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Posts posted by leighhodgson

  1. Right, I have managed to upload 2 videos onto YOU TUBE, I have no idea how to link it in here so you will all have to go find it.


    They have only just been added and I got a message from youtube saying it would take a little while before they could be viewed.


    You can find them under Mika tartan trousers, (this clip shows him singing some of grace kelly)


    the second one is under Mika, presents (or gifts), but if you put in Mika, glasgow, presents, gifts, you'll find it! Thats when he gets the trousers says Hi to Tootch and Rainbow!


    I am exhausted, spent soooooooooooooooo much time trying to sort this!

  2. Tootch, have tried about 3 times so far and am getting nowhere.


    Think I will have to speak to someone in the know, like babspanky or steph! Can't figure out what i'm doing wrong! :blink:

  3. Hey everyone, I have got video of him talking about the 'tight around the arse' bit but I can't seem to upload it here so I'm downloading it to my myspace so you can click on me a wee bit later and hopefully it will be there. 29% of it has been uploaded so far!


    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited, can't wait to see it!



    Are you able to email it to me??????????



  4. Hey everyone, I have got video of him talking about the 'tight around the arse' bit but I can't seem to upload it here so I'm downloading it to my myspace so you can click on me a wee bit later and hopefully it will be there. 29% of it has been uploaded so far!


    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited, can't wait to see it!



    Are you able to email it to me??????????



  5. Oh my God. The concert was amazing! Best show I've ever seen! I have to see him again.:wub2:


    Were you with us in Glasgow????


    Did you tape him talking about the trousers??????



    I was too hysterical to film it, was screaming like a MIKA NUTTER as the time!

  6. I am the happiest today that I can ever remember (apart from when I married Chris and had the kids!)


    You guys at the concert, and all the MFC people, can't get over how much you've added to this! I will NEVER forget this, or you lot, EVER! x

  7. wow you guys were lucky!! can't wait to witch some of the vid clips!


    did u go to the afterparty too :shocked:


    Unfortunately the fans don't get to that! I think scg was meaning when he left the building after the gig!


    We didn't stay for that. We'd met him beforehand, got photos and autographs, gave him the trousers and gifts so it was only fair to not try to see him again, although I would have loved to give him a hug and thank him for wearing the trousers, truly made our night! What a wonderful wonderful man he is! :wub2:

  8. mika loved the trousers soo much he wore them to the after party . when i got him to sign my t-shirt i spoke to him about the trousers & he said he loved them :wub2:


    I was the best night ever, wasn't it! My head and ears still hurt, but, boy was it worth it! :biggrin2:

  9. My face hurts from smiling so much....I'm overjoyed for you all. Wendi, thanks for making it such an experience for all of us *in real time*!!! That was so special! (((hugs wendi)))


    So happy...I feel as if I were there. Reading this morning of more detail I am grinning and tears are falling, I feel so delighted for you all.


    I realize that when I see him in DC I might not have the experience like this, might not meet him personally. He might be busy. He's only one person after all, and can't meet everyone. But at least we can share these times with each other and it's almost like being there!!! I loved Freddie and I was thrilled to see him from the 8th row. NEVER hoped to see him or talk to him personally!!! I'm thrilled to see Mika in a small venue where I know I will be able to see him up close. I should be satisfied with that! Soon he will be filling large venues and the challenge will be getting good seats.


    Mika is VERY kind to be so personal with his fans. It is a disappointment if we can't talk to him but we can't all do it. It is just impossible. So I will take this experience as part of my own, and be happy...very happy...with it. And if I never get to meet him personally, well then, that's ok. But I will try. :biggrin2:



    We simply had to meet him, we were on a major mission!


    I have posted re my experience on the Glasgow thread if you want to take a peek!

  10. I love you girlfriend!! You have no idea how much it means to me. Truly. I bestow a thousand blessings upon you!! :naughty: Methinks they all happened last night! :roftl: I cannot wait to see the video... the autograph... everything... I'm so happy. *thank you*


    Right back at ya Rainbow, your one in a million! Big hugs!


    That goes to Tootch too! xxx

  11. Ya know when Mika said the troosers were a bit tight in the a***....


    ...one of ya's should looked at him, grinned and went "KACHIIIIIIIIIIINGA"!!! :roftl:


    Rainbow, had completely lost the plot by then, was still screaming and jumping and waving tartan scarf, brain would never have clicked in to think of that!

  12. hey leezy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i cant believe what an awesome experience you had!

    i have tears rolling down my cheeks and my heart is thumping!

    thank you thank you thank you (for eternity!)

    we were screaming like wild women here last night!

    i think i heard you all screaming too - when wendi posted about mika wearing the trews on the stage!!!!


    just a short note right now -

    life as a mum.......

    you know how it is!!!!!:naughty:


    Once I get a chance to sit down and fiture youtube out, you can see the vid and hear him speak your name! I was so determined to get his autograph for you guys! AM SO SO SO HAPPY! But still have mega headache!


    Anyway, I have B&B guests arriving later on from the land of OZ, and have still to get the place ready, so must go for now! Back on tonight!



  13. Rainbow for the last 30mins I have been trying to email you with the vid. It is now saying it's tooooo big.


    I NEVER give up, so I will get it to you, em, even if it's only on YOU TUBE, will have to put some time aside tonight to figure it all out!


