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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. This is exactly how I pictured it being. esp. the balloons.
  2. I agree. I really hate it, it was funnier in the 90's. But I just realized, I was thinking of Jay Leno or something, I think I'd rather see him on that than anything.
  3. if he is, i'm totally going!
  4. Anyone feel like recording this and youtubin' it, for all the non-uk-ers ?
  5. Hahaha, oh my god, my mom too! Every time we're in the car LICM is blasting,and my mom's singin' along. I took her with me to GMA and the secret gig, and she had so much fun,and all the other mothers that were there kept asking her how she knew the words,hahaha. but my mom couldnt believe how talented he was.
  6. new york! were not so far apart once we find out where the hell to mail them too you should mail your shoes to me, and then i'll send them off to mika
  7. for real though! where abouts are you?
  8. that's so cool! we should mail our shoes together somehow!
  9. OK people MIKA has been short-listed for ‘Best Pop Act’ as part of the Digital Musical Awards. He needs your vote! You can vote for him by clicking here Voting closes on 30 September so get voting people! Love Mikasounds
  10. Dayum, that boy is skiiinnnaaaaaayyyy look at the hipbone!
  11. I'm just finding this thread now. But that's a wonderful idea, add me to the list?
  12. Seems like we all just put up a song we really like. happy ending will be next of course, it's only right. ;] but yeah, I just put up ' Last of Days ' by A Fine Frenzy I really really like them, her voice is haunting.
  13. Mika took down Grace Kelly and added happy ending! this thread is going to die, very,very fast. but I just felt like sharing.
  14. haha, on no no, it completely does, which is why it's so funny that Mika does that.
  15. Haha, well that does make a lot of sense. I'm a HUGE fan of naturel unpossed pictures, I think they're so much more beautiful than timed photographs.
  16. Oh no no I know what visual thinking is, I just didn't get how what i said tied into that. ahahaha oh god, nevermind! I really just wasnt sure if i was being mocked, i think
  17. Thank you very much on behalf of the visual thinkers - I feel really stupid, but I don't understand what that means,hahaha.
  18. I mean, I think we'd all take Mika no matter what face he makes. But I'm not a fan of the open mouth pose. I was acutally happy he wasn't doing it in the picture I have with him.
  19. This is what I always thought about it: So we all know that the song is a message to his little sister not to have sex too soon and stay away from boys, blah blah blah. I always thought the lollipop represented her innocence/virginity and chew chew is one of those boys going after it. anyone else think that?
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