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Everything posted by jengafer

  1. It looks like the travel lodge leeds central is booked up:thumbdown:
  2. wouldnt it be cool, such a fab gang going already, just dont want to miss out! And smaller venue, do you know the capacity Fred? or anyone? Well I cant go to both but i think leeds would be better and i want to meet everyone, my other half is from up north so he might be up for it, but he is a bit of a grump, so have to see he he'll come and get parents to have my kids then get tickets there are few on ebay already, so shouldnt be a prob. Whats the name of where you are all staying? have you got the tel no, or email Fred? got to get shorty from playschool , back in half hour or so... lol
  3. I am thinking about it too:naughty: got to go to school now for work! OMG no more posting til after luch going go CCCRAZY....
  4. I know it is alot, do you think it is worth it? Prob not for you, I am not sure as have brighton tickets and thats a small venue, but i want to meet kata and you , maybe i will try and get a leeds ticket? not sure how id get there though, will look into it, lol
  5. Thats a shame, still at least you will be there,:thumb_yello:Who were you seeing?
  6. Can never have too many Love it here posts
  7. nasty person? missed all that, wish i was coming too:sad:
  8. Welcome, dont be scared off by Fred, he is in love with Mika's dummer girl. Morning all
  9. I have sent him a msg on my space:biggrin2:
  10. where is Jipi, he will have got the album by now:sneaky2:
  11. Are you going to put in on here, as I said can you?
  12. Has it been found yet, Lylemma can you copy it for us to hear on here, or is that illegal?
  13. MIka and Robbie or MIka and you Fred am confused again, spending most of today confused
  14. I never really thought about his studio band being diff than his live band, blimey, tis sooooooooo diff to a band band. Weird:shocked: I am friends with his 2 of his live band on my space(not actual friends:thumbdown: ) and they are v cool, shame. Whats the keybard player called again, havent checked his yet:blush-anim-cl:
  15. Welcome fellow Mikamaniac, lovely to have you join:thumb_yello:
  16. I am sure he will be there soon, I havent seen him either yet, was suppsoed to see him at the infamous brighton gig, FLU! LOndon May 14 now OMG sooooo long, hope he comes to you soon
  17. YEAAAAAAAAAAA Mika is gorgeous, thats what we are talking about here, do we get told off if we go off the point?
  18. Fred put up the post, your turn, after my rudeness last time! and anyway the ladys alll flock to your threads I will give you 10 mins:naughty: re my space set up, It is easy, i had NO clue at the start and some basic sites really helped, I am by no means experienced but feel free to message me for help anytime
  19. Yaay that will be fab, all the advice you need to help is already on here, mostly from me asking although maybe you are a tech wiz, we can form a my space mikamaniacs group...go on fred you do it , will be sooooo cool!
  20. sorry fred i should quote was talking to sivan But fred shouldnt you get one going too?
  21. Hi your my space is ace! have sent you an invite to join my fellow mikamaniac and Queenbee:thumb_yello:
  22. I am worried about overplaying the album too! I dont think Mka is very much like Queen, But i have never felt this way about a band/singer since Queen, so it is rare that I love something this much, that is why they are similar too me. They are the same only in their uniqueness.... I think we agree:thumb_yello:
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