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Posts posted by ThatRadFreak

  1. and ladies HERE is the EVIDENCE I am still bouncing with joy at this and I can see 1 of MY patches at the top (it's the sonic the hedgehog one lol).


    I thought it deserved its own thread and if anyone has anymore pics of its outings plz post them here.


    THIS is why we love the bones of this guy, MIKA your are a darling and if I wasn't old enough to be your mother then I would say I LOVE you!! (guess I can say it in an affectionate motherly fashion though lol).


    He gave a HUGE beaming smile when he noticed Vix pointing and screaming to me to look at it I was like :shocked::shocked::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:





    That was my idea!!!!


    I cant see the pic cos im in school but yay!!!!!!

    Im so proud! :biggrin2:

  2. I went to the Donny gig on Saturday and i already miss it...


    the queing alone was cool, cos everyone was nice, and then the gig, oh my god it was amazing, and then after, but now i'm like :crybaby:


    I need to see him again!!!!!!!!

    And next time, NO cameras! it was a real pain cos i ended up watching half of it through the screen xD


    Next time mikas in england, i want to go to as many as humanly possible!!

  3. Carmel you should put a link on the first page to the youtube where he gets the quilt so we can easily locate it in future, it's hard to remember it is on page 60 whatever...!!!


    And then if anyone else has quilt vids or photos, you can link them on the first page too.


    You must be really chuffed.


    Carmel, you must be over the moon. He looks really impressed with it. :wub2:


    Great work, all!


    Thanks for posting the video, Carmel! I love watching Mika receive all of his MFC gifts! :biggrin2:


    no problem =]




    *bounces around*


    Thank you, Carmel!:wub2:


    :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

  4. ok so, in the que, when andy the camera man came out, i took the quilt out to ask if i would be able to give it to MIKA, and he said i should be able to, and he like videoed the quilt and lots of people took pictures, and i was proud :biggrin2:


    Spoke to andy about the quilt, over 30 people from all round the world made patches etc etc

    In the actual gig, me and my mum was like holding the top up and waving it round, trying to get him to see it.


    After the gig, at the signing, we put the quilt infront of the railing, and held the top up, so he could really see it, and he thought it was amazing, you could tell, he was genuinly gobsmacked.

    he said thank you, and he touched sesil17aa's patch (sorry if i spelt your name wrong) and he kept going 'wow, thats incredable'

    and then he signed my mika top and we went



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