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Everything posted by AshleyMiranda

  1. aww! well maybe it'll come tomorrow..
  2. my older sis was once mean when she was younger.. I was 8 and she was 9, and she called me over to look at a "flower" only it was one of those daddy long leg spiders and she was trying to throw it on me I ran in the house and locked her out ehehhe
  3. ya I hate spiders im like scared of them!!
  4. oh no!! thats awful!! this morning a spider was in the bathroom
  5. wow.. whenever i come here at night alot of people seem to be asleep
  6. :roftl: ... ok I gotta go make stuffing for supper.. if anyone gives a suspect on who they might think Mika is.. lemme know!!
  7. hiya welcome to the forums!!
  8. when was the last time this person posted.. you can even just give the month..
  9. I searched for the person.. but found a "lookovermyshoulder" username and yes that guy did sound like he could be mika.. but i think he stopped posting..
  10. hiya!! we're going nutz right now trying to figure out if Mika is a member..
  11. why its mika of course who else would she want to marry??
  12. wow that village is so tiny!! my city is huge like it has maybe about 500,000 people
  13. *gets all giddy and wonders if Mika is on forum again*
  14. umm on average.. about -12C.. it went down to like -25C here a couple times but with the wind chill it was FREEZING..stayed inside on days where its minus something well I try to
  15. AshleyMiranda


    heya welcome aboard!!
  16. I have no idea if Mika wears them! his eyes always seem dark to me.. I have glasses but i dont wear them.. well only to watch tv.
  17. ahah actually we were spoiled for a couple years.. we only got like maybe 2 inches one year.. but then this feb I think it made up!! seriously like more then 50 centimeters fell!! so glad I didnt hafta shovel it though!
  18. aww are those horses yours Blue? they look too cute!!
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