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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. Wow LaraMay! That really is impressive! And I learned quite some new facts about Michael and his life. Thank you so much for sharing this!

    I really love him as a musician. He was one of the best singers and songwriters ever! He was so talented and gave the world so much! A wonderful person he was!


    I never saw him live on stage but I really wish I can go to the Cirque du Soleil Show!


    Thank you so much :) I'm very passionite about his innocence and think he was possibly the most misunderstood person who has ever lived.

  2. The Media



    Written in one of the media's portapotties outside court during the trial.


    You know when you hear on television or read about Michael and the allegations and the media tell you that eventhough Michael was vindicated, his reputation was damaged forever?

    They made it look like it was Michael's fault and that he had gotten away with molesting children. When in reality, the media were trying to hide their embarrassment for reporting the trial in an extremely biased, pro prosecution way. People still have doubts that Michael was innocent? Look up any convicted child molester in history and see if they had gotten away with anything. If Michael really was a child molester, the 70 Santa Barbara Sheriffs who raided Neverland on many occasions throughout the years, would've found evidence to support the claims that Michael was a pedophile. They spent the most money ever spent in prosecution history on finger print experts and investigators. They put more efforts into trying to prove that Michael was guilty than on any serial killer cases and still found absolutely nothing to back up their claims. No evidence was ever found throughout the years. Remember, the FBI investigated Michael for ten years and found nothing. Neither did the Santa Barbara Sheriffs. No DNA was ever found. No child pornography was ever found. The media avoided to report that the book 'Boys Will Be Boys' found amongst thousands of other books at Neverland (Michael loved to read), which was a book about childhood, wasn't sexual in any way and that Michael had even written on the first page of the book about how the book reminded him of his lost childhood and how much it hurt him to never truly being able to relive it. The media instead chose to say that the book had half naked boys in it and that it was damning evidence, which of course was ridicilous.

    This was the biggest and most watched trial in history and the media were enjoying every single minute of it. They focused from day one to try their best to make Michael look like he was going to be convicted, even before the trial began and no matter how many great days the defence had in the trial. The only side the media presented to the public was the prosecutions case. Some members of the media, like Diane Dimond and Nancy Grace, were obsessed with trying to make Michael look like a child molester. Nancy Grace said on air that she would eat a crow if Michael wasn't convicted. Diane Dimond, who was good friends with Tom Sneddon was also as obsessive and had even written a book about Michael and the allegations, of course trying to make him look guilty. She would talk to the prosecution eventhough there was a gag order during the trial via phone conversations. Mesereau got a phone call from the members of the media trying to convince him to hand over 'hot documents' in exchange for them telling him who in the prosecution is sleeping with the media. Mesereau refused to co operate saying he didn't care who they're sleeping with and that there was a strict gag order in effect. One of the witnesses, Louise Palanker, who had been a victim of the Arvizo family's cunning tricks for cash, suddenly tried to make it seem like they hadn't tried to get money out of her, when she took the stand. Later, people found out that she had been romantically involved with one of the prosecutors, Ron Zonen, during the trial, and had married him a few years ago. Diane Dimond and the Arvizo brothers attended this wedding. Very interesting, isn't it?

    I would say that the only fair reporting of the trial was reported by Linda Deutch for AP. But pretty much every other member of the media tried to portray it as if Michael was going to be found guilty. Because they only reported what the prosecution was presenting at the trial, they and their legal pundits were stunned as all forteen verdicts came in for not guilty. He wasn't found guilty on any single count and the media were showing clips of the jailcell where they were hoping Michael would end up. Why? Because it would've generated more ratings for them. What would Michael eat in jail? How would he survive? How would he look without his makeup? How was he coping? Who was visiting him? The stories would be endless. The media were humiliated when the verdicts came in because of how they had been spending their airtime trying to convince the public that Michael was guilty. In a desperate attempt, they tried to say that there was something wrong with the jury, but when people saw the press conference with the jurors and how intelligent and open minded they were, that blew the media's excuses out of the water. So they rushed to the second big story and left the Michael Jackson trial behind as soon as possible and hoped that the public wouldn't notice how foolish and biased their reporting had been.



    Private photo of Michael where he hadn't covered his splotches caused by the disease Vitiligo which is common in 1 out of 10 people in the world. The media still tried to suggest he had bleached his skin even after the autopsy report confirmed that he indeed did suffer from vitiligo.



    With his grandfather who also had suffered from vitiligo.


