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Everything posted by Zahara

  1. Ok dudettes.. Im off again.. Homework is kind of killing me. Already See you all tomorrow! and if i dont see you, i will see you the day after tomorrow.. And if I wont see you the day after tomorrow I will see you the day after the day after tomorrow etc. etc.
  2. No need to feel guilty.. *cough* you can help the next time we'll have to move *cough*
  3. Uhm.. well.. I did drag the jukebox.. So.. yeah.. I guess so
  4. You dont have to say a thing.. just take them off! just kidding!!
  5. Are you sure? Well, okay then.. *We have to take our.. clothes off! We have to parteeee.. all night We have to take our... clothes off to have a good time*
  6. *stands near the Jukebox* Any requests?
  7. I know!! I really hope they wont throw a bottle at Ryan next year! I mean.. if it already knocked Brendon out, image what it could do to Ryro!! He's soo small!! *must.. not.. think.. bad..things..*
  8. But.. but.. do you have to be a member to come here? *OOPS!!*
  9. Oohhh.. Part 4!! :biggrin2: *drags in the Jukebox* In case anyone else forgot.. why is page 3 still open? Do we have 2 Bars now?
  10. I'm hoping for black and white (of course!) and.. uhm.. a funeral-esque thingie?
  11. During the Decaydance Fest in Paris, Ryan introduced the song known as "Back To The Streets" as "Nine in the Afternoon" Man.. I cant wait till January/February 2008
  12. *looks at her signature image* heeheehee *licks screen*
  13. Gawh.. it looks as if he did "A Britney" He shouldn't wear a hoodie with the hood up.. it's weird and it doesnt suit him... I do like his stubbles though
  14. Your right!! They told that they're going to use instruments they didnt use on the first album! It's going to be "a love story for adults" If you go to P!atD's homepage (link is on the first page of this thread) you can click on Forum.. You'll be taken to the BIGGEST P!atD forum on the internet! (Thanks for helping me keeping this thread alive! )
  15. Im glad you liked it! Cant wait to see them in The Netherlands once their new album is released
  16. Since there aren't any updates about their upcoming album I thought I'd share a clip with you guys! Its friggin' hilarious!! I bet you'll laugh your ass off
  17. *bumperdebumperdebump* Told you im not going to let this thread die. *mwuhahaha*
  18. *Gasp* Only one song!? I demand that you go to their myspace and listen to the ones you dont know!
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