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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. Haha, that kid goes to my school!
  2. Akon threw a kid from my school of the stage at a concert, it was on vh1 and stuff, i'm pretty sure he's suing akon
  3. Woot, so everythings set, when's the deadline for the gifts? it might take me a while also because i'm making shoes for mika to give to him seperatley
  4. it'd be cool, to give mikey and martin the paint picks/plectrums but i was thinking, if i painted eachone as a puzzle piece and i'll put them in a box pieced together, and it the painting on it will be big girl or something.
  5. Ha! If I ever painted a piano, I'd keep it for myself
  6. Oh! are you talking about a pick? hmm, i've never herd them called anything else, you learn somethin' new everyday
  7. o0o! I could do guitar/base straps for martin and mickey, but that might get tricky to paint onto. hmmm, but what for luke?
  8. haha, I know, I really don't wanna come across as creepy.
  9. I think it'd be cool to hand paint drum sticks LICM style for cherisse
  10. Ha, yeah, well I have to see who i'll message. I was thinking Mikey choi, he seems most approachable.
  11. bump bump! ahaa,come on mfcccccc
  12. Why would we pretend he's something he's not? Who's to say being gay is a bad thing? Take people for who they are/who they aren't and what they have to offer.
  13. baby turn around and let me see the sexy body go BUMP! BUMP! BUMP!
  14. ....that would be a really ****in' good idea, haha. if the crowd was in black and white,but the hearts were in color
  15. yeah that's a good idea Hannah, i just don't wanna come across as creepy. haha
  16. pinkunicorn-thanks, i tried that once,but it fell to the back as quick as it did the first time. hopefully it works better now. sara- thank you! :]
  17. Does anyone know Mika's shoe size? I'm gunna make him life in cartoon motion stlyed converse. I was thinkin for a christmas present or send it to him when they're done, just as a thanks for being awesome type gift. anyone? ( i know i know, i already posted a thread about this, but that went down hill fast so i decided to post a new one)
  18. Reni, what video is your signature from?
  19. back to shoe size pleeease sorry, i just need to figure this out
  20. hahaha is that what that means?
  21. Thanks. : ] Yeah i was thinking, even if i don't find out his shoe size, i could just get any shoe and he could just put them on a shelve or something?
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