    Sadly, they had fooled a big part of the public, but I truly believe that more and more people are learning to think for themselves and read up on the facts before making accusations and assumptions about others, particularly Michael who was the biggest victim of media bullying in history in my opinion. If it wasn't about his plastic surgery and skin disease, it was about how ridicilous it was that he loved animals so much and lived with an adorable monkey. Because he looked so strange as the media would portray him as, it would work as 'proof' that he must've been a child molester. The reason I love to defend Michael still to this day so passionitely is because of how disgusting it is to me when people make fun of his face or skin disease or call him a childmolester without any proof to back it up. How can anyone think it's okay to make fun of a person's skin disease? Why did people think it was appropriate to kick him when he was down? Because everyone else were doing it? I will always stand up against bullies and Michael was the worst case of a bullied person I have ever seen in my life. The truth will be told until everyone knows it.



    I also had the opportunity to meet and talk to Tom Mesereau in London; He was so kindhearted and humble and has been one of very few loyal friends of Michael and always speaks out against the media's false and biased reports. I got to give him a thank you hug for always beeing loyal to Michael and it made me so happy. Later, right after the Murray verdict, we talked over the phone and he told me Michael used to call him up and cry in misery during the trial in the middle of the nights. He also told me about his stays at Neverland and what a magical and beautiful place it was with all the rides and animals there. He had been deeply touched by Michael's kind and gentle heart because Michael had been extremely compassionite to his ill sister who passed away at the beginning of the trial and to Tom who suffered from Vertigo during the end of the trial. Michael wanted him as his lead council because he knew of Tom's pro bono work in the community and his history of defending the poor and helpless free of charge. Tom also defends clients against death penalty cases each year pro bono.



    Please also check out my You Tube channel dedicated to show who Michael really was and the facts of the allegations: http://www.youtube.com/truthaboutmichaelj

  3. Michael does however say that he had shared his bed with many children in the past and some people are stunned by the statement, as I can understand actually. But; If you'd know what Michael Jackson had been through in his life and how extremely childlike and pure and innocent he was, you wouldn't question him when he said things like that it's wasn't sexual and that it was people with the dirty and sick minds who thought like that. Michael felt and was indeed Peter Pan. As a child he was forced to be a grown up and wanted to compensate for it as an adult by trying to experience a true childhood by living a life in an elementary way. Neverland was an amusement park and Michael's home because he loved those simple and innocent pleasures.

    He had exotic animals, because he never got to go to the zoo as a child. He had toys and arcade games, because it made him smile and relive the childhood he never got to experience. He believed that adults were decieving and wanted to keep himself safe in his fairytale wonderland of innocence and purity. But in the real world, any grown man who would enjoy spending time with children, would have to be a child molester.

    In this cold and cruel and mistrusting world, people believe the most disgusting and perverted things if it's told often enough to them. Where there's smoke there's a fire as some would say, instead of opening their minds and educating themselves before they'd judge another fellow human being of the worst crimes imaginable.

    The Accusers in the '05 Trial: The Arvizo Family




    Where to begin? This family was proven at court for being con artists who tricked celebs, Jim Carrey and Jay Leno for example, in the past of charity by abusing the son Gavin's cancer illness as a pity factor. It was disgusting and the mother in this family, Janet Arvizo, who later changed her name to Janet Jackson right before the trial began (yeah like Michael's famous sister), is the ideal symbol of why some people shouldn't have children, to me. She would coach her kids to be affectionate towards celebrities and other people around them in order to gain their pity and trust for them and hand over their cash. Janet would make them send letters where they expressed how much they loved these people and they did the same to Michael; Even Janet would call Michael 'daddy' and get down on her knees and ask her children to worship him; Which was the last straw for Michael and why he wanted them out of his life. Janet's two sons, Gavin and Star, were immature little punks who ran wild and wanted to become comedians. When Gavin got ill with cancer, the comedian Chris Tucker, who would introduce the Arvizos along with a comedy club owner, to Michael later on, felt sorry for the Arvizos and invited them to the set of Rush Hour and had them live in luxury on his expense. The boys were asked to leave the set when they had disrupted it on many occasions. The director of the Rush Hour movies, Brett Ratner, said this about the accuser Gavin: "[The boy] would sit in my director's chair. When I told him to get up, he'd tell me to go to hell." Ratner said, "He used to tell me, 'Brett, I don't like the last shot' while he was watching us make the movie. He's telling me how to make my movie! He's more street smart than I was at that age. If someone tried to fondle him, he'd punch them in the face. He's an adult. I think the jury will see that."

