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Posts posted by Matt1984

  1. helloooo!!!


    I just came home from theatre where I saw Disney's Enchanted!!! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    I strongly reccomend it to you all: it really lives up to its name!


    I also suggest you to go and see it with your partner (if you have any!)... It's the quintessential date movie!!! I really regret not having a significant other to go out and see it with! :P

    I guess I'll watch it someday with someone on DVD or something!


    btw: I identified myself with Prince Edward... lol

  2. It pisses me off to no extent, and I'm not even gay!

    I just can't believe the narrowmindedness of some people.

    I don't get how these idiots have the power to rule such huge countries.

    When will they get that people are people, period.


    *shakes fist*


    Just thank God or Fate or whatever of living in the Netherlands!!!! Northern Europe ROCKS!!! :punk:

  3. :sneaky2: I'm disgusted

    still hope some terrorists put a bomb in Quirinale while politicians are in seduta plenaria {all at work..impossible}:thumbdown:..but this could happened only in my dreams of frustrated italian citizen who's not represented by this absurd government..they're destroying our nation:boxed:


    We have to wait the day they have to vote for increasing their salary. I wish we could spare Rita Levi-Montalcini, because she's one of the few italians who make me proud to be italian too!!!


    Here's a pic of Clemente Mastella:




    Isn't he a cutie?

  4. I'm seriously considering attending the rescheduled gigs, hope matt'll join too :wub2:


    I really hope so! :) we'll see what happens.


    Anyway, I'm fuming with anger... As those of you who understand italian language can read here http://www.repubblica.it/2007/12/sezioni/politica/tensioni-unione-2/tensioni-unione-2/tensioni-unione-2.html , the italian minister of justice - along with his party - is publicly opposing a law that punishes sexual discrimination. I'm a little ashamed of being italian today. Especially since newspaper don't take a side and don't bother to explain the significance of this law.


    I get Mastella's way of reasoning though: he thinks homosexuality is a vice (do you remember by any chance his former party buddy Rocco Buttiglione, who was expelled from the EU Parliament for saying that homosexuality is a sin?), just like stealing or murdering, hence discriminating this kind of behaviour is necessery to correct it.


    I feel really sorry for Mastella and people like him who try all their best and use their power to impose their narrow point of view on others. No matter how hard they will struggle, they will be defeated someday. Hopefully.

  5. (certo... i microfonini all'estero farebbero comodo a tutti... però occhio che alla security della Brixton sono cattivissimi, ci sono certe signore energumene vestite di arancione che fanno paura)

    Aurelien è straordinario :mf_lustslow:

    deve aver avuto soltanto qualche problema di igiene personale in quanto credo che abbia aspettato qualche giorno prima di lavarsi la mano che una certa persona gli aveva stretto durante il concerto :naughty:

    Riguardo al fischio delle orecchie la cosa sarà reciproca perché sabato mi ha parlato benissimo di te :thumb_yello:


    eheheheh infatti pensavo di lasciarli a casa i microfonini... oppure potrei cammuffarli da panino! ^^

    forse l'ideale sarebbe integrarli in un copricapo elaborato in modo che non si vedano.


    oppure forse sarebbe il caso di chiedere a Mika e ai suoi qual è la loro policy riguardo alle registrazioni dei concerti, spiegando e mostrando loro che le registrazioni non vengono fatte a scopo di lucro o ai fini di promuovere la pirateria.

    Alcuni gruppi musicali (tipo i Pearl Jam :wub2: ) danno addirittura il permesso esplicito di registrare i loro concerti...

  6. okay, ho comprato un biglietto per il 26 su ticketweb... Brixton, wow! :D


    prima di comprarlo anche per il 25 cercherò di essere più sicuro della mia effettiva partecipazione! :punk:


    per il viaggio aereo vassi via tutti assieme o ognuno s'arrangia? :biggrin2:

    sicuramente io starei via almeno una settimanina...


    (uso il condizionale per scaramanzia!)


