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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. I've been tweeting at him about this too, do you think he's listening? :blink:


    I want Overrated and Make You Happy next week -- I will see him 3 times, I hope he comes through!



    Yeah I've asked him many times too but I don't know, maybe the dark lyrics are difficult for him to sing or maybe the high notes he hits in the song are too straining on his voice? Either way, he's a singer, he should be able to sing his songs live so that can't be the reason? If he doesn't like the song I'd be shocked at his lack of good taste in music lol I'd prefer him to do the dance version live rather than acoustically on a piano though hmmm

  2. Thanks everyone. I don't think I'll be seeing Mika after the show. It's too cold to wait around. But we've got a fantastic spot in the centre near the piano. The venue is great and much cozier than I remember since there are no barriers this time. It promises to be an amazing show!


    I will shout out for Overrated if I get a chance :wink2:


    Awesome :D Have a blast!

  3. The venue is fantastic, really. Looking forward to meeting Lucy and Charlie! Have met Charlie only once, not sure she can remember me. Also, my friend from Finland is coming to Las Vegas today and she will be there too, what a great timing indeed! I just slept 13 hours, feeling much better but still thinking of finding a hammer every time I see those game machines, lol!


    :excite: Yay! Have fun!!

  4. I'm defenetly not a saint I love the song, can't get enough of it. Had to find out the chords... So if anyone wants to play it the chords C G Am F G works and are easy to sing to.


    I made a quick cover of it were you can see how to play it. Without the lyrics here I wouldn't been able to do it so thanks! :huglove:




    Wow Johanna! Awesome cover, you're so talented!

  5. Hej! Ja, det är alltid lika roligt att upptäcka nya svenska fans! Tack så mycket, har lyssnat på dig på soundcloud! Du är grym! Haha, det hade varit jätteroligt! Säg bara till om du är i närheten av Skåne ögon gång så får vi träffas och spela ;)

    Ja, han MÅSTE komma hit snart. Efter USA får han ta direktflyg till Sverige :naughty:


    Har du? Vad snällt av dig! :wub2:

    Min bästis bor i Malmö så jag är där ibland :) Desamma om Göteborg, vi får höras :)

  6. We all have our own hypocrisies so I can deal with that. I think what I found offensive in this interview is how he tries to characterize his contradictions as "loveable" (like Nigel Hawthorne) instead of something to be ashamed of.


    That's one of the qualities in him I really don't appreciate :aah: Enough with the love for contradicting himself; It makes him look really ignorant in my opinion, especially in these kinds of statements he makes in interviews. Contradictions in music though, musically, fine, that's brilliant to me.

  7. The more he talks about his reasons for clinging to Catholicism the less I can find any way to respect his position. How one can "ignore" (as he puts it) crimes against humanity because they love ceremony is beyond me. He tries to paint his contradictions as cute but it's really just irresponsible, not to mention selfish.


    Yeah that really bugs me too...

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