    This was not the only occasion the Arvizos had gotten easy money by using Gavin's illness as a pity factor. Before Michael also felt sorry for the Arvizos' difficult life situation, having financial difficulties and not being able to pay Gavin's medical bills, the Arvizos had sued the large company JC Penney for the most ridicilous charges you could imagine. Janet claimed that she and her children had been viciously beaten and sexually harassed in public, in broad daylight, in a parking lot outside JC Penneys for shop lifting. Janet sued the company for thousands and used her children to testify on her behalf and their own. One of the claims was that a guard pulled out her breast out of her shirt as the other guards were kicking and hitting her brutally, and twisted her nipple an exact amount of times. In the booking photos she didn't have a bruise on her body or a hair out of place, yet a few days later she popped up with photographs showing loads of bruises and her son Gavin wearing a cast as if his arm had been broken by the guards. This family were proven to be con artists and grifters who begged celebs for money and pity for Gavin's cancer illness and Michael had no idea when he started being generous to them like other celebs had, what he would have to deal with if he ever decided that he no longer wanted to help them out. Unfortunately, they attacked the most naive and most vulnerable celebrity target in the world when they went after him. People might find it hard to believe that a man could be as compassionite and sensitive to the ill and deprived children of the world as Michael, but he was. He cared too much and ultimately, it caused the trial that would forever break his spirit and cause him insomnia. There are many disturbing facts about the Arvizo family, but I'll leave this subject with one last piece of information. Janet Arvizo had taken her daughter Davellin to court when she divorced her husband and had told her to lie on the stand and say that her father had sexually molested her and abused her mother. This was clearly a pattern which would continue when they got involved with the same psychatrists and the lawyers that the Chandlers had met with ten years earlier. The Arvizos were living in luxury at Neverland at the same guestcottage as Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor had stayed at and were free to use whatever they wanted at Neverland, eat whatever they wanted cooked by Michael's chefs, go on the rides, go to the cinema, and so on. Gavin's cancer was even cured because of Michael's charity blood drives and support. This family were furious that Michael no longer wanted to help them out after realizing that something was wrong with them and Janet's treatment of her children. The Arvizos went to see lawyers about how much money they could get out of Michael before making any accusations by going to prosecutors and police to tell their story. As Tom Mesereau said: What does that tell you about the situation?

    The '05 Trial



    Mesereau chats to Sneddon during a break. Mesereau had managed to prove to the judge that the prosecution had tampered with video evidence and even got into a heated argument with them during one hearing where he called them 'liars'. After the verdict he stated that there was nothing phoney about his and Michael's side of the table, but a lot that was phoney about the prosecution's side; Meaning they must've known that they weren't being truthful.


    This case was full of so many insane theories built by the prosecution and the Arvizos that I don't even know where to start. Basically, the prosecution were trying to say that Michael was broke (hilarious, I know) and at such a lowpoint in his career that he suddenly decided to kidnap the Arvizos and hold them hostage at Neverland and only after realizing that the rebuttal videos from the Bashir interviews existed, changing the timeframe of the molestation to adjust it to fit the timeline. When they realized that the footage of the Arvizos praising Michael after the alleged molestation occured, they changed the date to after the Bashir documentary came out and when everyone were suspicious of Michael's relationship with Gavin after seeing the biased doc Living With MJ. This, alone, proved how ridicilously weak the case against Michael was. The prosecution also tried to say that Michael and a bunch of co conspirators, who weren't even charged with anything, were planning to ship the Arvizos to Brazil and hold them hostage there. I guess the prosecution thought that the people in the jury would be dumb enough to believe what the tabloids have been convincing easily influenced people ever since Michael became a big star in the late 80s; That Michael was so strange that any ridicilous story you could make up about him would be believable by the gullible public.

    The Arvizo family claimed they were held hostage at Neverland and when asked why they left and came back on so many occasions during their stay there, the prosecution suddenly called it 'escapes from Neverland', which was ridicilous, especially since one of the so called 'escapes' which Janet apparently made, she went to a beauty salon and got a full body wax and luxury treatment on the cost of Michael. Never once did they call the police eventhough there were loads of phones at Neverland to claim they were 'held hostage' and they also claimed that they weren't allowed to know what time it was and humorously, Tom Mesereau, Michael's defence attorney, showed the jury photos of the many places clocks were found at Neverland, including a gigantic one on the main house. Janet even claimed they once tried to escape on a hot air balloon. This was hilarious to the jury and even to the media, which is probably why the media decided not to show people outside the courtroom how ridicilious the Arvizo family and the prosecutions claims really were. The Arvizos claimed that they were being coached and threatened to praise Michael in the rebuttal videos but when Tom Mesereau showed the jury the videos of the outtakes of the interviews, they were shown laughing and goofing off, asking if the camera was on and so forth.

