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Posts posted by mgpm

  1. And there isn't a thing wrong with that. But they act like he's a flippin' drag queen, don't they? I dunno. I don't have anything against that culture at all. But he's not that, and they try to push him into that mold.


    I do find men who are slightly feminine attractive. :wink2: I'm married to a very unfeminine man, though. :roftl:

  2. I'm sick of people acting like he's all Truman Capote or something. You'd think he's like Bobby Trendy the way they talk about him being all "camp," etc. Hell, even Freddie wasn't even called outright gay in his day. I don't mind if Mika is gay but I don't think his music is screaming "look at me, I'm so camp and gay." Geez...someone comes out with a happy song and can hit a high note and all of a sudden he's flaming.

  3. IT'S WORKING!!!! Just keep voting everyone!!! I'm so proud of all of you who have voted and who keep voting. I've voted a bazillion times myself and will continue to do so until Mika is blazing on there, and hopefully will be number one!!! We can do it, I know we can. I think there will be voting until Friday. So we just have to keep it up til then.


    VOTE. As often as you can. When you have a spare moment, toss in a few. If you have a more than a few moments toss in more than a few!!! We are a pretty rabid crew here for our boy, pretty passionate how we feel about him, let's back that up ladies and gents!


    KEEP VOTING!! We're doing GREAT!!!! :thumb_yello:

  4. Smoking is so bad for you...it's your choice smokers, but it's still bad for you. And it's bad for others. Something people don't consider...it isn't just an inconvienience for me, I can't even go to clubs because of smoke. I get terrible migraines and smoke is one of the triggers. It's rare to find a nightclub in the US that is non smoking. Even a restaurant that has a non smoking section...I have to take the risk of possibly getting a splitting headache from being near smoke.


    I hope Mika doesn't smoke. And I hope all that do find a way to quit.


  5. Sorrow and heartache comes to everyone if you live long enough, no matter what your bank account has in it, nor who your parents are. Some are born into fortune and some poverty but happiness has less to do with money than it does with who loves you, how you look at life, and how you deal with with the hand you are dealt.


    Circumstances that might destroy one person will be just the thing to propel another to greatness.


    Mika's history is his own, and is in my opinion a unique and inspiring story. I think he's been forthright and left himself quite open, which has been endearing to us fans. Unlike someone like Prince who says three words every ten years, Mika's chosen to be close to us. Some people are going to take what he says and turn it around on him.


    I'm not.

  6. Hey Goda!!! Welcome!!! One of the things we like here is having fans from all over the world! Are there many other Mika fans in Lithuania?


    It's good to have you here with us. Don't worry about your English. We'll try our best to understand each other.:thumb_yello:

  7. Hey that's great news! I'll bet that does make his day! He does have a fashion sense all his own and for GQ to give him props for it...well, there's some validation for ya, huh? Wonder what the nincompoops from his school-days are doin' now?!? heh heh...:roftl:



  8. Having been involved with radio in my distant past... This Chris Moyles guy is doing this to get your goat. To get a reaction. Any reaction. Ignoring a DJ is like the kiss of death. Turn him off. Tell your friends all about a fantastic radio show on another station. Tell Moyles' station you are turning him off by writing a letter to the management.


    Being a DJ isn't as "glamorous" as it might seem to be (as you can see by the photo of Moyles!). They also (in most cases) don't get paid as much as you might think. Most of them are legends in their own minds.

  9. First of all, Mika...Don't cut your hair!!!


    The hair/eyes conundrum is just that...the beautiful hair covering the beautiful eyes, sigh....


    You are a really handsome man. You probably have an ugly toe or something. hee hee... But I don't see it.


    But I think this thread is a good thing. *Everyone,* including our beloved boy, needs a little humbling now and then, yes? He knows how much we love him.

  10. *SO* flippin' happy for you meimei!!! You fortunate beyond belief thing you!!! how awesome...


    Now, I've never told anyone here this, but I'm psychic*. I'm getting a strong vibe from you right now. Are you familiar with the phenomenon of "deadheads" here in the US? (those were Grateful Dead fans here in the US who dedicated their whole lives to pretty much making/selling crafts to support themselves as they followed the band around from venue to venue. that's all they did. lead nomadic lives to follow the grateful dead) I predict you will become a Mika-head, quitting your position, taking whatever savings you have, selling anything you've got, giving it all up and becoming a nomad, following Mika all around the world, wide eyed and mouth slightly opened.

    You will grow old this way and slightly pathetic, but you will be happy and it will be a fullfilling life for you.



  11. Now...don't think like that.... At best you'll be seeing Mika ~*~*~*~*AgAiN~*~*~*~* and at worst, you'll be seeing a funny Graham Norton show.


    If you do have the spectacular good luck to see Mika again, twice in one week, I want you to buy me a lottery ticket. :roftl:


    When you get back, we need a full report, 'kay? :thumb_yello:

  12. Hey Mika...

    OK...how to say what I want to without seeming like a fool...mmm...


    Love the music. Love your voice. I love your energy. My six year old son is inspired by you also. He started piano about five months ago and he can play the start of "Grace Kelly"--it's so cute. He's something of a prodigy. Isn't it fun that you are inspiring the next generation of artists already? He's fascinated with how you studied opera and play pop music, incorporating the two.


    Your personality shines through in your work, and there is an honesty and childlike fun in it. A freshness, a kindness is there also. I hope you never lose this as you go on with your career. I hope you never become jaded. I've read some of the barbed, cruel things written about you. I think (I know) some people react to true goodness violently because it so absent from their lives it provokes hatred. It's almost a knee jerk reaction. It's pitiable really. It's why every truely good person in public life gets stones lobbed at them, are villified. I hope you are well protected for this, have a good support system around you, are strong in your heart and mind. I hope it doesn't ever stop you from being who you really are.


    Hope this doesn't sound stupid. I love your music. I think you are very special. Don't let the haters blow vapors on your dreams.



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