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Everything posted by Zahara

  1. Is it possible it will just be the Dodgy Holiday EP getting a physical release? Or has it been confirmed that there will be other songs on it? And is the title really Five Songs of Sorrow? Doesn't that sounds a bit too dark for Mika?
  2. OhmyMika!!! No new confessions for a whole day!? C'mon you guys! Keep postin'! Anyway.. Father, can you please give me advice? I'm in love. I'm in love with an artist. Not really in love.. but I can't stop drooling over his photo's and listening to his music! Should I tell my boyfriend? Personally I don't think so, coz I'm not cheating, right? I'm really addicted!! Please help me
  3. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.. Yesterday I spent more than € 180 and now I don't have any money left for concert tickets to see Him on Amsterdam.. Should I ask my parents to pay the tickets? Or should I beg on the corner of the street? Advice is welcome! *goes looking for money between the pillows of the couch* btw: Mika Owns Me: suicide is never, never the solution!
  4. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned/ I am sinning.. It seems that Mika is going to give a concert in the Netherlands, but Im not even that excited! I'm not even sure if I want to buy tickets and attend the gig! I'm not sure how I should tell you this but I'm afraid that I will not enjoy his music as much as I do now...(is that a correct phrase?? o_O) Seriously, I feel really bad about it... I mean, it wil be perhaps my only chance to see him in real life and now i'm 'acting' like this.. That's all for now. Thank You.
  5. Why was the video shot in such a place (No offense to anyone who lives there) It's too dark!! I think I need to watch it more often.. but for now..:
  6. Frisian - Ik hâld fan dy (Yes, Frisian is a language.. not a dialect!)
  7. Well, I do have the channel but i don't have the ability/equipment to record it.. I'm sorry!!!
  8. Forgive me Father, for I have done some serious sinning in the last couple of days! First of all, I haven't listened to our Lords (that is what we call him these days? ) music for days! It seems that I prefer listening to emo/punk-rock songs instead of happy tunes.. Then there is this thing that happend during my hockey training... A girl was talking bad (as in really, really bad) about someone I know and I got a bit p*ssed off, so I hooked her with my hockey stick.. She fell, but didn't hurt herself (at least, that's what I hope..) And then there is this thing with my boyfriend.. but I think is better not to post that..
  9. I can play some songs on my sister's viola and violin And some very, very easy songs on guitar I can also play some tunes on a tin whistle Oh.. and i have been playing piano for eleven and a half years now...
  10. Frans Bauer!!! Heb Je Even Voor Mij? Great (if not the best) song from our Dutch pride!! NOT!!!!
  11. Forgive me father for I have sinned! I realized I haven't made any confessions in the last.. uhm.. weeks? I think I was just too busy with my boyfriend and music and tennis... oh.. and school of course! But now I'm back! And i'm full of confessions to be made..
  12. Ohh!! The second picture reminds me of the Billy Elliot movie!! Especially the begining where Billy is jumping on his bed But that's just me.. Love the one with the flowers... Thanks!!!
  13. I love you even more!!! Thank you (again)
  14. I love you!! Thank you very much!
  15. I'm not a Londoner.. but I can assure you, you want to see the London Eye!!! and the Natural History Museum!! And Buckingham Palace!! Oh.. not to forget: HARRODS!! (Edit: PICCADILLY CIRCUS!! (you MUST visit the Virgin Megastore!!))
  16. I'm already wondering how the cover will look like and if there'll be new tracks on it!! (Still) not that excited about the video tho.. [maybe later..]
  17. His hair looks amazing!! His shoes are amazing!! MIKA IS AMAZING!! Thank you sooo much for the photos!!
  18. I soooo agree with you.. I think it's a wee bit weird.. But thanks for posting anyway!!
  19. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned... this afternoon I ate a chocolate bar (70 grams!!!) in less than 6 minutes and I didn't even shared it with my little brother and sister!!
  20. Alex Zane!!!!! Or Ara Halici (He played Emcee in the Dutch version of Cabaret !!) Also, Katie Melua would be great for him!! They could record a song (or an album) together!! (Please, not Perez!!!)
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