    The prosecution also claimed that Michael had given Gavin alcohol to try to make him weaker when he had cancer so he could molest him. They claimed that Michael had taken Gavin and his brother Star to his wine cellar and gotten them drunk. At court it was proven however that the boys had sneaked into the wine cellar by themselves on many occasions and had run wild and destroyed much of Michael's property such as having crashed one of his go carts and vandalised the control stations at the amusement park rides by writing profanities on them which were permanent. They had memorized codes on the rides and had gone on them without permission many times. They had thrown objects at the animals in the zoo. Just like at the set of Rush Hour, on Chris Tucker's tab, they had been living a luxurious life and acted extremely reckless and wild. On Michael's guestbook at Neverland, the boys decided to write on the frontcover of the book, on the photo, instead of inside of it as you were supposed to. The boys were also caught bringing adult magazines into Neverland, which the prosecution had tried to say that Michael had shown them. They were even caught masturbating by themselves on an occasion by Michael's young cousin, a little boy, who was disturbed by the incident and had told Michael's workers at Neverland about it. No wonder Gavin had been suspended from school many times because he was a disruptive and rude child. Yet in the trial they tried to make the boys seem like innocent and religious little angels. Gavin spoke in his testimonies at court as if he had been coached by the prosecutors prior to the trial, using a language that only a grown up would use, like referring to a car as a 'vehicle' and using the phrase 'In my twelve year old mind' many times. When asked about if Michael was his hero he said 'Only God is my hero' and on another occasion 'I only admire God' when Sneddon asked him leading questions about how religious he was. It was absolutely ridicilous how pure and innocent the prosecution tried to paint him as. Tom Mesereau saw through Gavin and cross examined him in a very tough and rude way to bring out his true colors for the jury to see and Gavin really did expose his true cocky and street smart personality in those examinations. In Gavin's police interview, he claimed that he didn't know what an ejaculation was. Gavin was a teenager and he was telling officers that he didn't know about simple sexual things like erections. The jury later said that they thought the whole interview seemed coached and that the officers were very pushy in trying to get Gavin to say what they wanted him to say about Michael. He claimed that Michael told him that if men don't masturbate they might end up raping a woman; But Gavin had told the exact same story in his interview with the police; But had replaced Michael with his grand mother. Obviously, this family had co operated with the prosecution to try to build a strong case against Michael, but it all fell apart as soon as Tom Mesereau cross examined them with what the defence had discovered about the Arvizos through investigation reports.

    Often, the prosecution would ask leading questions to the witnesses, particularly Sneddon when he questioned Gavin on the stand. The same thing had happened in the grand jury where Sneddon was even proven to have tampered with fingerprint evidence by handing an adult magazine to Gavin and asking him if it was the magazine that Michael had shown him. At court, the defence pointed out that the magazine's date clearly stated that it was released after the alleged molestation had occured.

    The most ridicilous and biggest giveaway for me that the prosecution did was to bring in third party witnesses, which the judge approved eventhough it made no sense, and witness that they saw Michael molest children. These third party witnesses had all sued Michael in the past and lost. The maid, for example, who used to work at Neverland had stolen from Michael and sold stories to tabloids before Michael fired her. The third party witnesses, who had all tried to extort Michael for money in the past, testified that they had witnessed Michael molest three young boys: Macaulay Culkin, Brett Barnes and Wade Robson. The prosecution probably thought that these young men wouldn't dare to defend Michael at court since so many people, especially in showbusiness, weren't standing up for Michael because they feared what the public would think of them. But all three came in to court and testified that Michael never touched them or ever did anything inappropriate to them when Tom Mesereau presented his defence case. Tom would've put Jordan Chandler on the stand as well but Jordan refused to show up; Which itself says a lot about him and his family. Wouldn't you want to finally put your abuser in jail and see 'justice' be served? No. Why? Because all you ever wanted was enough of money so that you wouldn't have to work a single day of your life. Why fleed the country to not have to testify against someone who allegedly molested you and put him behind bars? Neither one of the Chandlers, (apart from the mother June), Ray, Evan or Jordan, dared to come to court and let Mesereau put them on the spot for their extortions and lies. Here's a quote from an article the year after the trial regarding Jordan taking his abusive father to court the same year of the trial:

    "According to court papers obtained by this column, the young man who, in 1994, settled with Michael Jackson for $20 million was allegedly physically assaulted last year by his own father.

    Jordan Chandler, now 26, filed a request for a restraining order against his father on August 5, 2005. The reason for the order was that Evan Chandler, formerly a dentist and an aspiring screenwriter, had allegedly hit Jordan over the head from behind with a twelve and a half pound weight. He’d also allegedly sprayed him in the face with mace and tried to choke him."

    The prosecution became so desperate when Tom had brought in Macaulay, Wade and Brett to defend Michael, that they started asking questions like: 'But you could've been asleep when he improperly touched you, right?' and the three men were determined and upset by how the prosecution tried to twist things to make it look like Michael had molested them.

