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Posts posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. ThatPinksock is your sig true? :blink:


    sorry for being offtopic here but my jaw dropped to the floor hehehe



    Well kinda! He signed my MIKA shirt and his marker was all over my boobs. lol


    Heres my hand story:

    At the Borders signing my friend and I were in the front row again (we show up really early to these types of things) and she said "high five!" so he gives her a high five. My hand was out expecting the same thing but instead he went right from her high five to grabbing my hand and squeezing for a good 3 seconds!!! His hand was REALLY warm but not sweaty in the slightest.


    Then after he signed my CD and such we shook hands good-bye.


    It was MAGICAL!

  2. I actually really like the shirt that's for sale through MFC shop here, the one with the Mika silhouette on the back... but they won't ship to the US. :-(




    Holy crap! Thats a lot of Money. Mika's lucky his fans love him so much.

    My shirt came cheap - $25!


    And yeah, I really need some posters. About enough to cover all of my walls would be nice.

  3. Surprise, Rachel!


    Hey, I was ready to get those tickets that night--it was your **other** Mika-obsessed friends. And don't forget to give me credit for finding the over-priced tickets. :)


    Your Mika shrine is amazing, BTW.


    Hehe*blush blush* My mika shrine was made with loveee.

    Our $50 tickets werent THAT bad. Some people had to pay in the hundreds.

    I'd SO pay in the hundreds if it ment seeing Mika<3

  4. I was there too! With thatpinksock. Gosh, we must've been really loud and ridiculous if people remembered us.


    And just so everyone knows, I had Mika's hand all over my boobs as well (well, signing the shirt over them). :wub2: Wearing those Mika shirts from the Gramercy to the signing at Border's was the best idea in the history of the world!!


    YEAH it was! A member of the mika staff got some snapshots of us =] Maybe mika will put the pics of us over his bed? Most deff he will.

  5. I am so jealous of anyone who went to the gramercy show and borders! my MOTHER wouldnt let me go! i literally cried. sad i know. i am not the crying type as it is. i rarely cry. im way tooo obsessed.


    I know exactly how you feel! I found out about the gramercy preformence and that night the tickets were still on sale but some of my mika-obsexed friends (who I got obsessed lol) werent sure if they could go so I didn't buy tickets yet. But the next day they sold out! I threw up from stress/hysterical-ness lol


    Luckily there were on ebay for tripple the price. Well.. luckily-ish.

  6. Thatpinksock: I remember, you were right in front of me...i got there around 4:30pm...i remember you were so excited when we heard him practicing :punk: which is understandable...we all were. I was the one playing catch with the clown on stilts...not sure if you remember me.


    I do remember you!!!!! That clown with the weird hat.. kinda freaky.

    AHhh! I musta made quite a scene of myself lol Actually.. the worst was as Borders after I met him. My friends and I sat down in some random aisle to get our things in order and I was HYSTERICAL! It was a mika explosion of emotion <33haha


    Anybody else have this problem when it comes to Mika?

  7. He actually commented that picture when I had it on myspace.

    He said " Brilliant Photo. x x x x!"



    i hope it didnt scare him




    Words can't express how JEALOUS I AM!

    You must have been in the BEST mood for days.. weeks even, after THAT comment <3


    Just goes to show how wonderfully amazing he is with his fans.

  8. so what do you think of reviewers who make all those comparisons? (sorry, I'm just playing devils advocate!! I know what you mean about all the songs sounding so different, it was actually the first CD album I bought in ages and was worth the money bien sur!)


    Well he said himself that he takes sounds from all different types of music so that might be the reason for the comparasons.. but c'mon. How many albums these days come with a whole story with cartoon characters!? It's so clever and origional <3


    And same for me with the CD buying. I NEVER buy CDs! I download/get from friends and such and I even had most of Mika's songs on my computer but I HAD to support!

  9. haha! I'd done that too.. :D:naughty:


    I bet Mika deff gets a kick out of that sort of stuff. At the Gramercy show, the part after they danced around in animal suits, he said in a shmexy voice "we're being naughty..." Ahhh! I died. <3 SO SEXY!

  10. when you say Mika is different from any other thing, do you mean different from anything else around at the moment or different from anything ever?



    I mean it's just different! It's different then most pop/rock/whatever songs currently and from the past. And also each song is so unique and GOOD!


    Ya know how most pop artists these days have about 1 good song on their albums and the rest are crap so it's a waste to buy the whole CD? It's SOO different for mika!!


    Every song is a gem and wonderful and fantastic and I'm obSEXed.

  11. On stage at Gramercy or at Borders? Your lucky...he held your hand hand touched your boob :naughty::thumb_yello:


    Well he grabbed up my arm at gramercy with one of his 'reach out into the crowd'. I was on line for 3 and a half hours so my friends and I were next to the stage lol. But the boob signing/hand holding was at Borders! Where I waited only 3 hours <3 SO WORTH IT!

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