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Posts posted by LaraMay

  1. If the first link doesn't work, here other ones to watch the show :thumb_yello:


    http://www.marocstream.de/medi1tv (you have to register but it's very quick and the quality is good)




    Mika will be on stage at 21h45 Morocco Time :thumb_yello:


    Thanks for the links! I registered for the higher quality one but does anyone know how to hide that google+ thing so I can record this for you guys in okay quality?

  2. Well, I've just heard Mika on rtl but that was very short! He had been interviewed by Marc-Olivier Fogiel (the journalist) earlier on, in the afternoon. Here is what he said:


    "People ask for tolerance and have to put things in perspective: violence is unnecessary. Tonight, only music will dealt with, not politics". ("On demande de la tolérance, de la perspective. La violence n'est pas nécessaire. Ce soir, ce qui va compter, c'est la musique, pas la politique").


    People who protested against same sex marriage are still unhappy apparently. One of them committed suicide. People opposed to same sex marriage will gather again on May 26th. Tonight, policemen will be at Bastille to make sure no trouble will happen. In Eriko's article, it is also mentioned that something could spoil the fun: the rain and the cold.



    Unbelievable! Where is the world going? :( There's so much ignorance in this world it makes me sick. Someone actually took their own life because of what some people do in their bedrooms behind closed doors? What bothers me the most about homophobic people is that they think they have the right to judge other fellow human beings for business that is none of their own. How twisted does a person need to be to be offended by others sharing their love for oneanother? This is getting so old, but at least France legalized same sex marriage at last, but it's still very sad that people are protesting against it. :( And those who use religion as their weapon and excuse to hate are so contradictory it's ridicilous.

  3. And I have the feeling that the two of you will win a pair of these tickets!! :blush-anim-cl::fisch:

    At least I do hope so, and will keep my fingers crossed, that you get the good message, when time runs out, on our National day tomorrow - good luck to both you and LaraMay - you really deserves to win this time!! :thumb_yello:


    I'm afraid I can't go, even it's not very far from Norway - and a place I've never visited earlier :wink2:





    Thank you :huglove:

  4. Aaaaaah!!!!! Thanks Deb!! :thumb_yello: Lara and I are going and we don't have our tickets yet. They are difficult to buy from abroad in advance and really expensive, and as the flights are expensive as well it would make my day to win tickets, please keep your fingers crossed for us...


    Organizing our trip is more challenging than usually but the people working there are amazing and very helpful :wub2:


    Sending e-mail to them now :aah: We must get tickets!

  5. Mika was amazing as always. It's these silly shows that are so embarrassing :doh: Do they really need to have that many singers on stage? If they can't sing the song they should at least learn to play an instrument for it. It's just not about music to me. But I'm going to whine about that again, sorry. Bottom line is: Mika is too talented and awesome to be on these stupid shows imo.

  6. To be honest, i wouldn't buy the clothes "just because" they are Mika's, unless i really liked them. But i do like them. And the labels are so cute :naughty:


    Oh me either! I'm extremely picky with clothes. I don't care if I find a Lanvin dress for 2 dollars, I won't buy it if it's not gorgeous. :naughty: And quite frankly I'm not that impressed by Mika's collection. The labels are the only thing creative about them as far as I'm concerned but it would be nice to have an item from the collection, especially since I've always admired what a style icon Mika is.

    I can't find anything on ebay yet but maybe it'll pop up there soon.

  7. Great publicity for him in Belgium, since you can't get the clothes outside there!

    I don't have a problem with him doing a clothes line, or a beer commercial if his music is attached, and he gets a hit record from it all over the place. But what I don't get is him isolating things to one country at a time, especially with the clothing line.

    Does he think people outside wouldn't like to buy some of these clothes? I don't understand the logic of this.


    That's exactly what's bothering me about these side projects too... :wait:

    I guess he's taking baby steps and isn't successful enough to do these types of projects in the US or UK?

