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Posts posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. lol we all do, dont worry!!! the moment i stop talking im daydreaming :blush-anim-cl: even when im in a conversation my mind always seems to wander. seriously, my brain will be the death of me. i daydream so much i'll end up paranoid then die from insanity :bleh:


    I went to a David Sedaris (he's a famous author) reading last night and when i got home my mom asked what happened and I went right into talking about my day with Mika a week ago. Shes like "You need help."

  2. Ohhhh...*raises hand* That would be me...i will forever be known as the nut who ran into the street screaming to MIka that we've been waiting for him :naughty:


    He'll remember you FOREVER!!!! I'm jealous. <3 lol


    Maybe he'll come back to NY looking for us! The one who flagged his car down and the one who wouldn't stop screaming at his CD signing.

  3. haha getting our hopes up a tad too much lol!!


    erm i dont live near the countryside, i live on a chavvy island in the county of essex, south-east england. im at my mates house at the moment all the way up in cambridgeshire (in the north) and yh, the scenery here is quite pretty ^_^


    Great place to bring Mika on a date!!


    Sorry I live in a world of delusions <3 And I LOVE IT!

  4. OMG I HOPE HE DOES AND SOMEONE HAS TO VIDEO IT!!!! PLEEEEEAAAAASSEE!!! *is rather very excited and bounces off the walls*


    and YOU'RE JEALOUS?!?!? Mika signed your boobies!!!!!


    Well it was my shirt but the boobie part of it =p

    And I bet he doesn't talk about my boobs at his preformances!! Well, he might. Who knows! :naughty:


    Ahh Mikas gunna love you and ask you to be in his next video most DEFF!

  5. I think it's just more comfortable and natural for them to communicate to each other by looking. If anything was going on secretly, they would be trying to hide it, avoid looking at each other - remember that Martin has a family. :blink:


    Yeah but remember how we're all saying that Mika > Everyone else. Idk.. if Martin can resist the Mika charm.


    Haha I'm just playin'

  6. muahahahaha lol :roftl: Even in this crazzzzy pic Mika looks cute! :naughty::wub2: I like seing that he isn`t perfect all the time (coz being perfect is so boring) :wub2:



    Oh god. I hope he doesn't see that pic. He'd hate me!!!


    Mika - Sorry! but everyone loves it!! And you look adorable anyways.

  7. It is simple:Perez is obsessed with Paris Hilton and whatever she would do wrong

    he would say it was right.He is in love with Mika (but Mika is not with him ha ha)

    so he thinks if he is nice to him something will happen and Mika will fall in love with him-poor Perez:roftl:


    FLAWLESS logic there!!

  8. THe little girl in that video is so cute...i heard it was the director's daughter too. I'm still curious who that lady with the short hair is in both his videos.


    He said the old ladies in the video are the women that hang around his house and Ruffa (sp?) is featured on his CD.




    Those are 2 of his sisters (They're so pretty!!!) .. so that little girl in the video is most deff too young.

  9. After reading this, I really want to go to South Kensington to see his house or basement.... And that urge is getting stronger, I can't leave this thought alone! Please somebody tell me it's not a good idea!:blink:


    Get us some pictures! ;)

    Just kidding.. stalking usually isn't healthy.

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