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Posts posted by mgpm

  1. While I have no illusions that he's really so straight arrow he commits no wrong or doesn't do the normal things other 23 year old men do...I don't want to *think* of Mika with his head in a toilet, drunk. I've been there myself, I don't fault him for being there if he has....but I don't think of others I know like that (usually!:)) and I don't want to imagine him wasted all the time or having a different lover every night, or whatever. He might do those things, he's a grown up. But I don't imagine from seeing him and his performance level that this is going on. He seems too smart, his family is too close to him to allow him to be used and abused.


    That said...He doesn't have to actually *be* an angel for me to think of him that way. He has feet of clay, and that's all right, I still love him as he is. He can get drunk, try drugs, be straight, be gay, be whatever he is. What I've seen of him is kind and talented and I like that. I expect him to be human. :thumb_yello:

  2. Well...I have kind of the opposite problem GITB. I homeschool my two youngest, and my husband likes to think of himself as "principal" or "headmaster" or in other words...I'm the teacher and he's my boss! He likes to manage how I'm doing it, where I'm doing it, what I'm doing, he is involved in every aspect. This is good, but he micromanages me and it drives me nuts. Keep in mind the two youngest are only 5 and 6. Here in the US the 6 yr old should have just finished his first year of school which would have been kindergarten according to his age. But with us, he is finishing 2nd grade. This is because he began to read by himself at age 2 and is advanced. It is the reason I'm homeschooling him, because I don't want him placed with older children nor being bored with kids his own age.


    My husband tries to push him a little and I'm totally against that. I want my son to set the pace. He's already ahead, and sometimes his maturity, his attention level doesn't match his ability. So he can become frustrated if pushed. Hubby wants to make sure he keeps advancing....and I know he will, but hubby drives me nuts over this sometimes. I've already told him I have to do it my way.


    Drives me mad.


    Just wondering...do they let people homeschool in Japan? That pace for kids would drive me crazy too.

  3. What's happening August 10?


    I was on a high for about three days after seeing him. I purposely didn't listen to him in the car after the concert, I wanted it all just to be as it was, I let the whole experience just sink in. I was really amazed that we met him as we did and he took so much time with us. I tried not to ramble on as I talked to him...and I thought I'd be out of my mind nervous, but he just was so serene and peaceful and so *there* really listening. Not looking around to see who was next, to hurry anything up, it was all natural. It was calming to me. I was so happy and had had such a good time, had expended so much energy. It was good for me. All the tension had left me.


    I rested the next day, then we went to an amusement park the day after that, more fun. Saturday, though, I had to take my older girls to the airport. They went to Florida for the summer, and won't be back until mid August. This is only the second time this has happened, their dad moved last year, and I hate that they go. I miss them horribly. Especially my middle daughter...she's my buddy...we hang out together, she's so sweet and considerate and affectionate. I feel like my heart's broken, but I know I'll "get used" to it...and she'll be back.


    And I've started to feel the Mikapression too. I think of things I wish I'd said, questions I'd wish I'd asked. I think I need to see Mika about once a week, and my health would improve dramatically. Tension would be reduced, I'd get a lot of exercise, and it would be so good for my heart. :wub2: I'm sure I could get a note from my doctor. Do you think he'd have sympathy?

  4. Mika tries a little Freddie... and it works

    posted by Tiffany Baxendell Bridge at 11:15 AM on June 13, 2007

    I first became aware of Mika the same way I've been finding all my musical obsessions lately- listening to Ethel on XM. I was driving to my soul-destroying then-job one morning in early February, trying not to let the dread impose on my commute, when a bouncy song called "Grace Kelly" floated through my speakers. I nearly drove off the road, so involved was I in getting my rock on. If you can imagine Freddie Mercury reincarnated as an early-20s British/Lebanese kid with crazy curly hair (okay, not a stretch) with some vintage Elton John, George Michael, and ALL of the Scissor Sisters mixed in, you can probably imagine what the rest of the album is like.


    I finally got to see him live last night at a sold-out show at the 9:30. I couldn't tell you about the opening act because, well, I skipped it. But Mika himself did not disappoint.


    One of my favorite things about Mika is that even as he's engaging with reckless abandon in pop theatricality, he does it without a trace of irony, while both acknowledging it and inviting the listener to abandon their hipster pretense and just enjoy the music for what it is.You can't help but accept the invitation. (edited to add: Via Marc in the comments, here's a post by the "Big Girl" dancer. I thought that was Mika's family sitting near us...)


    (photo courtesy Mikasounds.com)





    The concert was full of future-superstar moments like listening to hundreds of people yell, "'cause a REAL WOMAN needs a REAL MAN HERE'S WHY" during "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)," and the extended high note he held during a cover of the Jackson 5's "I Want You Back" that made my throat close up to just contemplate. And of course, it was terrific when he stopped singing "Grace Kelly" and let the crowd take over for several lines, as they mimicked his accent all the while. But my favorite moment of the show was a bit more poignant.


