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Posts posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. This is absolute torture! I have LICM but I can't listen to it!


    Ok, I explain...


    I bought the British version of Mika's album from a Finnish record shop. They sent me wrong version, which doesn't include Ring Ring. I sooo much wanted to have the British version and sent them an email. They promised they will get a new lot within a week and will send me the right CD... Three days ago I sent another email and asked if I will have to send the wrong CD back to them. I haven't received the reply from them yet, and now I don't know if I'm allowed to keep the CD and remove the songs to my MP3 player or not! :thumbdown: This is so wrong! :tears:



    Thats only the most tragic thing I've heard all day. I'm SO sorry!!!! At least theres myspace and youtube to feed some of your cravings, right?

  2. Wowzaaa! You've made this!!?

    It's kool!!

    You should make one of him!

    Im sure he would appreciate it!


    I want a copy for myself if you really could make one! :biggrin2:


    Yeah that elvis thing was pretty snazzy!

    I think I'd give him this drawing (which I'm already in the process of making)


    It's from this pic!



    Then maybe a funky necklace. <3He loves his crazy Jewelry!

  3. I'd like to know how he looks.. Maybe his even cuter than his big bro :naughty:


    Way to state the obviously IMPOSSIBLE!

    Mika's perfection.. can you get more perfect than that? I wont accept someone more attractive than Mika. lol sorry. I get a little defensive.

  4. This morning my dad were making a lot of noise with.. erh.. This thing outside in the garage - and I mean a LOT of noise.. But when I walked out, I just feel that his radio was playing Mika - and it was!! I ran through the door.. Lol.. Just to hear it again!


    AHH! My friend (who just got her licence) almost crashed her car last night cause Mika was on the radio and I screamed. Couldn't HELP IT!

  5. Good pic of his mum, I'm sure she is in the Grace Kelly video, wheeling the little trolley around near the end.


    I have this picture...




    If someone can get a screenshot of her in the video itd be pretty AWESOME. =]

  6. I actually thought Luke looked quite a dish but only seen a few photos of him. Anybody got any please post them so I can have a good looky xx






    He didn't exactly know I was taking that first picture. =p

  7. This is his mummy ^_^ She is absolutely snazztacular! I adore this woman to shreds! XD


    * A small note, this picture is not mine. It was taken by and belongs to my dearest jkedn so if we could not spread it around too much or at least give credit to him where it is copied, I would be most grateful! :wink2:^_^




    Omg!! Then it WAS his mom who asked me where I got my Mika shirt! Thats really funny lol. AHHH! His mom approached meee<333

  8. Girls, you are scaring me, I looked forward to meeting him, but now I'm in doubt. I don't want to go insane after ...:shocked:



    Just kidding, I still look forward to it.... :blush-anim-cl:



    Omg dont let us scare you! Meeting Mika was the BEST thing in the world <3 Just make sure you take lots of pics in case you have a Mika blackout.

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