    These were the people that the prosecution said had been molested by Michael seperate and apart from the main accuser Gavin Arvizo. Macaulay Culkin; Who was furious that the prosecution had been lying about his and Michael's friendship at court and claimed he was molested by Michael. And Brett Barnes and Wade Robson who reacted the same way. Wade Robson has been in the news this year for changing his story, appropriately during the AEG wrongful death trial where AEG's lawyers had promised that they would bring up 'ugly stuff' about Michael. Paris Jackson tried to commit suicide because of Wade's betrayel because Wade has done nothing but praise Michael until this year when he suddenly changed his story after he learned that he wasn't going to be a part of the MJ Cirque Du Soleil Show One. I'm personally deeply disappointed in Wade and believe that everyone has seen through his lies. Who talks about what a wonderful person their alleged molester was many times, even after his passing, dances to his music and calls him an inspiration, then suddenly, when he has no financial ground to stand on, claims that he lied at court 8 years earlier? Even his mother and sister testified that nothing sexual ever happened at Neverland and that families were always in the huge duplex bedroom at Neverland. Michael never asked children to stay at his room; They always begged him if they could and Michael asked them to ask their parents for permission and there were always other people present at all times. The rare times that Michael was actually at Neverland with the Arvizo family, other families, like the Cascio family were also there and in Michael's huge bedroom. And not once did Michael or Gavin ever claim that they actually shared a bed together until the prosecution presented their case. And again, I have to remind people that Michael's 'bedroom' wasn't a small room with a bed but a huge duplex apartment. The prosecution tried to spin the facts just like the media did. The bottom line is that this family fabricated allegations only when they realised that Michael wouldn't let them mooch off his wealth anymore.

  4. What's this? Only 7 pages? I have to revive this thread with some important truth about Michael and the horrible things he was put through. Here's my essay about the false allegations. Of course I love Michael for his musical genius and talents too but there is too much misconception about the man he was and in case some Mika fans aren't aware of how incredibly unfairly he was treated, here's some facts I wrote down as an essay on FB a while back:




    At every stop in countries during his tours, Michael would visit a children's hospital and hand out gifts to the ill. That was his rule. He would donate almost all the money he'd make from his tours to childrens charities and is even in the Guiness World Record Book for being the person who had donated the most amount of money to charity. He hated to tour but did it to make money and be able to give it to charity. His last wish on this earth, when he was under the influence of propofol and secretly recorded by his doctor was to build the world's biggest childrens hospital from the This Is It shows profits. Did the media tell anyone about that?




    Michael on verdict day, eight years ago, leaving court for the last time, yet left with a broken heart. The day the media realised they had been reporting a one sided, biased story about a celebrity and not a case. Michael ended up in the hospital for dehydration and emotional and physical exhaustion after the verdict but the media never reported it. Michael was never tragic. It was the unbelievably disgustingly cruel way he was treated for being too kindhearted and trusting that was tragic. He devoted his entire life to helping the poor, disabled and ill. He loved animals and children because they never wanted to harm anyone and give love and recieve it in return. This was the man the entire world thought it was okay to bully to death.


    Michael Jackson was found Innocent on all forteen counts against him on the historic day of June 13th 2005 and some people still to this day believe he got away with molesting children. I'd like to break down the biggest trial in history piece by piece in order to educate people on what I have learned from years of reading court transcripts, court documents and articles regarding the '05 People Vs Michael Jackson trial in Santa Barbara. The trial lasted from the end of February to June, eight years ago, and Michael never missed a single day at court. He was only late to court one day, March 10th, after tripping in the shower and ending up at the hospital and the media used it against him and tried to make it look as if he was always late and irresponsible. I will get more in depth about the incredibly biased reporting of the media, especially the ones in the US, later on in this note. I won't be able to cover everything about the case and it's history but I'll try my best.


