


    Is Mr Mikey Choi not playing anymore?

    Saranayde's sexy costumes been left in the wardrobe?

    Martin's cute smile now belong to Lily Allen?

    Is Cherisse the "only lonely one" left of the original band?


    Personally I understand these guys are freelance and work where the money is...take Saranayde working with Annie Lennox!!!!Martin with Lily, etc but it is a shame when you have been there since day dot that they have moved on...

    What I have found nice is that when they do go and they work with others they still recognise the people who supported them in the MIKA days..ie Luke...he is one in a million we know that, but always takes the time to be sociable. He doesn't have too and always asks how everyone is doing. :wub2:


    I found the original band were all really nice down to earth approachable people and loved the attention the MIKA fans gave them...I just hope whoever he next employs are the same. :wink2:


    When Mikey gets replaced will the next person have a light up guitar? :roftl:


  10. I am with you girls...


    You think think your a woman

    I think you should go…


    ... is defo not what he sings on the Mp3 version...bizarre when the lyrics are in the booklet? ....looove the picture tho!


    Well done Ewokwicket she was right with the whole underground bit..altho was not noticed


    I loved the live version but this version is just AWESOME! My fav by a mile! :biggrin2:

    x x x

  11. Sorry not been too well but here it is!..only very short as really tired and have laryngitis!


    Gig was....Freaking Awesome!!


    Fran was giving it his all from the moment he came on stage.

    A huge amount of the people there were friends and family from all over the globe so I am sure he felt reassured when he looked out from the stage.


    The band consisted of Fran (obviously!), Nik, Allan, Tim on keys and backing vocals and Alvaro on drums. Matt was there, but was enjoying the show in the audience for a change.


    Francis is just getting better the more shows he does...he oozes confidence..even if he isn't inside he doesn't show it. I just can't wait to go and see the band again!!! :thumb_yello: (will write more at a later date)


    Set list-

    don't say never

    one love

    walk with me



    any day now



    wonderful from here



    am uploading vids on youtube but for some reason keeps declining them??

    so will update this when they are there...


    One Love-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYpIjaWovAM




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