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Everything posted by Monshi

  1. Record the bloooody thing!!!! Okej hitta det tillslut!!! på radion i mammas rum!!!
  2. Bajssss... jag har ju varken real player eller w Media player på datorn. visst är den med i 30 dagars arkivet sen?? jag lyssna på en grej där en gång. hoppas dem lägger upp Mika där. då kan jag lyssna på en annan dator en annan gång I love it!! you don't know where the pic is from?
  3. Hej Dani *huggles* I'm fine thank you. How are you? hello not much... how are you doing hun?
  4. Vilken jävla station!!!! (ursäkta språket - men jag hittar det inte)
  5. hey Vanessa!! I loove your new siggy!! where is the pic from??
  6. Love you too my darling *hugs back* Nightynight *mwaah* xxxxxxxxxx
  7. thanks luv *huggles* grr go!!! anyway, I have to go too. off to sleep Good night girlies *huggles* Love you all (almost... )
  8. thanks Dani, that made me feel soooo much better
  9. aww, bye luv *huggles alot* see you tomorrow then?? Hejdå *kraaaaaaaaaam*
  10. but I think I am... almost. not as much a geek for other geeks to accept me though... and too much of a geek for others *sighs*
  11. I bet you can find one on the net. and they're loads of fun
  12. yeah... me too. ah poor Fred. and George. but then ah, Tonks and Lupin. ah Lupin, my darling I was so happy when Lupin and Tonks got together, and then their kid!! ah what do you mean what's gonna happen to Ted? didn't you read the last chapter - Ted was gonna live with them. he was snogging their cousin. yeah. but you know. there are loads of quizzes you can do...
  13. ... as weird as that is... I would like to see it. just for the sake of seeing it OMG!!! FRED!!! I don't know what to do!!! I'm feeling sooo bad for that!! he was in my 10 favourites (together with George) GAAAAAAAAAAAH and Tonks AND LUPIN!!! I criieeed soooooo much. he was like one of my 5 favourites I love him!!! ahh... I'm getting sad all over no. probably a ravenclaw... I knew it!!! you Slytherin git
  14. okay okay... we already know that from yesterday
  15. ah!!! you know you'd be a pureblood slytherin git!!!
  16. well then I guess I will sing!!! JK I cried soooooo much for Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore. and then in DH I cried as much as I had cried in the last 3 books - together. God, I cried so much... oh... like the last 100 pages I cired all the time, and I had a stomach pain and then... before... the first pages. and a little troughout the book
  17. You slytherin git!!! haha haha... yeah in that play...
  18. Nah - I loved it. the way it worked out I was really happy... and then the last chapter was amazing. but God I was sooooo sad when those people .... ... yeah... I wouldn't wanna be in a costume. I wanna sing with him!! would be nice HEY!!!
  19. Good night Elina *huggles* vi ses imorron älskling *kramar* sweet dreams
  20. no!! *shakes head and gives another big kiss* it was great. thank you for posting. it worked for me. but, you were there... right? how was it?? you can practically hear anything... was it good? was lollipop girl good?? think about it... being on stage with Mika you're joking right?? you're not serious - you can't be serious... yup, the 5th is the longest. then the 6th. and then DH, GoF, PoA, CoS, PS
  21. thank you my darling *gives Dani a big wet kiss on the cheek*
  22. wiiie! that's good. oh wiie. got mine at 10am on the 21st. called every bookshop in the city (which is like 4 shops) to see if anyone was opening at 12, but they didn't.... so I had to wait. I know!!! Isn't it fantastic!!! Rowling is incredible!! and the ending..... I'm not saying anything... but, WOW!
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