    Tom Sneddon & The '93 Settlement




    Tom Sneddon was the district attorney of Santa Barbara who spent over 15 of his years in office trying to convict Michael of child molestation charges. Many people have speculated on why he was so obsessed and vindictive against Michael. In my opinion it's still a mystery but some say it was for fame and glory, others say he couldn't stand seeing a black man rising to become the biggest star in the world and had members in his family who were a part of the ku kux klan. Eventhough Tom Mesereau, Michael's defence attorney in '05, thought that Sneddon was obsessed with Michael for the fame and glory it would lead to for the Santa Barbara Sheriffs Department, Mesereau, who had stood up against racial injustice in the US in the past many times, still thought it was peculiar that Sneddon had made some extremely racist remarks during the trial, for example when Sneddon cross examined Chris Tucker on the stand and told him to 'Be a good boy' etc. Some have also speculated that Sneddon was after the Neverland ranch, which was in his community, and wanted to take over the property for its vineyards. He was known in the media during the trial as the obsessed and overzealous prosecutor who would go through any lengths possible to convict Michael of the charges. He even called Michael by his well known slanderous tabloid persona "Wacko Jacko" and that he didn't care about his music or career. Many people found his behavior in press conferences to be immature and unprofessional. It has also been proven that Sneddon and the Santa Barbara sheriffs department have been malicious and unjust in the past towards many others besides Michael. There's an interesting article about Sneddon's shady past here: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?noframes;read=64536 Nevertheless, one thing was certain: Sneddon wouldn't back down until he'd taken Michael to court and made sure he was convicted of child molestation charges. It began in 1993, when he conveyed two grand jurys against Michael, lasting for six months, and failed to get any of the two to trial. Evan Chandler, a hollywood dentist (known as the 'Dentist to the Stars') and screen writer, his wife and son Jordan, had come into Michael's circle of friends and became comfortable living the luxurious life on behalf of Michael, who enjoyed helping and spending time with children and families, which made him feel like he was experiencing a healthy childhood which he never got to experience. Michael's father was very strict and disciplined him through violence and emotional distress ever since he was a little boy. Michael was forced to be a hard working grown up and never got to play with the other kids in the yard. His father never took him any amusement parks or to get some ice cream or even spend quality time with him or tell him he loved him. Michael later said that he wished there was an international childrens day when parents would have to spend quality time with their kids and that would've forced his strict and insensitive father to show him love and spend time with him. He would desperate seek friendship in strangers and families in hopes that he would be loved the way he never got to experience as a child in his own family. He kept in contact with many families during his life and spoke to them over the phone. He would pour his heart out to them about his worries, childhood, his abusive and strict father, battle with anorexia and insecurities, etc. One family even secretly recorded the conversations. Anyway, back to the Chandlers; Evan wanted to become a successful screenwriter and make big money in Hollywood and asked Michael for millions for funds for a movie project and Michael refused. Evan's wife June and son Jordan tried to stay far away from Evan and travelled with Michael, because they felt uneasy with how obsessed Evan was becoming with having a wealthy and rich person like Michael in their lives and how he could gain from it. June eventually tried to get custody over Jordan and Evan decided to blackmail and extort Michael in order to get custody over his son and get millions from Michael by making false accusations. Tom Sneddon was the district attorney who would help him try to take Michael down, along with psychologist Dave Schwartz and attorney Larry Feldman.

    Jordan, Evan's son, was drugged with a special dentist's sedative sodium amytal, a drug that can make someone very impressionable to believing and saying anything anyone wants them to, and under the influence was lead to saying that Michael had molested him, in front of Evan and the psychologist Dave Schwartz who he had been planning the extortion with. Evan and his ex wife June were in a bitter custody battle over Jordan and Evan wanted to get back at them by breaking their friendship to Michael apart and extort millions from him so he could take off his career in showbusiness. The extortion and nightmare began for Michael, who was currently the biggest and wealthiest star in the world.

    Neverland was raided, just like it would be again exactly ten years later, and Michael was forced to strip down to the nude and be photographed and filmed by Santa Barbara Sheriffs. Michael later made an emotional public statement (

    ) about the incident, looking like he had lost his childlike spirits and been violated and traumatized. He said in the statement that they weren't satisfied after the first time and came back and humiliated him a second time. He had to strip down and be filmed/photographed not once, but twice. The purpose was to try and match a drawing that apparently Jordan had drawn of Michael's discolored with vitiligo penis, by humiliating Michael in the worst way imaginable. Drafts of the drawing were later discovered where it almost looked like someone had planned it carefully. Regardless of rumors, the only source of it being a match lead to a hearsay from Sneddon who has been caught tampering with evidence and having lied many times. The drawing never matched with the photos and videos the sheriffs took of Michael. Michael was deeply traumatized from the horrifying experience and turned to pain killers to numb his emotional pains. Now; Why did he settle the case if he was innocent? It's quite simple (for people who know the facts). Michael was the biggest and wealthiest star in the world. He was someone who was working and performing from the age of five and had money flying all around him. His childhood was stolen from him. Most of the adults in his life were lawyers who were asking him to sign papers. He didn't like adults because a lot of them had turned him down. He loved children because it was only through them, and animals and anything innocent and pure, that he could experience the childhood he never got to have. He had been traumatized from the terrifying experience of having to undress in front of strangers and be humiliated. Remember; When anyone makes fun of him becoming white; Michael was proven on many occasions in his life for suffering from the common skin disease Vitiligo. Imagine having to put make up on your body every single day. Imagine what that would do to your self confidence. Imagine having to strip down for a bunch of corrupt sheriffs on two different occasions. Michael wanted it all to go away. He didn't want to suffer anymore and was adviced by his yes men of lawyers to just pay for a settlement and move on with his career so he could make even more money. The settlement was nothing compared to what he was worth and was making and was even paid out by his insurance company without his consent. He also denied ever doing anything wrong in the settlement and both parties agreed that Michael maintained his innocence. If he had been guilty of molesting Jordan, the case would've gone to trial. Jordan refused to testify for the prosecution and Sneddon's case fell apart. The authorities literally tried everything to find evidence that would corroborate Jordan's story. They contacted hundreds of children who had stayed at Neverland and could not find another "victim." Even though authorities used aggressive interrogation techniques, not one child said anything bad about Michael. They also searched his house from top to bottom and took photographs of Michael's naked body. The case was brought in front of two grand juries but no charges were ever filed due to lack of evidence. If there was any evidence that even remotely supported Michael Jackson being a pedophile, charges would have been brought against him. But like I previously mentioned; No Grand Jury that Sneddon conveyed thought it should go to trial. If Michael wanted to pay off his accuser, why didn't he do it at the very beginning? Evan Chandler made a demand/threat for $20 million from Jackson before authorities knew about the alleged abuse. If Michael wanted to buy their silence, like many people claim he did, why didn't he do it right then? Before the police trashed his home, before he was publicly humiliated, before he was subjected to a dehumanizing search of his private parts? He could have bought their silence right from the get go and avoided the whole ordeal. Instead he rejected Evan Chandler's initial demand for money. Why would a guilty man do that? Eventhough I think Michael was naive and made a mistake, he changed and wanted to make up for his past mistake of settling the first case by taking the second case to trial and prove his innocence once and for all. Another reason for the smooth settlement was the fact that the Chandlers' lawyer Larry Feldman was good friends with Michael's lawyer Johnnie Cochran. That, to me, clearly was the icing on the cake. Lets settle this thing so Michael can move on with his career. After all, this was in 1993, when Michael was the biggest star in the world; The king of pop, etc. Evan was even secretly recorded to saying the following about the extortion in a phone conversation with the psychologist Dave Schwartz, which has become public:

