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Everything posted by violetsky

  1. haha and I need to get up to go to school.... and next monday a guy who I really don't like will come into my class and he'll stay in my class untill february.... I could cry ...
  2. okay more random questions for everyone what's your favourite candy? favourite Mika cartoon character? have you ever touched a dogs nose? do you like Judy Garland ? How many phones do you have?
  3. aww thank you.. I miss Switzerland and the "Nebelmeer" and Lucern but there is no pic of you !!! haha thanks for answering XD you should defo try the last one XD
  4. I feel like asking random questions so anyone can answer What's your favourite red fruit? If you saw a beautiful daisy would you let it grow or would you pull it out? Have you ever danced around and started singing with a hairbrush?
  5. I'm fine.. but I'm eating cookies and everytime I take one I tell myself "this is the last one" and then when it's finished I can't resist to take another one
  6. @everyone who was at the gig in Amsterdam: Hercules and love affair peform live in London on the 28th of nov. :roftl:
  7. wahahahahah his hair :roftl: but hey he is back in london:naughty:
  8. I saw the swiss facebook group once ... I've only been to european countries so far (except US when I was 5 years old) and I think they all know the difference Yeah we call Romansh Rätoromanisch... so I didn't know the english word either
  9. wahahahahaha that never happened to me which countries have you been to that they don't know the difference ? or maybe Switzerland is just more famous :bleh: But I hear the language question very often .. but swiss is no language !! swiss-german is or people keep thinking that I must be fluent in 4 languages just because I'm swiss
  10. me neither !!! I'm not sure if I know it my cousin always said that people kept thinking Switzerland and Sweden is the same country... but that never happened to me so far
  11. Hi Elina.. yeah I've been here for almost 2 years now XD I think I've already spoken to you .. or has somebody else "not switzerland" as their location? why are Swedish and Swiss inevitably connected? XD I don't know about that
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