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Posts posted by ThatRadFreak

  1. I dont know how easy it would be for other people, but during the holidays, i've lost a bit of weight, my plan for the day has been like this:

    waking up about midday, getting dressed, having a drink and then going out straight away, have a diet coke when out, come home about 9pm, go on the computer, have a hot chocolate, go to sleep.

    I find im normally only hungry when im at home and bored, so i try to avoid it.

    If you stay busy, you have no time for food, and you dont feel like your starving yourself. =]

  2. Its not so much the lumps, the bumps, and the clinginess in inappropriate places - well, yes that, but also because i fit under the huge taboo that is self injury and have alot of very visible cuts and scaring as a result.


    You could see if your allowed to wear clothes over the top, depending on where you have the scars, so maybe over sized tops, or shorts or tracky bottoms.

  3. Perhaps we could just break it up into 2 sections - Mika~The Musician and Mika~The Sex Symbol. Well, maybe not exaclty that but you get my meaning. That way one shouldn't cross into the other and there is a definite line drawn between the two.


    I think you would notice a big age difference between the two though ;)


    I disagree with that last bit...


    Well, you'd probably get all the oldlings in the sex symbol threads and the younglings being sensible! :bleh: :bleh:


  4. Tis the season to be jolly-and-give-mika-stuff :fisch:


    I dont think i can really say that gifts for mika should be reduced or whatever, since i just gave him a big ol' quilt, but i think the group projects escpecially should stay, they take longer to plan, so its not like he'd get it all at once, and it involves more people, so john wouldnt have as much to carry, it'd just be bigger xD


    1) The best Mika's video? Happy Ending

    2) The song you prefer in his concert? Its gotta be lollipop =]



    3) The song that puts you in a good mood? Lollipop, just makes me smile =]

    4) The song you can listen again and again till doomsday? Erase

    5) The song that corresponds with your life? Intoxicated [are we allowed to mention unspeakables?] or Grace Kelly



    6) The theme that you would like Mika deals with? Anti-Racism =]

    7) What song (of another artist) you would like Mika sings? Oh gosh, um

    Barbie Girl- Aqua :mf_rosetinted:

    8) With who he should have a duo? ME! =]

  6. I know who my Secret Santa has gone to :biggrin2:

    Gotta love it when people's first name are in their username :naughty:


    I dont think i really sent enough =/

    but my mum is so stingey, she acts like i sent hundreds of pounds worth of stuff :shocked:


    If i sent mine by airmail to europ from europe on monday, will it get their before christmas? xD

  7. My friend sent me a text with this riddle and I can't figure out what the answer is and it's KILLING ME!


    What is X?


    X is impossible for god.

    X is higher that god.

    If you eat X you will die.

    The answer is a 7 letter word.


    Who knows???


    Isnt that nothing?


    Nothing is impossible for god

    nothing is higher then god

    if you eat nothing you will die



    I even know some of these~ i feel right smart :roftl:

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