    “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I’ve checked that inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody of the son]...and Michael’s career will be over.”

    “Does that help [the boy]?” Schwartz asked.

    “That’s irrelevant to me,” Chandler replied. “It’s going to be bigger than all of us put together. The whole thing is going to crash down on everybody and destroy everybody in sight. It will be a massacre if I don’t get what I want.” This phonecall took place on July 8; Evan would claim Jordan had confessed the abuse to him on July 16.

    Neither June or Jordan wanted anything to do with Evan, who had tried to push Michael to spend time with him and Jordan many times, even wanting Michael to build a house where they could all stay together. But Michael, June and Jordan all wanted to get away from him.

    Evan Chandler's son Jordan, was so upset with his father's manipulations and abuse that he went to court and got an emancipation from both his father Evan and his mother June. June Chandler testified in the '05 trial that she hadn't seen Jordan for many years. This was his own mother and father and he never wanted to see them again after what they made him do to Michael. If he hadn't been a coward and testified in the '05 trial, he would've had to explain why he had told many of his friends that nothing sexual had ever happened between him and Michael. I'd also like to add that Evan Chandler's brother Ray Chandler spent years after the settlement trying to milk the accusations by making money through book deals and selling stories to tabloids etc. During the HIStory era, Evan tried to publish an album with songs called EVANstory, in reference to Michael's HIStory album, which was another piece of proof of how desperately he was trying to make money off his son and Michael and all of the lies he had created for the sake of extorting money from Michael. Evan commited suicide shortly after Michael's passing by shooting himself in the head. Nobody came to collect his ashes.

    Sneddon was disappointed that the case was settled and spent the next ten years looking for alleged victims of Michael. The FBI investigated Michael for ten years and found NOTHING. Sneddon put up a special website at the Santa Barbara Sheriffs homepage, asking for families of alleged victims of Michael to contact him. He even flew to Australia and Canada (that people know of; There could be even more travels overbroad) and met with two families and tried to convince them to accuse Michael of child molestation. They told him to take a hike and that Michael had never done them any harm and only been good to them. This man was obsessed with taking Michael Jackson down. Again, we may never know the real reason to why he was obsessed with him, but I think he finally gave up on Verdict Day 8 years ago today, when he finally found out that he had wasted fifteen years of his life trying to get an innocent man convicted.

    Anyway, now you know who the lead prosecuting attorney in the '05 trial was/is. More information about the first allegation and extortion can be found in this balanced and fair article from Vanity Fair: http://www.usnewslink.com/framedjackson.htm

    Sneddon was joined by two other prosecuting attorneys, Ron Zonen and Gordon Auchincloss. Lets move on to the facts of the trial.


