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Everything posted by Sarahlou1973

  1. I took your comments on board and rescued my chicken! How are your chickens? Is Mika behaving himself? :chkn::chkn:
  2. Aaaww...that's no good. Naughty clouds
  3. Aaaah....that's sweet of you, but don't be....it's not your fault the heaven's waited for me to leave work before they opened!!!
  4. And is probably much more reliable!
  5. Hi Silver - it's been peeing down here since about 5.00. It only stopped about 1/2 hour ago. I got soaked walking home as I had two heavy bags of shopping and couldn't carry my umbrella-ella-ella....
  6. Maybe I should ask for it to be blocked on mine.... Dan hit Steve by accident and then I think Steve hit him back and he fell onto the bar...I was only half watching...the rest of my attention was diverted here! And I agree,is it really worth it over a scratch?? Has Robi blown you out? Bad Robi.....
  7. He didn't...what do you think it is? punctured lung? Internal bleeding....I wonder if he'll make it to Monday?? Sorry for not posting before - she's got a lovely voice and bags pf courage to post something like that on t'internet! You must be very proud of her. I try and avoid MFC at work too...sometimes I just can't resist though....
  8. Sorry to hear you're having problems... Hi Suzy, thanks for the clip...very funny:roftl: How are you? Long time no 'see'
  9. :eek::eek:How will you cope??? You'll need another holiday by next Friday:naughty: Hi Robi, Wendi & Weealx:thumb_yello:
  10. Hellooooo Kath...... How are you? Is it Monday you start the new job? Pooh, sorry, I didn't see your post until Kath quoted it...either me or the laptop were having a senior moment!!! I bet it feels odd to be back in the same place making sandwiches instead of cutting hair! I can just imagine you trimming the crusts off with your scissors:naughty:
  11. It does seem ironic, you're right. Hopefully a couple of weeks R&R and MFC love will do the trick
  12. Hi Charlotte, Pooh and Clare!! Pooh, how are things? Charlotte, good news about the time off. Don't you have employment laws in the USA??? How's Clare today?
  13. Ooh...multi quote button is back....must have been a glitch!
  14. Evening all. Has anyone noticed that the multi quote button has vanished?? Perhaps it's just me... Sorry to hear you're not feeling 100% Jems - hope you feel better soon XX Laurel, sorry to hear about your accident - I hope you recover in time for Monday.... I hope you made a record in the accident book in case there are any further problems....sorry my HR/H&S hat seems to still be on! NIght Happikali - sweet dreams!
  15. Perfect - simple, effective, professional looking and easy on the eye!! Just need to decide on my colour scheme.... Great Idea Another great idea:thumb_yello:
  16. Or....at the bottom instead of 'please'....?
  17. I think it's too nice to go on the back... Maybe it could go on the front - a suggestion: MIKA @ [big picture] Please....? Or smth like that....Any thoughts?
  18. Hello you! I'm not here either... How was your day yesterday?
  19. I think that's a great picture for the t-shirt. Do you think the fine detail will show up on the print?
  20. It'll be great - I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, too
  21. See you later, then:thumb_yello:
  22. Sounds like a nightmare!! Especially with my old and slow laptop that has a habit of disconnecting the internet for no apparent erason other than something interesting is happening!! I need to get back to work now...I'm tempted to have the chatroom open and peek in occasionally.....could be dangerous though:naughty:
  23. Afternoon Rose and Wendi and anyone else around!! I'm undecided about the chatroom. Last night was fun, and I chatted with people that I don't normally come across on the forum, but it was hard to keep up at times, even with only half a dozen or so people in there. I can see that as it becomes better known and busier it will be chaos, Imagine 10,000 MFCers in there at the same time Unlikely, I know, but you get the idea:wink2:
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