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Posts posted by johnny06

  1. I can imagine how you feel right now as that cancellation in Switzerland scares me a lot...I fear I could be feeling the same way tomorrow if he cancels the concert at the Olympia in Paris!:sad:

    Keep in mind that he could be announcing plenty of dates near you anytime soon...but before doing that he really should take a long vacation!

    What's important right now is that you prepare your trip thinking of all the bands you would never have gotten to see live if it wasn't for Mika who you will surely see anytime soon!:thumb_yello:

  2. :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: No no no no no this can't be true...please recover soon Mika! I have to make some good use of my new orange trousers!:mfr_lol:

    Well I think it will be cancelled if it is terribly serious like "off to the hospital serious!"...poor Mika!:tears: No I really hope it's not that bad and cancelling L' OLYMPIA, such a prestigious venue, is surely an option which would not be easily taken. But if it really does get cancelled we will at least know that they didn't have much choice.:winksmiley02:

    Ok so now I've tried to think sensibly and convince you and myself! not to take it too bad if it gets cancelled...but if it does I would be so disappointed and cry for days lol!:crybaby:

  3. Gosh I haven't been on the Internet since Saturday and I've just spent quite some time catching up with everything that has been posted...I love your concert reports!:thumb_yello:

    Well now I've finally uploaded my concert vids...don't expect too much, they're quite shaky but I think they do at least capture the atmosphere!:punk: What's more is that you can see his rehearsals which is the part I enjoyed most!:biggrin2:

    You should also check out the video of when Tokio Hotel came on stage...I made a film of the time when all the hysteria starts to build up...really crazy plus you get to see us in the video as well lol!:naughty: Oops got some problems here...you get Tokio Hotel and us later and it's all Mika for now!


    Here you go...


    another oops! I can't find them myself...maybe they still have to be processed...well my username is johnnyfish06 so you should be able to finf them:wink2:

  4. Thank you, Johnny, laurence, arcenciel and all for taking the time to write (in English, even!) about the evening, and sharing photos and videos! :thumb_yello:


    I love reading about Mika, but also really enjoy reading about how MFC people get together and get along -- makes me want to start singing "We are the World" or something :wink2:






    You're welcome:wink2: And it is absolutely hilarious that it makes you want to sing "We are the world"!:roftl:

  5. Hey Laurence! You're online and you have already given a good summary of the concert:thumb_yello: I must say, however, that I enjoyed Mika's rehearsals the most. Maybe he did look a little tired but the fact that we got to see him so early in the evening totally blew me away! We had only been there for a few minutes and there he was already...we expected to wait for him until the end of the concert and there he was right before the concert which was definitely a good thing for our mood!

    I was wearing some Mikatatstic braces that I had bought just before the concert and while he was rehearsing I was being kind of loud and showing off my braces to Mika...and he did indeed look at me for a few moments which was great because my goal obviously was to catch his attention!:naughty:

    The atmosphere was great and everybody seemed to really enjoy Mika's performances...some other performances...Tokio Hotel...had the audience going a bit too wild with truckloads of little girls just passing out all around us!:hypo:

    We left the concert early after Mika had performed Grace Kelly and hoped to catch a glimpse of him at the rear exit but no luck there...well after everybody had left there-even the security we just entered the forbidden territory backstage, had some nice chocolate cakes for free and had a walk on the red carpet:naughty:

    I really enjoyed meeting my fellow MFC mambers mariposa, cath85, laurence et biche:wink2: We really spent a great evening and night (we finally said goodbye and went to bed after going to McDonalds at 5 AM!) and I' looking forward to meeting them next week at the Olympia! Can't wait!:biggrin2:


    Here you have some pictures of last night's concert and us! I have made some videos as well which I will probably upload to youtube late on Sunday evening or on Monday...they are however a bit shaky as the crowd was just too CRAZY!:woot_jump:






  6. je suis vraiment déçue pr toi Pamette!!!!:thumbdown:

    Ces histoires d'annulation c'est vraiment pas cool...j'espère que la tournée française va se dérouler sans problèmes.....sinon je crois que je serais vraiment déçue (aussi)

    Keep my fingers crossed!!!


    Oh miam des Ba'lawa!!!! c clair qu'elle aurait aimé!!!

    enfin je connais très peu de Libanais qui n'aiment pas :naughty: (enfin peut-être moi en été :bleh: )


    T'es libanaise? T'es Mika?! Son identité secrete sur le forum?!:lol3:

  7. Ben ouais! C'est clair que çà a déçu plein de monde! La veille, il y avait annulé le festival de Sziget en Hongrie! D'ailleurs, RTL2 annonce toujours dans leur pub pour le festival qu'il y sera mais c'est pas vrai!!!