    Living With Michael Jackson & Martin Bashir




    So how did it all begin? Martin Bashir, a british journalist who had interviewed Lady Diana in the 90s, convinced Michael to let him into his life and do a 'positive' documentary about him to set the record and rumors straight. Bashir knew that Michael was fond of Lady Diana, who like Michael, had devoted her life to helping the sick children of the world and to charity. If you've watched the outtakes that Michael's filmcrew filmed of Bashir's interviews with Michael, you'd see Bashir flattering Michael to an absurd degree and trying his best to gain his trust. Michael fell for it and let Bashir into his life and in Neverland and did many candid interviews with him. The footage that was shown in the documentary was carefully picked out by Bashir and his team, with a ridicilously biased commentary by Bashir, expressing his concern for children, eventhough he knew very well that Michael would never harm a child and even flattered him in the outtakes about how beautiful it was that Michael cared so much for ill children and the many charitable things he did for them and their families. Bashir even said that 'it almost made him weep' when he saw Michael with his children and what a wonderful parent he was. All very true but unfortunately it was a foul game by Bashir to let him into Michael's life and get the opportunity to slander his name even once more on television. Anyone who watched that documentary though, would have to be ignorant to believe that Michael was a child molester. In the outtakes, which Bashir convienently left out, Michael even viciously and brutally honestly said that he would slit his own wrists before he would hurt a child. Anyway, in the documentary, Gavin Arvizo and his siblings appeared with Michael at Neverland, talking about how generous Michael had been to them and how he had helped Gavin recover from his cancer through charity blood drives and mentor programs. At the trial, Bashir was one of the first witnesses on the stand and was comfortable answering the prosecution and Sneddon's questions about the documentary but when Tom Mesereau wanted to cross examine him and put him up against the wall with all of the dirt he had digged up on Bashir's shady past, Bashir suddenly hid like a coward behind his journalist first ammendment law shield and lawyer. He refused to answer even the simplest questions about his career and motives behind the documentary. The shield attorney was provided by MSNBC where Bashir convienently had started a career at, all thanks to his slanderous documentary about Michael. The part that became controversial and made Sneddon think he would finally have a strong case against Michael was; When Michael talks about sharing his bed with Gavin and other children. Now; In the documentary, Michael clearly says that he slept on the floor and Gavin slept on the bed and that nothing sexual ever happens in his bedroom; Which by the way was a two storey duplex where entire visiting families stayed and not just children, specifically young boys as the prosecution tried to falsely portray it as; Which the media went crazy reporting of course.

  5. Wow, one of my favorite shows this year! He was brilliant! The audience wasn't very good, older than usually and also a lot of children. I was worried they are going to sit during the whole show :shocked: He showed his best though and suddenly a lot people were standing and dancing and when the balloons came he was laughing out loud watching people party :naughty:


    The stage looked so beautiful!! :wub2: I had a great view and took some videos and photos, will post something soon if my connection works. Origin and Karen were lovely... EMD and LT very energetic. Beautiful Happy Ending. He chatted a lot but naturally in French. Maybe one of the French fans will briefly tell what he said.


    Didn't see him after the show (people totally mopped him :aah:, he did signing though) but enjoyed so much watching the show, what a great night :wub2:


    Thanks for your report Nina! How dare anyone sit during Mika's shows?? :naughty: Good thing they got up eventually :)

  6. I just remembered what I dreamed last night! I was alone in a room with Mika, and I had some sort of bag that I wanted him to autograph. The bag was satin-y so I was trying to rough it up with sandpaper so it could be written on. Most of the dream was me sandpapering the bag while Mika mostly ignored me/occasionally looked on in amusement. He looked exactly how he did in the Popular Song video.

    Then there was going to be a parade, so we went down a flight of stairs to get to it. There was music playing, the song Xanadu . . . I decided to lip-sync it and dance around because I thought it would make him laugh.

    I know it didn't really happen, but I'm embarrassed anyway! :blush-anim-cl: baghead


    Lol I really love how weird dreams can be sometimes :D

  7. I rarely dream about Mika but I have to tell you about this really horrible one I had last night because it was so bizarre and sad:

    I dreamt that I was in Paris with a close friend and it was really beautiful, at night and we were staying near the Eiffel Tower (of course).

    Later, I got a call from one of my friends who's also a Mika fan, at the hotel and she told me to turn on the television and that something horrible had happened to Mika. I turned it on and for some reason the news wasn't in French but English and they were saying that Mika had managed to sue a large company for one hundred million dollars (or pounds) because of them being responsible for him going blind on the set of an ad for their company :shocked: Don't remember what he was selling in the ad but it was horrible because he had harmed his eyes on the set of the ad and had gone blind for life and had to retire from working. It was so sad and horrible and I'm so relieved it was just a dream because it felt so real and I felt so terribly bad for him. :( Anyway, just had to write it down here for some reason because I'm fascinated by dreams.

  8. I just got it away with the NoScript-Addon (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/?src=search): After installing only allow the scripts "marockstream.de" and "macockiptv.com". It works for me this way, but I have this Addon anyway, I don't know if you want to install it just for that (and you need to get used to it a little bit, because while it runs, you have to allow scripts on all sites manually, otherwise they won't work in the right way, for example MFC and so on...)


    I can try it out, thanks a lot :thumb_yello:

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