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Everything posted by cheeseygoodness

  1. at 5, but i'm going out to dinner with my grandma and cousins around 5:30-6.


    ya know what?? i'll just call you when i get out, and we'll figure everything out.

  2. it's not, though. my parents have booked 3 trips with that sight and nothing dodgy occured :naughty:

    i'm going to buy my concert ticket either today or friday. and the plane ticket asap!


    just call me tonight sometime, cause i'm about to go to my first day at sanrio!

  3. i just checked, and greyhound is more expensive than a plane

  4. i'm looking it up right now! call me when you get back from the doctor's.

  5. i knew, too. i said if it's going to be in the U.S, it's gonna be in NY.

    i might go. i dunno yet.



    i tried calling you, but your mom said you weren't in.

  6. i just tried calling her, but she wasn't in are you gonna go lucy??
  7. i know, right!


    i can't blame you, then. amanda's dad is getting some nice unemployment checks, too. YOU MILK THEM FOR ALL THEY'RE WORTH!!! :wags_finger:

    i'm liking these new smilies.


    your mom sounds awful!!! you shouldn't have to put up with that sh!t! you're an adult. take what your mom does to you, and NEVER do it to your kids. it's the best thing you can do, and it will automatically make you a better parent to them. does she do that to your brothers?

  8. maybe until you find a permanent job, you should look for a little part time job. you'd be a great hostess! :thumb_yello:

    so you can at least be making a little mula.


    UGH!!! i cannot stand that!! what has she been saying?


    a few days before school ended, literally all i said to my parents was "i applied at the children's place" and the sh!t hit the fan. my step mom called me a failure and that i shouldn't even bother finishing school because i had an F in math. the berating went on for about 20 minutes, and i just left. i haven't spoken to her since, it's been a month.


    i ended up getting a C on my final, and a D in my math class, but i needed a C to pass. i re-took the college placement test, and i scored high enough that i won't have to re-take the class. i got a B and an A in my other classes, and my GPA is high.

  9. i love them!! :wub2:

    i know! it sucks!!!! we'll figure this out.


    did you find another job?

  10. i already have my schedule for next week at ann taylor, i work everyday except tuesday and thursday, and i have training at hello kitty. i'll find out the schedule for the next week at ann taylor on wednesday. as far as i know, i'll have tuesdays and thursdays off, but i'll probably be at hello kitty.

    this is why i hate having 2 jobs. i'll never have time :thumbdown:


    we'll figure it out, even if we have to hang in the morning.


    it's been raining all morning, it's drizzling now, but it's still dark outside. i like it :naughty:

  11. if it's during the week, anytime before 4. weekends are a little more complicated :naughty:


    ummm.... i guess i'll call you about the tour dates :wink2:

    i will send smoke signals, carrier pigeons, don't worry :naughty:



    your number is stored in my phone :thumb_yello:

  12. I GOT THE JOB!!!!:biggrin2:


    i start training on tuesday. i don't know what my schedule is for the next 2 weeks. they approved my day off for friday, but put me on the schedule anyway :sneaky2:

    stupid ann taylor. i'm taking a big pay cut at hello kitty, but i think since ann taylor is making me suicidal, i think it's worth it. i told my manager yesterday about my second job and she said "don't we give you enough hours?" and i explained to her that it's my parents, and she was like :shocked:


    i'll let you know what my schedule is like when i get it, hopefully we can work something out. do you have my new phone number? it's 9543749073.

  13. maybe next week.......?

  14. as of now, i haven't heard from them, but my interview went great!


    what do you do during the week? cause if nothing happens with hello kitty, i was thinking about taking a drive over... :biggrin2:

  15. i don't think i ever liked ann taylor lol. i liked the money, but i'm so bored out of my mind and out of place lol.

    hello kitty should be amazing! i've got my interview on tuesday! wish me luck!


    aww! there's nothing like listening to LICM to cheer you up! i listened to rufus for the first time in ages, and it brought back SOOOOO many memories!


    aw again! i hope mika comes to florida AND new york! i'll go to both!!!!

  16. at the moment, no. but i have an interview next week!!! then at the end of summer, i'm going to keep the new job, and quit ann taylor.


    i never heard more from the dermatologist than when he hires again, i would be the first to call. ya right lol. my parents and i had an argument last week, and they brought it up, and i was like "THAT WAS 5 MONTHS AGO!"


    i'll let you know my schedule when i get it, and we'll arrange it! :biggrin2:


    i was listening to grace kelly in the car, and just picturing new york :wub2:

  17. hopefully it would be organized better and not north, south, and then north again. that would was crazy
  18. i've got a job interview at the hello kitty store, fingers crossed!!! i'll be working 2 jobs for the summer and i am soooooo quitting ann taylor!!!


    i'm also going to try and get fridays off, so maybe one of those days i could drive to clewiston. :wink2:


    how is your job search going?



    i was so bummed that he only announced for europe. but hopefully after that tour, he'll announce it for us.

  19. yes!!!! driving around following mika lol. it will be awesome!! geez. there are a lot of new ones!!
  20. and why weren't you waiting for me? what the eff are these new smilies??
  21. i'll be on here as early as i can tomorrow lol.

    i'm banned from my computer life again :(


    same sh*t, different day :no:

  22. why :naughty:?

    this is the first thing i've done on the mfc since our last message lol!!!

    losing my internet was basically cutting me off here, and i was able to live, so i never went on as much. i follow him on twitter now.


    how have you been? how's the job search going?

  23. i love open happiness!!! it really makes me smile and i loooove brendon!
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