    After the closing notes of "Billy Brown," a song about a married man who falls in love with another man, and then runs off to Mexico and meets a girl, Mika rested his hands in his lap, looked at the crowd, and said very quietly, "When I did the demo of that song, my record company said, 'You can't release a song like that in the United States!' I wish they could see you all singing along with me." Not a hint of bravado or pretense, just a brief glimpse into the mind of an artist who is still very starstruck over his own early success.


    And then he was off again- stepping out from behind the piano, jumping up and down between choruses, and enjoying the silliness as much of the rest of us.


    No recap of the concert would be complete without a description of the encore, however. Mika and the band left the stage more or less immediately after the closing, "Cha-ching...AH!" of "Grace Kelly," but everyone knew there was still one more song to be performed. A few minutes later, the lights came back up on the stage amid the crowd's chants of "MI-KA! MI-KA!" and a recording started to play... of "The Teddybear Picnic." And then, I **** you not, several people dressed in barnyard animal costumes skipped out on stage, formed a circle, and sat down to have, presumably, a picnic. Only then, the cow took its head off, and, um, surprise? It was Mika. The other animals revealed themselves to be the band members, who took their places (still wearing the now-headless costumes) to play "Lollipop," accompanied by confetti cannons, balloons released and bounced back and forth by the audience, and additional costumed characters frolicking onstage.


    I think I may now have seen just about everything. But I'd go back and see it again in a heartbeat.

  5. ASHLEY!!!! You lucky girl!!!!! You were fabulous!!!!!!! Oh my word.... SO looking forward to seeing your pictures! What was it like backstage?


    Jack, I'm glad you liked the pictures. :)


    Tootch, yes, our pictures DO look alike!!! Tom sent me an email thanking me for choosing him to go with me to such a special event in my life! He's a darling. My sister is a lucky woman.


    I remember Mika saying the blinking hearts were"Universal, International" because he saw them "everywhere I go."


    I told him my son was into music and that I was inspired to get him a trash can to drum on and he laughed.


    I looked a total mess by the time I saw him, but I guess I have to get over that!

  6. mgpm!!!!!

    there you are!



    i didnt realize you got finale pics!

    you go girl!


    i have to say that you were quite the fun one last night!:punk:


    Well, thankyouverymuch!!! It WAS fun, and if you knew how "unfun" my life is sometimes well, the I was uncorked!!!! Ha!!! I just love to laugh. :) I'm glad Tom was with me, he was perfect to bring. Just perfect.


    I have been chomping at the bit to be here, but today has been a whirlwind of activity here. Tomorrow we are taking the kids to an amusment park (my poor feet!) so I won't be here then.


    But it was an absolute BLAST to meet you all last night. Deb, Tootch, Dylan, Jack....you guys just made last night so fabulous. Everyone else in the MFC I met there, you all are such sweethearts. I love this group of people. Mika's spirit of kindness pervades this place.


    The music was fantastic. Mika was sensational, just as everyone has said. What a shock to see ORANGE instead of the traditional grey, and boy did we see a LOT of orange!!! I saw the mic drop, and the command Mika gave it to "stay!" That was cute.


    I was amazed we got to meet him. I had hopes, but never thought it would be like it was. I also experienced something unexpected. Before I met him, I was nervous, but then after talking to him, I guess because he was so gentle and calm, I felt more peaceful. He's got a very serene energy around him. There is nothing like a "star" or diva quality about him that says "I'm above you." He's genuine and lovely. He looks at you and when he's talking to you he's *with* you. It's a special gift he's got, very charismatic. He wasn't well. I asked why he couldn't take days off in between gigs and he said it was because of the production people, the movers, the equipment etc. "It's just reality he said." When I moved away, I felt satisfied and happy, and on the way home I felt satified and happy. I don't feel let down at all, like I thought I would. I feel full up, and deeply happy to have had the experience of seeing him perform and meeting him, talk to him, give him something I made! Wow.


    ~*~*~*~*floating away~*~*~*~*~*

  7. Coolio!


    I'm getting antsy too. I just put the last page in the scrapbook that I got today--Jack Violet's. It looks fantastic!


    Anyone else that has stuff, bring it and we'll stick it in!


    I've been icky the past few days, but I saw the doc today and I'm feeling better.


    I've got a new camera and I need to read up on how to use the thing....


    Can't believe tomorrow night at this time I'll be seeing our boy!!!!:wub2:

  8. Yes I will be there. Oh yes.

    Bringing sandwiches and whatever whatnot. I'm bringing a fun guy with me. He's a hoot, and I'm glad he's coming with me. The only problem with bringing him with me is that he might tell stories to my family of how I acted. Hmmm...I'll have to swear him to secrecy. "What happens in DC, stays in DC..."

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