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Everything posted by LollipopGirlSian

  1. OMG i know! And sunday is the day of the Leeds gig... and we still haven't got our details! Argh!
  2. That gave me such an urge to start singing Ring Ring!!!! Lol
  3. Same. This isn't evening, its Saturday night now lol
  4. Haha yeah that would be very mean! The suspense! Lol. At least CazGirl would probably be back to see everything though
  5. Last resort?? What do you mean? Argh im so paranoid its unbeliveable!! Still not heard anything from that email addy. And btw that story is very kool haha what a dream that would be
  6. Still no news London people? They leaving it a bit late aren't they? Either that or everyone has won and are shaking too much to type like i was yesterday haha!!
  7. Aww thank you! I'm well blushing now lol!
  8. OKK here it is!! I posted the still version rather than the animation cos there's a pic on the animation that I really don't like (I look like a right tart haha!) Yeah... the dress was too short for my liking! But I might try sort it out on the sewing machine before I wear it to the gig tommorrow!
  9. Wow really? I never knew that! But now I do, I can totally see it in the lyrics. Woo another random fact about July 7 to annoy my mates with. Cos about a year ago, I was going round for weeks saying 'Did you know that Gary Barlow from Take That helped rescue people on July 7th?'. Its amazing how much of a contribution even the most famous of people can have when something terrible like that happens.
  10. Ooooh yeh. Now THAT would be kool!! Although my pestering skills arent that brilliant, I'd probably just burst into tears and go 'why won't you let me in?' haha
  11. LOL know the feeling I've been glued to my computer all day waiting for news!!
  12. I got the message on myspace at 14.05 so thats waaay earlier. I guess that doesn't help lol
  13. Any news yet London people??? Good Luck to all of ya!!
  14. Yeahh its on the blog on Mika's myspace, its the animation that says LOLLIPOP in pink letters, and I'm in a pink dress. I'll try post it on here if I can find the link for it!
  15. And hopefully Leeds people will get replies to our emails with all the details on, cos we still don't know what is going on!! Lol
  16. Oooh thats so tight!!!! Well I hope you get the real 'you have won' message later!!!
  17. Haha yeah I don't know where it is either, but my dads gonna give my cousin who's taking me directions. Apparently he used to go to concerts there a lot in 'his student days' lol. Postcode should be on the internet somewhere I'd imagine. Aaah Google is great. Although I'm in a mood with it at the moment cos when I heard the gig was over 18s I searched to check and all the results it brought up said that it was. So I had a complete panic attack thinking I wouldn't get in, until Lauren said that her dad rang up and it was actually 14+!! All that stress for nothing! Haha. Oooh I'm still paranoid though. I won't settle until I've had a reply from that address lol.
  18. Nothing yet... I'm getting slightly concerned. All though if the Londond winners are being announced tonight, maybe they will contact us then when they are online lol. Glad I'm not the only one who's not had any info yet I was starting to panic lol!!
  19. Hey guys I got some bad news I can't make the party after all I asked my mum this morning and she said no cos i have to get at least SOME revision done tommorow, GCSEs coming up and all lol!! I'm lucky enough for her to let me go to the actual gig (I think when she agreed to let me enter the competition, she didnt think i would win haha!) so I'm not gonna complain! Hope u all have a great time anyway! And I might see you at the show... I'll be dressed up as Lollipop Girl so you probably couldnt miss me haha!!! x x x
  20. Eeee still can't believe i won!!!!! YEAH GOOD LUCK CAZ!! AND EVERYONE ELSE FROM MFC WHO FINDS OUT LATER!!! WOOO!!!!
  21. Ring round like ALL your parents friends and ask if anyone needs a babysitter!! I babysat for 4 hours yesterday and got £20 for it, perfect in time for the gig!!
  22. OMG IS THAT RIGHT?!?! Oh thank God for that I was having a COMPLETE panic attack thinking I wasn't gonna get in!! Thats what Leeds Uni said, 14+??? (I'm rather paranoid haha) Good luck getting the tickets btw
  23. Hopefully. OMGGGGG this is bad though I'm really small...... I'm rather worried now.... Anyway have to go for a bit, talk to u all later x x x
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