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Posts posted by Eir

  1. Thank you, Eir, you know, when I post things like that I actually don't think much. It's just from heart to keyboard - LOL, but I think I said that before. I'm glad you like it and even more that you always understand


    I like your dream a lot, may I borrow it for tonight?

    I'm not quite sure but I think I had Mika-dreams before. But stupid, usually I can't remember them properly in the morning. Anyway it must have been nice ones because I always felt kind of comfy waking up :original:


    oh for sure you can! :naughty:


    I dreamt of him other times, but I didn't remember when I woke up...but this time it was too funny to forget it.......BLUE EYES! LOL :roll1:


    It's so strange since I'm so proud of my (and his) brown eyes :doh::bleh:


    Great idea for a thread

    Sometimes I just wanna say something but have no where to say it, this must be the place


    Yes, it is :original:


    I really needed it! I always have so many thoughts in my head...like many tangled yarns...I need to make order to cope with them...and writing is the best way for me :)

  2. Thinking about Mika.

    Wondering if he is the person he keeps showing us.

    I have watched that Hong Kong interview yesterday for the first time. He was talking about his approach towards work and about how much he keeps insisting that everything is to be done properly. Something like 'I don't want to make friends at work, I want the people to get things done..."


    This is not entirely new to me, a while ago I already had a (good) conversation about that topic with AKim but seeing that new video brought it all back again.


    He also said that he was the kind of person who can tell people right in their faces that they look awful and so on..


    These words have been reverberating inside my head since I have heard them, for I can hardly believe that. He always appears so genuine in everything he does and all we get to see and hear of him is always so nice, it's close to transcendental.


    It is almost like he was on a mission. Like a kind of postmodern Jesus, forgive me for the religious reference, but I really can't think of any image that could meet my impression better than this.


    I mean there are hardly any people saying 'Oh, Mika, well, yes, he's ok.' No there are the fans with their hearts as open as can be and... well...people who don't like him. There's no way to get stuck in the middle.


    He pushes himself so hard to his limits (and honestly I really do think it is not all his management's decision, but his own wish to do so), almost as if he thought he was running out of time.


    And the things he does. He's dealing so gently with his fans. He knows exactly how to make each of them happy within just a few minutes all by intuition. Just to name a few examples, he made natie sign the shirt she made for him. How nice was that just to turn the tables and make her feel like she was the celebrity. And the girl that proposed to him and got his hawaiian necklace... LOL. And turning to Sunshine after having realized that she knows the lyrics by heart. His empathy is remarkable.


    It is hard to believe that all his hearty thoughtful gestures could be just calculated ....nothing but a cleverly-devised strategy of an ingenious mind to pave the way to stardom.


    Someone once mentioned in another thread that he seems to be all in once: The puppet and the puppet player.

    What a brilliant metaphor. I couldn't get it out of my head until now.


    Maybe from that point of view the lyrics of Grace Kelly get a new denotation.

    Maybe it is not all about being angry at the music industry but more than that.


    He demonstrates every day that he can be anything we like. Like 'Say what you want, I'll be it for you:

    Nice, hot, giggly, thoughtful, modest, topless, serious, spontaneous, gay, not gay, post-gay, a singer, a painter, a teaser, a storyteller, a stripper, a little boy, an agony aunt, your Winnie the Pooh.'



    Identity mad? Maybe. But all on purpose.



    Oh well, I should really stop analyzing people in public. But on the other hand Mika is a public person and this forum is not the New York Times.


    Forgive me for sharing my weird thoughts. Maybe they are just that: weird - well, that's what I am.

    I leave you to your own thoughts about it now but not without the personal conclusion I have drawn for myself out of this mad inside-of-my-head-discussion:

    To me the awesomely amazing public Mika is real, first because I want it to be like that, second because noone can really act and pretend to be somebody else if their traits of character are actually totally different from the image to be drawn for the public ALL the time, and he is standing in the spotlight almost everyday...

    And after all I still wish I had known him before.



    Violet I love every single post you write...:wink2:


    And Liz too, I have to admit it


    it's a pleasure to read both :wink2:



    Anyway..........about this I have to say I often think to myself the same thing... can he be really this way? He seems too perfect!