    P.S.: Allegra, se per caso ieri pomeriggio ti hanno fischiato le orecchie (qui a Bologna succede così a chi è oggetto delle chiacchere altrui, non so a milano!), era perché Aurélien lo ha passato a tessere le tue lodi con me! ^^

    W l'Allegra, che fa onore all'Italia all'estero!!!! :punk:

  7. senti...vuoi che ti cerco io il biglietto e lo tengo qui?

    poi se puoi venire bene, se no lo rivendo....però almeno siamo sicuri che c'è!


    rob, sei gentilissima! :mf_lustslow:

    però non vorrei approfittarne... magari ne riparliamo domani! :)


    matt...devi essere più deciso con i tuoi...pensaci un attimo...a torino avevi già il biglietto...e che cacchio!hai 20 anni,se nn fai ste robe adesso quando le fai?dipende tutto da te se loro ti lascian venire o no...daiii


    (molto) presto saranno già 23, ahimé! :P


    ...la notte porterà consiglio...

  8. se davvero siete intenzionati a venire, dovete sbrigarvi con i biglietti, c'è una corsa folle ad acchiappare quelli che vengono resi...e anche ql che alcuni di noi stanno vendendo perchè nn possono andare a febbraio....


    eh lo so... però l'iter burocratico qui a casa Pilati è piuttosto complicato... La mia proposta dovrà ottenere l'approvazione di Camera-Mamma e Senato-Babbo, dai quali sarò costretto a chiedere la fiducia per cercare di velocizzare i tempi.


    Potrei tentare un secondo colpo di Stato, ma il primo (Torino) non è andato granché bene, non vi pare? :P

  9. :Update:


    From Drownedmadonna.com:


    EXCLUSIVE - Drowned Madonna can tell you Madonna album listening party in details.


    The room was decked out in a candy theme, champagne was being served, candy everywhere you look for everyone. The conference room it was held in was totally transformed.


    There were red and white stripes & stools as the theme plus like colored bricks and lots of candy all over.


    There were all Re-Invention Tour stage shots in the room including a big poster that may be the cover of the Lisbon DVD. No other photos of anything else, just RIT.


    Madonna came at 5:30pm with Ingrid Casares and Guy Oseary, wearing all black - blouse, skirt, and boots. Liz Rosenberg was there of course, she is the one who organized the party and set up the theme.


    Madonna sat on a couch with Liz Rosenberg and Ingrid Casares as the tracks played.


    Madonna dictated what tracks would be played and specifically said they were not being played in any order.


    She said she had just finished mixing the album a few days ago.


    Madonna played "Candyshop," then "4 Minutes To Save The World" first. She then had a vote on which one would be the first single. She said many times throughout the session that the first single has yet ot be decided.


    She is all about "Candy Shop" and looked upset and surprised there was a better reaction to "4 Minutes To Save The World".


    "4 Minutes To Save The World" is like a dancey "Hey You". It goes something like "Hey girl, save the world...".



    "The Beat Goes On" sounds NOTHING like the demo we heard. As we told you, it features Kanyes West. Madonna said it's not a single. Madonna made the song out to seem like a joke.


    "Miles Away" and "The Devil Wouldn't Recognize You" has then been played.


    Many times she would not announce the names of songs before playing them but there were sogns with the following main hooks:


    "She's Not Me" , "Feel It In My Heartbeat" and "Dance Tonight" .


    There is also a song which Madonna called a "psychological mind f*ck" which questioned who was the master or slave, if youre walking the dog or the dogs walking you.


    Finally, Madonna said there are thirteen tracks, but she only played 10 songs.


    Once again no mention of Mika's involvement whatsoever but... there still could be! :naughty:


    P.S.: the demos of Candyshop and The Beat Goes On leaked months ago and... THOSE SONGS S@CK!!! I really hope the final versions will sound NOTHING like the demos. They were so beneath her.


    Madonna's music needs Mika's redemption!!!! :punk:

  10. helloooooo!!!


    I just came back from Teatro Comunale, where I attended a magical performance of Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker... :punk:


    I came to the conclusion that Danny Elfman must be Tchaikovsky reincarnation. And Tim Burton would be the perfect director to bring this fairytale on the silverscreen!!!


    And all those beautiful boys (and girls) in tights... All those beautiful buttocks! :°D My head is spinning!!! :naughty: lol

  11. :( it's the second time this happens to avoca... I'm so sorry for her. I wish I had her phone number to text her or something.


    I wish her and the rest of the fans that flew to london especially for these gigs will find a way to enjoy themselves anyway! :wink2:


    Get well soon Mika! :wub2: And please, hire a new manager who doesn't enjoy to strain you so much... :thumbdown:

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