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Everything posted by *carrie*

  1. Neil Gaiman I like him a lot as a person. I've never ready any of his work though. I just know him because he's Amanda Palmer's boyfriend and I like her a lot. I really want to read Coraline, though.
  2. I tried to draw a portrait of Josh Groban one time. It was so bad The only thing I've ever drawn that looked decent was the Life In Cartoon Motion cover. It took forever though.
  3. or I have to buy one for somebody and I'm trying to narrow down the choices
  4. My future roommate telling me we like some of the same music. I'm probably a little more excited about that than I should be.
  5. Watching Anderson Cooper for the 3rd time. He is so creepy. night!
  6. Watching the same episode of Larry King Live for the 3rd time. I lost my remote and I don't want to get up.
  7. http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_color_are_you_re_real_eyes_1
  8. And this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q64qvkVtXd0
  9. The last book I read was A Brief History of a Prince. It was..interestsing Featuring a homosexual boy and a heterosexual girl, both in love with a bisexual boy. The main protagonist is the homosexual who aspires to be a ballet dancer, thanks to the influence of a lesbian aunt. The setting is 1970s Wisconsin.
  10. I shut my dog's nose in the car window today. I didn't know she still had her head out
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