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Posts posted by ThatRadFreak

  1. :naughty:


    I understand that they might have an age limit because it might be dangerous for little kids to get squished in the crowd but an upper limit seems a bit stupid. :thumbdown:


    I'm 13... i'd like to see someone try and squish me :mf_rosetinted:

    an upper age limit might be for all the old people, like 80-90 so they dont get squished xD

    but an age limit of 34? :blink:

  2. I didn't realise you wanted username's on the pictures, im such a ditz, i could see everyone else's names, but it didnt click xD


    This is me at 1year and 2months




    And this is my niece, at 1 day old =]

    I thought instead of her being a year, cos that's not possible yet xD i'd do a day, you dont have to use the picture, but i just think she is so cute :wub2:


  3. I've always told my mom and sisters that I'm going to have this dress recreated. They usually break out. lol I think it's completely stunning.








    Thats a niiiiice dress =]

    but i think i would get a different shad of pink cos its a bit of a weird pink lol xD


    Oooh, that's what I mean by "bunchy" (if that's the word I used) I love that style of dress. But omg, imagine having that huge thing hanging off your ... erm, not shoulders. I would have some straps put on that thing :bleh:


    Yeah i think those dresses are gorgeous, its a bit like a fairy tale kind of dress =]

    bahahahaha xD

    i dont think i'd put straps on cos i think it would ruin it a bit, i'd just um, i dont know, use a bit of double sided sellotape and stick it to myself xD






    niiiiice =]

  4. SAT's really aren't too important, it's just to make the shcool look good really, and to decide whcih classes you should be put in next year (if you're school has the whole "top maths class" thing.


    They're not that difficult either really, you'll never need to look at them again when you leave school, not like GCSE's and A-Levels :)


    Thanks =]

    I tend to worry about stuff so much, but now i can just tell myself to get over it and hope i do ok xD

  5. Eat barely anything during the day except drink lots of fizzy drinks, have tea in some comfort food style (e.g. tonight was cous cous mixed with left over turkey in gravy and a couple of swedish meatballs) and then get bored at 3am and go snack on lots of bad things whilst watching tv - not that i do that ofcourse.


    thats called binge eating disorder =]

  6. Ha ha your def not my doctor, he said:


    'I dont mean to be blunt about it, but you know, there is alot of you....So! Weigh yourself, take 2lbs off. Eat no more than 1200 calories a day, and if when you weigh yourself after youve been to the toilet in the morning, and you weigh more than the weight with 2lbs off, don't eat that day.'



    Your doctor is rubbish!

    all that will happen is you'll loose a lot of weight too quickly and your skin won't shrink with you, if that makes sense.

    Take note of what you eat in a normal day; when you next go shopping, opt for food with lower calorie content, and you cans still eat normally, but less calories.

    If you dont want to do that, work out how many calories you eat in the average day, say its like 2000 calories, the recommended amount, reduce that amount SLOWLY, so week one, go for 1800cals, week 2 1600, week 3 1400, and so on, its much easier to loose weight if you go through it slowly, where as if you jump straight to 1000cals, your more likely to binge out and fail.

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