    SORRY! Wanted you to see it now!:shocked:

  14. Hi Wendi, you don't know me but I'm girlintheblue's friend and I got you your autograph for you last night, didn't realize you were an i rather than a y so I do apologise! What a fantastic job you all did! I felt slightly fraudulent hanging out with the others! Hope you enjoy all the photos!:biggrin2:


    Hello MummyMcD, I am still on the ceiling! What a night! x

  15. oh my goooooooood!!! leezy!!!! I am shaking just reading your post!!!!! My heart is thumping out of my chest. Thank you soooo much for getting my gift to him and getting an autograph. oh my god I can't believe it.


    I can just hear your screams from here, when he came out with the tartan trousers on. God, what an awesome experience. You have no idea how happy I am for you!!!!!!!


    You made me BUST UP LAUGHING over the comment on the support band!!!!! "Support group were good, but enough about them." :roftl: :roftl:


    Oh god I can't wait to see the video!!!!


    Leeeeeeeeeeeeeiggggggggh!!!!!!!!!! *aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh*


    *jumps up and down*


    *huge squeezy hugs*


    Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow, (jumps up and down in a tartan hug), it was just the best, I just can't put into words how amazing it was.


    You will have to be patient with me re the vids, cause i have never done this before. I have your home email so will be able to email it to you, will have to figure out the Youtube side of it later on!




    DCDEB, thanks for your comments too!


    Thanks to everyone who followed our evening, I have been filled up with tears reading all your posts in here and the tartan trousers! You guys are amazing too! xxxxxxx

  16. Hiya all, here's my account of one of the best nights of my life!


    Arrive around 4.15pm, in pouring rain! We were not the first either, 3 people were there before us! Rats!


    They told us that someone was about to get Mika to come out, at which point I started to shake. We waited for a good while then all the security came out, YES, that means Mika is almost here.


    When he arrived we all had to queue to speak to him. Me, GITB, Kath & Abby gave him the trousers, he seemed really pleased, he asked if they would fit and we told him that Martin had given us his measurements. (I have it all on video, but please bare with me, I have to figure out how to download it). I also gave Mika a "Making of the Tartan Trousers" scrapbook with photos of the day we made them!


    I then handed him the gift from Rainbow and Postcard from Hootchatootch and asked him to say hi to Rainbow and Tootch, he did, WOOO HOOOO!


    I then got autographs for me, Rainbow & Tootch, (my friend Sandra asked for Wendi's one, cause by then the security were getting really p'd off with us taking up so much time).


    They didn't want anymore photos to be taken, but GITB said to Mika, "Can we get a photo cause we made you the trousers" he said YYYEYEEESSSSSS!


    His mum passed us in the queue and said she liked our teeshirts! We met Big Girl too! Martan came out at one point and we were the only ones who knew who he was, so we shouted after him and got a wave! He had a bad limp (hope it gets better soon).


    We then wait another 90mins in the cold rain. Mika came out again and was whisked off in a car, with his mum and sister. The doors open, me and GITB run up the huge flight of stairs to get prime position, we were told off by 2 different people and asked to walk!


    Anyway we got to the front and put the MFC banners up and our tartan scarfs. We then met lollipop girl, who loved our teeshirts and gave us all lollies, we got a photo with her.


    Support group were good, but enough about them.


    Mika was fantastic, as were the whole band, we were on a mega high already, so hearing him sing was the icing on the cake. Sweet Dreams was absolutely fantastic, crowd loved it! As was I want you Back. OOOOOHHHH all the songs were amazing, the show was longer than in February, didn't feel short changed at all!


    Martin was watching ME singing along and when I made eye contact with him, I got a lovely big smile! :blush-anim-cl:


    We were all doing the actions in Love Today and MIKA saw me making the L sign, (which he had forgotten to do himself), and he then started doing it!






    Almost the end of the gig, and Mika leaves the stage, joking I turn to my friend to say he's gone to get the tartan trousers!



    I am screaming and screaming and screaming, jumping up and down with tartan scarf waving like mad (as are the rest of the tartan clad crew). It is the biggest rush I have EVER HAD, think it was more exciting than actually meeting him.


    He then tells the crowd that 5 friends from scotland made him the trousers, THEN POINTS OVER TO US, AND SAYS THERE THEY ARE, MORE SCREAMING AND JUMPING AND SCARF WAVING!!!!! I didn't get any of that bit on video cause I was shaking like a leaf and could not stop screaming. He did comment that they were a bit tight around the arse, and looked at GITB when he said it, she had a big thumbs up! His arse looked tremendous in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    Managed to calm down a bit and start to tape some of Grace Kelly (MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE), with Mika dancing around in the tartan.


    He finished up with Lollipop, balloons, streamers, the works.


    By then we were absolutely mentally and physically drained. We decided not to wait at the end, we'd decided to let other have a chance of speaking with him, we'd taken up enough of his time!




    (have re-read this so it may be full of mistakes and jump around a bit, but, hey, I'm past caring!):biggrin2:

  17. ok, thanks a lot! I think I spotted you and is kath the curly girl with red trousers..? and which is leigh? just giving a face to the names :biggrin2:


    the pics are VERY good and it all looks like an incredible night! I can believe you feel it so unreal still! :thumb_yello:


    Hi Avoca, I am the curly one in the red trousers! Am about to post my Mika experience!

  18. sounds like a plan!!!!:thumb_yello:


    do you think that you will be able to sleep???


    Tootch I am absolutely bushed, but want to read all that's been going on here! I asked him to look at my camera to say Hi to you and Rainbow and you hear him saying it! tooooooooooooo much for me tonight! I am fried!

  19. Tootch, Rainbow, Wendi,


    I have your autographs right here!




    I have to work out how to put vids onto You tube tomorrow so you can see him doing Grace Kelly in the tartan trousers! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO

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