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Posts posted by mgpm

  1. OK...


    Scrapbook update:


    So far I only have received Ranae's pages. Three of them, quite nice, and they are in the book. Now, if I don't receive any more, that's ok, only Ranae, her friends and I get the Mika-hugs then. :) I'm a generous person, and willing to share my Mika hugs (very generous person:biggrin2: ) but you have to get the pages to me!


    It's very easy to make a cute page...it isn't hard, and the reward is that Mika will be holding something YOU made in his hot little hands. I was contemplating this as I was working on this today and it was blowing my mind somewhat! I'm experienced at this sort of thing, I've sold stuff I've made at craft shows, etc. and was perfectly confident about making this thing, but I'm a little nervous thinking he's actually going to be looking at something I made. Sigh.


    Anyway, get it to me if you want it in!!!!

  2. Thanks for telling us about the club! That's good info to know.


    I'm getting so excited. I keep saying that same phrase...but the feeling inside is just building and building. I don't allow myself to think of it even much during the day, or else I get very distracted. I start wondering what it's going to be like to actually hear his voice in person. I hope he does "Over My Shoulder."

  3. Kjoshi, just make a page, 4x4 inches. Put anything you want on it, a poem, a note, a picture, anything you want to say, and I'll put it in the little book.


    I'll give anyone who wants to contribute my address and you'll send them to me, and I'll put it all together...and we'll give it to Mika in DC.


    Color theme is red white and blue.

  4. Yes, just be kind and loving to him...and leave him alone at home. He does work hard and he does bend over backwards trying to be good to us at the shows by taking time to sign things and meet us. We should try to respect him be leaving him his home space.


    Talk to your parents and try to get them or one of them to take you to a show. Or if not, an older cousin or an aunt or uncle or someone they trust to take you.

  5. Mirtilla, I'll get you one if at all possible!!!


    SOLD OUT? Wow...


    I want our boy to be successful here, but in truth I was hoping for a little room at this venue. Oh well, the more the merrier I guess.


    I'm getting more excited by the day.



    I'm making a small scrapbook, so anyone who wants to add a page make one! The colors are red white and blue, due to the venue being Washington, DC--so we are going with a patriotic color scheme. The size is approx. 4in X 4in., so don't make them bigger than this. You can make yours creative or plain, make it a note or a work of art, put ribbon on it, paint it, distress it, use crayon, put a picture of yourself on it, whatever you like.


    Let's try to get this stuff to me within the next two weeks, ok?

  6. They must, and a hypnotiser too. Just look at the effect that they have on him!




    OHHHHHH! So *THAT'S* why they confiscated all the lollies at Birmingham!!!!! Now it all comes together....Lollies are his kryptonite!!!!

  7. This is so funny! Tootch, you crack me up! To me, ol' ice britches looks like the new guy that plays James Bond.


    "I'm Man, Ice Man." "I like my ice shaken, not stirred."


    Anyway...we have to think of something to give to him to make him feel happy when he comes to DC. Hmmm....what could we give him to warm his cold heart?


    A puppy? :roftl:

  8. Elton wasn't always as flashy as he became...and he certainly didn't create the role of flashy piano man. The article does mention Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis, but fails to mention the most flashy piano man besides Elton, ever, and that's Liberace. It wasn't a new concept.


    However, I get the author's point. I do see what he's trying to say. I don't see Mika as Elton's musical "son" though. Really I don't. I can see an influence, but I don't see it running that deep. I really did like the reference to Ray Davies on "Billy Brown"--that was quite apt I think.


    Maybe I'm blind. But I see Mika as being so much more than being the poster boy for the next big gay artist. I honestly don't care if he is gay. It makes no difference to me if he is or not. I loved Freddie, just as he was. I love Mika as he is. I just don't see that as being his major feature, and it seems the media keeps wanting to make that the biggest part of who he is. No wonder he doesn't want to talk about it. This man isn't going on like some others, but sexuality seems to be at the core of what people write about when they write about Mika. Have you ever noticed?


    That said, the article is well thought out and interesting. It is amazing to me that Mika got to perform so early on with Pete Townshend. That's awesome that his music stood up to that kind of a test!!!! A test of greatness to be sure!!!!


    Thanks deb for posting this article!!!!

  9. This was just so fun. I can't really describe it...and I had so very little to do with it! You all here, esp. our ladies in the Oldlings group...you guys are just awesome. You make everyone feel so good.


    And Mika, he's an angel.



    After watching the Big Girl clip.... I have a new ambition... I wanna be BIG GIRL. I want her JOB. She has the most fabulous job EVER. hee hee....:blush-anim-cl:

  10. Hi Natalie! Just curious, where did you hear Mika on the radio? I live on the east coast and haven't heard him yet, but my husband did. (Philly area radio station)


    Welcome to our Mikaland area of cyberspace where we all are in Mikalove.

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