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Everything posted by violetsky

  1. I would also say he fancies you ! Except he is like my friend XD then it would mean nothing ! (and my friend also plays the sax..) buuuut..... No one is like my friend so as Sariflor said: Go for it !
  2. then people will say: "It was not fair.. Ingie had such a great view from her corner !! I could hardly see Mika.. blablablaa"
  3. can't wait for your reports !!!!!!!!!! aaaaaah so excited 4 u!!!! Say hello to Brian
  4. I can't buy tickets for Koko... I'm so afraid that it will be sold out and I have no ticket... XD I want to see her so bad !!!!!
  5. yes 12 is not a good age to give birth..XD A close friend of me just gave birth to her little son.. she is 18 and I know that it's really hard sometimes.. but I'm sure you don't regret having your kids now
  6. I can't catch up on this thread... anything I should know ??? what gifts?? Drink to the sound of the song parade There is music and love everywhere
  7. alright.. still not old enough to marry me
  8. I couldn't remember that you have two sons *shame on me* how old is he then ?
  9. me too ! it was in one of the free london papers aswell !! I think it was Lite:boxed:
  10. hahaha Maybe you just want him to be gay But from what I've read on this thread I think he can't be:naughty:
  11. oh that's a good place to ask your own son if he's gay :roftl:
  12. I was even faster XD but I didn't refer to that post though
  13. wahahahah the born to love chicken thing is way too funny :roftl: How come that I suddenly miss you Holly although we've never met ??
  14. How can you get a pin code for all this ?? Ticket Login Only applicants with a pin code are able to purchase tickets. Your pin code will only work ONCE, enter your code carefully and complete your transaction immediately. Please note: A pin code DOES NOT guarantee you a ticket. Those that have been successful will be sent an email as confirmation of their purchase. This is a high demand event, if your session times out please retry in 20 minutes.
  15. where??? It's really expensive isn't it ??? I need a job !
  16. I'm very tired... going to bed now.. thanks for this thread it really cracked me up !!! Goodnight Austin and Holly
  17. hahaha heya Holly :wub2: awww good boy that's the way everyone should think about Freddie oh haha I can't remember what I wrote just that I tried not to write something too inappropriate because I knew she has a son...
  18. :roftl: What the hell happened to this thread ????? hahahahhahaahaaaa This is too funny XD and why didn't Holly show up so far ... I'm dying to hear her oppinion on that 2 questions for you Austin: 1. What do you think of Freddie Mercury ? 2. Did you ever read the card I sent to your mom a year ago
  19. Thank you that was so sweet.. but yeah I know he likes me very much but it's really just as friends ! He fancies another girl.. and I know that but she isn't interessted in him... she says he is not man enough... I could hit her for that He is the most perfect guy you can think of.. but yeah he will never love me that's what I learned in the past year because he had plenty of chances to show me otherwise.. I tried showing him and maybe he realized but he just pretended there is nothing.. Well I'm really trying to deal with the fact that we're just friends and I'm glad I moved to another country for half a year now.. and I hope that I can see him as "just a friend" again because his friendship means a lot to me! awwwww Why is Holly never in this thread ??? It's full of sweetness from her son...!!!! It's so heartwarming I don't like the bad boys.. I like the ones that "aren't man enough" for others I only had one boyfriend so far and he was really really a nice guy.. he wasn't that good-looking and I really didn't care although some people made fun of me But yeah I had to realize that I'm still in love with my other friend.. and it wasn't fair.. *quotes Katy Perry: Because when I'm with him I am thinking of you* so we broke up... but I don't care what somebody looks like.. because when you really love that person then he/she is sooooo beautiful to you no matter what !!!
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