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Everything posted by camille

  1. 大家好,, 我叫camille,, 上次mika尼hk我都有去睇牙, 今次都有買非睇, (雖然係自己一個睇) 仲諗住會去荷里活度睇mika!!!!
  2. about two days ago,, i had a dream that i enter a small room with quite some people like the stuff of the record company,, and i find mika sitting in the corner! i go to him and take some funny pictures with him like we are good friends for a long time and then a big star in hk (i am not a fan of him) come into the room and i feel confused by why he was there, then the dream ended......
  3. nice to meet u,, i am from hong kong!

  4. uni power其實係香港既環球唱片歌手合唱既專輯,, 有環球保衛隊之稱,, mika同sodagreen都係universal既歌手,, 咁就幫手宣傳喇!
  5. MIKA都話Uni-Power 拯救地球!
  6. 我收到封email話"恭喜您被抽中成為其中一位與MIKA會面的幸運兒!" 可以完show之後見mika牙!! 見到個標題都唔信! 好開心到暈牙!!!
  7. 我想問MIKA幾時會到香港牙? 如果係後日我會去接機,聽日就去唔到lu!
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