    Tu vas à Auteuil jeudi?


    Et t'avais prévu quoi pour sa maman?


    Je sais! Je suis trop curieuses!!! :bleh:



    J'espère que tu n'as pas acheté ton billet seulement pour Mika sinon c'est vraiment une grande déception!

    Je crois que je vais aller à Auteil mais au même temps je me demande si ca vaut le coup...tous les fan de Tokio Hotel vont être au premiers rangs!:thumbdown:

    J'avais prévu du baklava!:mfr_lol:


    Et yop, petite espionne tu cherches mon histoire!:lmfao:

  8. Merci!!!

    Waw Quelle histoire!!!

    Vraiment chanceux et sa maman est tellement gentille!!!


    Sa maman est une bonne fée:blush-anim-cl: Pour la dédicace au virgin megastore je voulais donner un petit cadeau à Mika pour sa maman:lol3: Dommage qu'ils aient annullé la dédicace...ca m'a donné envie de:puke: !

  9. C'est toi qui es allé au concert à Trabendo grâce à la maman de Mica!!! :shocked:


    Je me souviens avoir lu ton post qui le racontait mais je ne me souvenais plus qui c'était!


    La chance!!!


    Oui c'était moi:biggrin2: Parfois j'ai vraiment de la chance et ca me donne espoir de gagner ce concours aussi:naughty: ...mais ca serait vraiment trop de chance:bleh: En tout cas je serai à l'Olympia et on se verra dans la queue...aaah j'aime faire la queue avant des concerts LOL!

  10. :thumbdown: Il faut vraiment avoir de la chance pr gagner...Je m'imagine que des centaines de personnes essaient d'appeler tous au même temps...la chance d'être le premier qui appelle est très basse :boxed:

    Mais bon, on va l'essayer encore une fois, n'est-ce pas?!


    Je ne crois pas qu'il faut être le/la première à les appeller, il faut juste appeller au bon moment et peut être que ce bon moment est choisi par hasard avec un ordinateur...sinon c'est quand les meilleures chances- au début de Grace Kelly, pendant Grace Kelly, à la fin de Grace Kelly, au début de Relax????!!! Ce concours me déprime et me coute cher!:annoyed_h4h: Vous essayer à appeller une seule fois ou tout le temps pendant les chansons comme moi...en tout cas mon crédit de mon portable est épuisé!:thumbdown: Bonne chance à tout le monde et congratulations à cette Marion qui a gagné:thumb_yello:

  11. Aaaaahh! Quel choc quand ils ont joué Grace Kelly et après Relax! Je crois que j'ai appellé au moins dix fois et ca m'a couté cher!!!:thumbdown: Mais sans résultats...le service n'est pas disponible:sad: Je ne comprends pas à quel moment il faut appeller:blink:

  12. has anyone seen the animation for this video? it's sooooo sad...of thr old man playing at the piano, and his ghost wife comes and puts her hand on his, and he just smiles....i actually cried! i love this song too...especially the 'cello bit - 'cello's all the way! i am #1 'cello fan!


    Animation?!:blink: Where can I see or download it?

  13. It's actually my least favourite song on the album BUT.. I've seen youtube footage of him doing it live very recently (LA ? must be) and loved that version. He seemed to put so much emotion into it, and it didn't need the children's choir at all imo :wink2:


    WHAT?!:shocked: He does play it live? Please give me a link!:wink2:

  14. I love it too...one of my absolute LICM favourites! I once thought he would release it as a single but since he doesn't even play it (he would need an orchestra to do so...) at concerts I highly doubt it. I think it would be a huge hit...it's one of those little songs that you don't tend to see as single material, as something with mass appeal but I think it would appeal to many people... it's so emotional!:tears: Just think of Christina Aguilera's Hurt...a huge hit even though you wouldn't expect such quite emotional song to reach such a wide audience but then...sorry I don't know if you get what I mean...that was a bit confused:lol3:

  15. When I was in Oz I got addicted to wedges and sour cream... :punk:


    Chips with mayo is quite a European thing indeed. The Flemish friet (from Belgium) with mayo is well known all over the world!


    And remember the famous dialogue from Pulp Fiction: You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup? :biggrin2:


    hahaha:lol3: I do remember that scene...and I love that film!:biggrin2:

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