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Posts posted by ThatRadFreak

  1. no :mf_rosetinted:









    where you been?


    oh and hi guys!! lol


    Ooooh Dan you got me all worried there for a bobbin!

    Pfffft you know you can't resist this =P




    I dont know. lol. i just, i dont know xD

    But im back now =]


    Anyways, you alright?


    Hello! :welcomeani:

    I think i don't now you:naughty: Anyway- my name is Baiba!:thumb_yello:


    Hi Baiba!

    I well like your name, it sounds really pretty!

    I'm Carmel =]

    How Are you?

  2. Hey again peoples um who like's Miley cyrus? wait wait And WHY?? Dont you people see she's a fake and if you like her you obviously couldnt like Mika cause he is 1million times better than her and it's true! Sorrt this is my opinion and she is a fake she's meteocre and an amature and she's nothing compared to Mika and if anyone like's Mika why do some people have a pic of her under every message they send??(I dont know what it's called or how you do it) For the people who say she's talented or everything she's not Mika is but again she's not cause she just got famous because of her dad her dad is a singer and has been one since I can remeber since my mom and dad can remember he's a counrty singer and that's how she got famous she's not really talented it's just meteocre but antway that;s my opinion and dont forget it and who ever likes her pm me seriously!:thumbdown:she is thumb down yay Mika NOT Miley faketana!!


    Why not? :blink:

    ANYONE can like MIKA.


    Whats the difference between a picture of Miley Cyrus and some other person?


    Do we know someone that only got famous because of HER BROTHER?

    Somebody who goes round by the name of DaWack?

    Im sorry but you can't say someone is rubbish just becuase they had a door already opened for them, some people, like DaWack, are amazing and its a helping hand for them.


    So yeah, end of my little rant, i dont even like Miley Cyrus but i totally didnt agree with some of the stuff you wrote. =]

  3. I think if you wanted to, Wendy, you could go to the police about this, i'm pretty sure the person would be arrested for harrassing you as its happened twice...


    I just did a mock trial thing at school about harrassment xD

    If it happens more then twice, and the person has been given a clear warning, or something, its harrasment.

    i think.

  4. Oh my gosh.


    I hope Wendy's ok.


    that must be a bit scary, 660 lollipops.... other then the fact that they're both 660, the person must have quite a bit of money to get 660 lollipops AND send them, cos im thinking 660 of them would be quite heavy...


    I can assure you its not me, if i had any money, i wouldnt be buying 660 lollipops and sending them to scare people xD

  5. That's because I don't think ANYONE goes through a whole life without suffering in some way, I mean what some of us have been through is dire but then I kinda have to put it into perspective sometimes and think about those who for instance have lost a child to a murderer or worse, or those ppl starving to death, those who see death of their loved ones and communities all the time, I wonder at how they can pick up the pieces to carry on but they do, I guess I have a lot of respect for their inner strength.


    I dont believe in perspective xD

    Becuase everyones life is different, so for one person, they could see it as a small problem, but for someone else, its huge.

    I suppose it just depends on how well you deal with stuff, or how well you dont deal with stuff.

    Some people can cope through crying, others use alcohol, for others it drugs, for some its self harm, and for some, its something completely different.

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