    It's not fair that all of his fans in the world can't purchase these damn clothes :aah:

  8. 577660_10201210189914766_1700447755_n.jpg


    Boring clothes imo, I like some of the womens items but if he's always going on about how there's not much interesting clothes for men to wear then why didn't he design a more unique collection for them? Compared to Mika's amazing and creative style through the years these mens items are really dull.

  9. I see a side benefit for the photo and discussion about eating meat, and I think there is pretty interesting alternative, healthy, how we can think differently our food, our body suffers in many ways, morbid obesity, bowel problems, often related to an unhealthy diet, but in other way also the products obtained for proper nutrition are absurdly expensive :aah: at least in my country, but that's a very topic longer.

    Good to know that you could get a healthy diet and I hope to reach that level



    Thank you :huglove: The same to you. And yes healthy food does seem more expensive, especially for a horrible cook like me :aah:

  10. Really bizarre, is seen as a cultural asset and is part of the human race to kill animals for survival since the world began, we are part of this cycle of life, among animals is no different and sometimes more violent, isn't it?!


    We can think about reducing meat consumption, become a vegetarian, think about how the kind killing can be more merciful to the animal, but that's all, maybe we will walk to a feeding without sacrifice, one day, who knows :wink2:

    By now which is very difficult for many reasons, not myself I can not only eat vegetables.


    It was difficult for me too, I was obsessed with eating meat lol maybe it's in my middle eastern blood I don't know, but I think my parents fed me too much meat so I finally had enough :aah: But there are loads of food alternatives out there, very healthy and full of protein too, besides just vegetables. So I think when people tell me: 'What do you eat then: Carrots?' I find it narrow minded since there is so much delicious meat alternatives for me to eat. :) But I completely understand that it's difficult to stop eating meat alltogether, it was for me too.

  11. :shocked: what a horror thing, poor child in this time :tears:


    I think it should be shocking that sense, but depending on the culture of some countries, people, this is understandable.


    Yeah and during some weddings in Iran, they butcher an animal while it's still alive, as tradition. :( But persian people I've talked to here in Sweden think that's disgusting and are ashamed of their treatment of animals in Iran. I once saw a video of a wedding where this happened and the blood poured on the ground next to the bride and the groom, leaving blood splatter on the bottom of her white wedding dress. I was like WTF?? The bizarre thing was that before that they were kissing birds and holding them.

  12. I feel all shooken up after seeing those tweets. I love animals with all of my heart (being a vegan) and it pains me to know that they are being abused for mankind's needs. Food, clothes, cosmetics. If you've (dared) to see the movie 'Earthlings' you'll know what I mean. I don't go around lecturing people though because we're all free to make our own choices in life and nobody has the right to tell us what to do and nobody's perfect. And maybe Mika realized how disgusting it was since he saw Mel next to the photo and hopefully he will understand that all animals have feelings (no matter what anyone says). Meat in stores gives me similar reactions as the photo he posted though, although it made me think of how I stopped eating animals in the first place: I was visiting my family in Iran when I was twelve years old, petted a goat and the next minute they chopped his head off right in front of my eyes...

  13. Absolutely loved it! I wish Mika would've sung some Arabic though but it was awesome, I loved the way she sang the choruses.


    Edit: By the way, since I missed the show I could try to record the repeat of it tonight, but could anyone find a better quality stream than the one posted earlier?

  14. When I used to look after my friends dog for long periods of time, at NO time, even when I was bored, did I dress him up in clothes!:aah:


    Mankind has a habit of treating animals as if they belong to them. We use them as food, as pets, as clothes. So unless Mika is a vegan I don't see how he should really care about an animal's feelings. But that's a long off topic discussion so I'll stop right there :naughty:

  15. The video is really pulling the song along -- it's hanging in the US iTunes charts surprisingly longer than I thought it would. It's crept up to #83 overall, and is at #27 on the Pop Chart. The video itself has been hanging at #7 as well. I'm pleasantly surprised!


    And now it's at #73 in the top 100 songs and #6 in the music vid charts :D

    Fingers crossed it will go to the top and stay there for a while!

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