    I have met other famous people, even less than him, and they were not this way...


    it's so hard to face all this situation... fans, gigs and so on


    And he showed to be very determined..not only cheerful and kind


    He stops when he makes a mistake playing the piano

    he's a perfectionist

    he wants the best from people who works with him


    but I've also read Luke and Martin saying that he makes them feel a group, all at the same level

    There's not a diva, even if we all know he's the boss

    He manages to obtain the best GIVING THE BEST HIMSELF

    No one wants to disappoint him, because he deserves to have the best


    I mean...I think he's cheerful, kind, sweet, funny and always giggling, but he's very, very intelligent too!


    I use to repeat I think he's a genius


    I really think that because he can be everything HE wants to be

    he's Freddie, he's Grace kelly, he's hot, he's childish, he's sweet, funny, generous, clever....always in the right moment


    That makes Mika so perfect


    I really admire him...he's an example to follow to my eyes :)


    I swear my behaviour towards other people is very changed since I'm a fan of him...I'm more patient and kind :)



    Or at least I hope so :naughty:


    What kind of dream was it? A case for the angel's thread (referring to heaven) or more the perv-thread kind of thing?


    Oh well...that was an angelic and odd dream LOL


    I dunno how, but I found that Mika met me and I had to show him Milan..I was with my best friend, but she was kind and left us almost alone...


    Me and Mika were first at the station and while we were waiting for the train he was so funny and sweet...I laughed so much and he had fun too


    then we moved to the subway...it was as if whe had spent the day together and now he had to leave...


    oh I TOUCHED HIS HAIR! LOL!!! It was because we had been to a theme park (as Eurodisney) and he had wet them, so they were not so curly and I said 'omg, they're not curly anymore!' they were just waved, as in many pics, and he seemed a bit embarassed and moved his hands in his hair in order to make it all messed up (he was so deliciously childish :) ) and then I said something funny and touched them....can you imagine the softest thing in the world?


    They were this way


    :blush-anim-cl: *runs for shame*



    then I asked him to look in his eyes because they always seem of different colours in the pics and they were...DARK BLUE ahahah, omg...that was funny!




    well, now I feel very stupid...I swear I was neither this way when I was 12!!!


  3. I got some new converses today!! Sooooooo happy with them, because when I saw them, I just fell in love with them and they were exactly my size....as if they were meant for me:wub2:


    I saw these a month ago and I'm looking for a bit of free time to go and buy them!


    When I saw them I was like :mf_lustslow:, I screamed and my friend screamed too LOL! :roftl:


    we're crazy, I know :bleh:

  4. i think i have like 15 pairs too. its a bit excessive but they are the only shoes i wear so i guess its not that bad.


    heres a pic of a few that i just pulled out of my closest





    sorry bout the bad quality but i took it on my phone.


    Lol! I love them! I'm so jealous :bleh:

  5. Omg...He says that the he liked the Holocaust memorial...


    I have studied for myself so much about holocaust and I have dreamt to visit that memorial in Berlin and the Shoah museum in Israel since I was a child!


    He seems chidish, but he isn't... :wub2:


    I have to meet him!!! :crybaby:


    ps. thank you so much for the pics!!!


    but shamefully i have been converted to "happiness".:yay:




    since she converted me into this happy mika fan i have been constantly happy. she is a scary scary person with scary scary powers of happiness.




    Also, rosie has warned me that i can't be unhappy or anything less than chipper on this site coz mika fans are always happy.

    i'm terrified already.:eek:







    Omg frankie, I admit I was not so happy today, but you definately made my day!!!



    Welcome!!! :yay:


    A quite happy and cheerful Mika-fan :biggrin2:

  7. Sorry, we have closed the entering for the moment, we'll open again them in the future and we'll update you...


    that's because we have to add some rules to admit poeople, there are already a lot of members who doesn't care about this project and since we're trying to make it more official we want to set some limits :wink2:

  8. And my most frequent thought when I see things like that is


    "Save as..."


    LOL, actually I don't even think that, my fingers do it automatically....strange :shocked:


    Omg, I can't really get you......................*her finger starts to move by itself clicking everywhere even if there are no pics*








    Veer-I love the pose!!! and how you caught it


    Eir- her usual bright colours and super-crazy-inventive-self:naughty: and I luv the tama GRRRAve!!!:roftl:


    Sock-good work! and amzing detail! hope you will be able to pass it to him!








    I'm glad someone finally noticed the grave!! :roftl:


    It's for super updated fans :biggrin2:



    (and I still think that your work was just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I stared at it for an hour with this look: :shocked: )



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