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Everything posted by Monshi

  1. oh!! really! *high 5s back* are they green too??
  2. wiie eh, local store called "Flott" but it's Dr Denim jeans. I'm usually a Cheap Monday fan though. but they're all boring colours. like jeans-colour
  3. hmm... let's see... don't remember his trousers... *runs off to go look for pics* haha!! LOL! yes!! doesn't stop me for doing it though! I remembered - but still you said you were studying. and I wanted to know, what you were studying (now). wiiie! you're going to get a drivers licence my sister's getting it too... she passed the theory, and she is taking her.. err "stora uppkörning" in august. good luck my hunny Yup!! skinny as... err... skinny as Mikas
  4. good that you're great then!! sorry... I thought something might be wrong... sorry. It's okay to not be great even though nothing's wrong. I bought a pair of jeans They're GREEN and, they were on sale
  5. hey hope you're okay you're studying! in the summerhols!! why? (okay - I'm not one to talk, but.... ) what are you studying? hej vanessa *hugs* I'm fine thank you. Hur mår du?
  6. not bad?? - nothing wrong I hope... I'm good been shopping
  7. Helluuuuuu girlies!! how's everyone?? anyone here?
  8. bye Dani-luv *huggles* love you see you darling
  9. Bye hunny bunny *huggles* sweet dreams see you
  10. anyway girls - So you think you can dance is on, which means I'm off! bye *huggles* Love you lot! (might be back )
  11. yeah... let's hope... betyder Just kidding
  12. yeah!! wiiie I told mum - now the confetti is shooting out crap - it ended now....
  13. next Swedish performance - and his shirt is coming off!!! (that is if there ever will be one... ) Yay for P3 - boooooo for Berns well, pardon me then! JK
  14. hmm.... I wonder I wonder http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/p3/nyhetssidor/index.asp?programID=2663 here you go thank you
  15. I'm fine thanx!! more than good actually - Mika on swedish radio aww, thanx darling I was soooo upset
  16. he didn't take off his shirt in the good old days did he?? means, he has only improved through the... err... months?? (more like weeks ) you can hear that he's jumping around
  17. YES I was this close *shows with fingers* to buy the tickets... before I realize it was an agelimit I wanted to see him sooo bad Berns kan dö!!
  18. oh I can't believe that he is on swedish radio - that is live...
  19. ah I wished I would have remembered this!!! I could have recorded it from the radio.
  20. ah Over my shoulder sounded better at Koko and in Berlin though (which are the other live things I remember)
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