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Everything posted by Monshi

  1. oh. did you like it?? (why are we talking about HP!!?!! I have to go!!)
  2. night my luv *huggles* yes yes, it's your computer that's evil. maybe it's related to voldemort?!?!
  3. anyway girls! I'm off to bed now!! it's almost 2am here!! bye *hugs* love you all
  4. I'm sorry luv *hugs* I'm here for you if you wanna talk about it. or anything else
  5. I know - yuck the smell! I can't believe the smokers can handle the smell!! I hope it hasn't effected you too much... *huggles*
  6. ah, tell me about it. I hate that I've been so good. now everyone expects me to be good, and smart and all of that and if I'm not people get all like: what's wrong with you? *sighs* but it will all change. ah, I remember the days when I was 12. what a horrible time it was. but yet, so good. aww, I'm sorry love *huggles* sorry you had to learn the hard way.
  7. oh, well you're really young then although, I know some people (not know them personally, know who they are) who have been drinking/smoking from that age.
  8. bloody hell 10!!! wow!! not to be what?? you've got bad friends??
  9. I'm 16 and I am proud of being good. My um raised me well but as I said, I'm almost too good.
  10. I'm too good. I'm so good it gets boring.
  11. nope! I even hold my breath passing smokers that's what I said all along!! I'm a good girl, I am!!
  12. haha. 21 yeah. knew that. how old are you? in sweden people drink before the legal age too
  13. nope. no nothing. that's what I keep saying! I'm a very good girl
  14. am I the only one who has never had alcohol?? O.o
  15. You look like Dietrich??!? wow!! that's still pretty cool. she's got a wowza-face!!
  16. no you're italian if you want to be!!!
  17. aww good night Elina sov så sött älskling *kramar* see you
  18. hehe that's a question I'm still trying to figure out the answer to
  19. oh yay!!! I am sooooo watching tomorrow!! wiie
  20. Good night my babe *huggles* see you love you, bye
  21. GET REAL!!! for real!! shut up!!! how could I miss it?? on what show?? sunblock?? gaaah! aww good night my luvvie *kramar i evigheter* I love you alot min älskling! sweet dreams Love you
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