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Everything posted by Showtunes17

  1. Ha! I would loved it if mika released relax instead of happy ending.
  2. i'm sure there will be a repeat! The colours and the vid looks so bright; so much better than when i watched it on Youtube.
  3. for the first time last night! Was gobsmacked to actually see the video on my TV! It looked soo good!! It was for the european chart and obviously the song is HUGE is europe! But it was soo random! My family thought i was mad when i screamed.... Did any other Ukers see it?
  4. I love Kanye West; he isn't the conventional rapper we hear out there; actually he sticks out like a sore thumb in his genre of music the same way Mika does! It's a shame but Mika can leave a party because he doesn't want to hear the music; I really don't get what is the big deal.
  5. Realx Take it Easy was a LIMITED RELEASE; only a couple of hundred copies were allowed to be sold. It was NEVER an official release. Grace Kelly was his first official release in the UK! Mika could easily release Relax Take It EASY. It wasn't a flop; it wasn't even released properly so it could never be classed as a release let alone a flop.
  6. THAT IS SOOOOO AWESOME! Gold in the netherlands! LOVE IT! He was soo chuffed when the DJ read out the amount of No.1' he has on the charts!
  7. Agree with what you're saying Babs! The vast majority of MIKA fans may like Happy Ending but outside that i don't think it'll appeal to many and this is me saying what i feel. Relax is an obivous hit single! Mika hasn't had a topping single since Grace Kelly; Love Today and Big Girl as much as they were good they don't have that OMG WOW like Lollipop or Relax! if he had released relax or lollipop we could be basking at a couple of new No.1's. The album sales is definitely what Mika is looking to increase rather than the single sales by the looks of things!
  8. Stephane why are you laughing and FD i posted the biggest selling SINGLES in the previous page! EDIT: Stephane I get it now; the sales for the biggest selling albums this year haven't come through yet!
  9. Thanks! Mika still has the biggest selling single this year though Rihanna is getting rather close!!!!! 1 1 Mika Grace Kelly 463670 2 2 Rihanna feat Jay Z Umbrella 414430 3 3 Proclaimers ft Brian Potter and Andy Pipkin (I'm gonna be) 500 miles 330750 4 4 Kaiser Chiefs Ruby 285040 5 5 Beyonce & Shakira Beautiful liar 280300 6 6 The Fray How to save a life 276825 7 7 Gwen Stefani/Akon Sweet escape 270800 8 8 Avril Lavigne Girlfriend 233675 9 9 Take That Shine 228170 10 11 Timbaland ft Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake Give it to me 213970
  10. Lol yes; cornwall is part of the UK. And the single is only released in main land europe.
  11. In a way Relax is a slower song aswell but i can't help feeling Happy Ending won't go down too well. It's soo confusing with the different singles he has released in other countries!
  12. Relax Take it easy was a limited release XXXX amount of copies i think it was; not an official one like Grace Kelly!
  13. Am i the only one who is GUTTED by this choice!?! When he released Love today i was like "Cool love this song, hopefully Relax Take it easy will be next" and then he released Big Girl and " i was like hmm ok fine love that song EVEN MORE but hoping for relax next" BUT then he releases Happy ending??????????????? In my honest opinion i think this should have stayed as an album track; Don't get me wrong i don't mind "Happy Ending" but i just can't help thinking it won't make as much as an impact as "RTIE" Ideally i would have liked him to release the singles : 1. Grace Kelly 2. Relax Take It Easy 3. Lollipop 4. Big Girl/Happy Ending 5. Love Today In that order. I just don't understand why he is ignoring "RTIE" for the UK does he think we'll toss our noses up at it?
  14. I really don't understand why he is ignoring Relax Take It Easy here in the UK; it is set to be a huge single here aswell as in europe!
  15. Mika has owned europe and he will win the best british award!
  16. I'm absolutely GUTTED! Why release Happy ending when you have Relax Take It Easy and Lollipop just waiting to be another HUGE hit after Grace Kelly! To be honest so far i'm not liking the order of the single choices he has made! It should have been like this 1.Grace Kelly 2.Relax Take It Easy 3.Lollipop 4.Big Girl/Happy Ending 5.Love Today
  17. OMG can't believe people have skipped this thread!!!!! I'll link this to the other main thread!!!!! btw THANK YOU SOO MUCH!
  18. thanks. Worrid about ray is a GREAT tune! Mcfly are abit naff.
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