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Everything posted by Melisanda

  1. Oh my god....I'm so sorry... ........................................................................................... ............................................................................. .....................................
  2. I was curious so I checked this Tindersticks..I must say I quite like this music...but maybe not for the situation you were in...in the need of jumping out of your skin to the moment you were waiting for..hungry, wet, cold, in pain etc.... but for a quiet evening, to relax...it's ok...mesmerizing...
  3. Ohhh, TOUCHES You on the setlist?!!! LOVE this song live!!! When Mika finishes it I always want him to do it again!!!!
  4. ps. 10 tons was only about Ida. Mika sings it with feelings and with meaning
  5. hahhahaa yes. oh..to me Ida just sings notes, no depth, no feelings...like she doesn't feel what she sings...I've always felt like that listening to her singing... and the version from Corsica sounds very heavy to me..like 10 tons..but it's not because it's meaningful...it's because Ida sings it like it's very heavy....
  6. Ha, the stage looked pretty far....reminds me of sth... we have a midsummer night gig in Cracow every year and the stage is on one side of the river while the audience is on the other side...and the riveeer beetweeen us....
  7. catastrophic or artistic:wink2: but..dance and jump?...I didn't notice , really... (the videos are very stable...I'm not talking about these ones, I know Balazs filmed them)
  8. I understand. But isn't it possible to set big zoom at the beginning and then leave it like that? just a suggestion...
  9. about BIOTW....I have mixed feelings about this song but this version from Ajaccio is my least favourite version, I'm sorry.... (before I liked a bit the sound of Ida's voice..now I don't like it at all...- it's like a screwdriver to my ear....- and I don't like that they changed the beginning...) As someone said before I also think she would be better as backing vocals only... But Mika sings it with a lot of feelings every time...
  10. I love them because Balazs ZOOOOOMED!!!! (I prefer videos with Mika's face). just a feedback.
  11. calm down?? why? I'm calm , I'm just being expressive. I am an emotional person and this is emotional. I'm not necessarily here to make cold scientific analyses (although I'm capable to do that too..) And I don't like being patronized like that! I will use exclamation marks whenever I want! And when I say sth opossite to an opinion I read it doesn't mean that I want you to change your opinion/. not at all. I just want to say mine, so I don't understand that : "mine is just an opinion like yours " it's obvious
  12. This line "Hear my song It won't last too long.." makes me feel a little bit anxious....
  13. that's interesting... Hope this is somewhere on a video...I want a proof ahhh...(I won't say anything more...)
  14. this song is also a bit different to me because the lyrics are not ...I don't know? dark? complicated? sophisticated? more feelings than intelectual work...and sounds like from an early period....like "Erase" ..or "gave it all away"...but he sings it without anger....without regret...I don't know...different. I think I have this Freddie's attitude ..that old demos, even if they were good and had potential were not recorded after years...if they didn't go to the album...He said sth like that "record them now? it would be awful, like it's all rejected material" and even if I really love HMDYLM or other demos it would be a bit strange to me to hear to this songs now...I think I'd prefer something that is "alive " now...shows what he is like now I don't know if this is an old song but I wouldn't be surprised.... I wonder what he feels NOW
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